Guest juliannanight Posted April 15, 2009 Report Posted April 15, 2009 (edited) I'm a long time Beta for not only but also about 5 other websites. At the moment, I am not Beta'ing for anyone and would enjoy getting back in the swing of my favorite stories with some new writers. I will explain, in detail, the type(s) of Beta/Editor that I am, the types of stories I will co-write or what have you, and the ones that I will do just the run of the mill type projects. What I am "Known" for: I look out for grammer, though I'm not a grammer wiz. I check all spelling. I will find holes in items if you are misusing saying words in the English language like, "They, Their, There, There's" And so on. I'm pretty much a stick-ler for that. I am a known Co-Writer but ONLY for these stories (as of date though): Twilight, Harry Potter, Doctor Who and InuYasha. (This includes all movies, books/anime). I do almost any pairings in the shows/books/movies listed above that does include Slash. I am a loop hole, sentences not adding up, plots missed finder. I cannot stand when someone starts off a story about a girl meeting someone, breaking her arm, and the next thing you know, her arm is suddenly not spoken about being broken anymore.. Its like, it never happened, but you know it did, cause its there in black and white. Ya. I will make sure that, that sort of thing does not happen. I can brit pick (For things like Harry Potter). Everything that I get, I ask it to be in some form of a doc, so that I can download it into my computer, and run computer generated programs on it. The programs will check for anything that I (I am human after all) might somehow miss. I will not only turn back your copy as you sent it to me, but right under it, I will have that same copy covered in red ink and blue ink. The red ink is me showing you your mistakes. The blue, is either me helping with co-writing (if asked) or asking questions like, "What the heck happened to the girl having a broken arm???" You will then get another copy, of where I fixed those mistakes. I will give an example. Example: There were a bunch of gys there. I couldn't believe it. I wanted nothing more then to know were we were. This plaze was amzing!. There were a bunch of guys there, I couldn't believe it! I wanted nothing more then to know where we were. This place is amazing! I will take stories that aren't canon, that do not have canon characters and/or have original characters thrown in.What I Won't Do: I do make mistakes. I am human though I am one of very few Beta's that will use every program generated help that comes free online or that can be bought by disk (no matter the price) from a store. If I don't have it, I'd be overly amazed. If you want me to work with you, and ask for a co-writer, or someone to give imput on every last one of your chapters, then I expect you to give me imput on how you feel with me doing my job. If there is something you want more of, tell me. I am not on this planet just to make your life better. If you want your readers to have the best experience, and to make the best work, then the beta/editor needs to work with the author and visa versa. I will NOT change your story. I don't care what you 'hirer' me as, it will not happen. I'm not the author. It is why I will give you back the copy you first gave me with my changes done under it so that you can see exactly what you did, and exactly what I did and why. You never have to go with anything that I tell you or advise you to do. This should never work that way. The only stories I've ever had brought to me that I WILL NOT do is Lord of the Rings. I never got into the books, I don't know the movies by heart, and there are just words and things from that world you really need to know. This is the same with a lot of anime. If I've never seen the show, movie, anime or read the book. Then honestly, how do you expect me to give you anymore input other then, checking your spelling and grammer? If I don't understand the world your writing about, I will ask you every little detail and question that doesn't make sense to me and that literally just wastes both of our time. So don't bring me something I haven't put on the bottom of this list of things that I *can* do because I practically 'breathe' all forms of that certain topic (I.E. Harry Potter). What I have done in the past: Pairings and story Types: Harry Potter: Romance Angst Hurt/Comfort Slash Dark Fic (Though very few of these I've been given) Au OOC (Every few of these I 'will' do) Drama Action/Adventure I've only ever worked on Mature or Teen stories (pretty much 16 and up.) SS/HG HG/HP SS/HP AD/SS DM/HG HP/GW DM/GW What I have done in the past: Pairings and story Types: Twilight: Romance Angst Hurt/Comfort Au OOC Drama Action/Adventure I've only ever worked on Mature or Teen stories (pretty much 16 and up.) AC/JH EC/BS JH/BS (Any Original Characters) (I have to say that in all honesty my favorite charactor here and that I know the best is Jasper Hale, but I will work with any pairings for him or anyone else). EC/CC What I have done in the past: Pairings and story Types: Doctor Who: Romance Angst Hurt/Comfort Slash Au OOC (Every few of these I 'will' do) Drama Action/Adventure I've only ever worked on Mature or Teen stories (pretty much 16 and up.) 9/Rose 10/Rose 10 (Dup)/Rose Rose/Jack Jack/Rose/10 Jack/Rose/9 9/Jack 10/Jack 9/Jack/Micky Rose/Micky/9 Martha/10 What I have done in the past: Pairings and story Types: InuYasha: Romance Angst Hurt/Comfort Au OOC (Every few of these I 'will' do) Drama Action/Adventure I've only ever worked on Mature or Teen stories (pretty much 16 and up.) Kag/Inu Sess/Inu I will do just about any TV show. Its almost a gaunttee that I've seen it. And I've literally seen hundreds of movies. If you like anything you've heard, feel free to email me and in the heading write "Beta request" tell me what you're looking for and I will be blunt with you and tell you if I can help you with your project or not. I have also done MANY original fanfictions, and have also co-writed for a few of those as well. I do have references that I carry with me (authors names and websites you can find their works). I also have a Beta journal that I write in to allow all my authors to know how I am doing on their works. If you have a time frame, it would be nice to be told this. It normally takes me anywhere from 3-5 days to turn back a chapter depending on how long it is. If you need it back within a shorter amount of time, or what have you, I will need to know because i am a University student. So, last but not least. If you do in the end, choose me to be your beta please understand that I will stop the moment I find out that the author I am working for isn't giving me credit. A lot of people don't realize, that when we are credited in their stories, we get more 'customers/clients' which is good for 'us'. That really does make this a two way street lol. Julianna/Juliannanight Email: (I did not use any kind of check at the end of this. No grammer, no re-reading, and no 'spell checker'. I do want to show that I'm good. And I do have the proof of that. But I also want to show that I am human. I am not perfect. Nor will anyone else be that you come across). Edited April 15, 2009 by juliannanight Quote
Guest juliannanight Posted August 20, 2009 Report Posted August 20, 2009 I seem to suddenly be re-open for business. Adding on 3 new authors. Email if interested. Quote
emeraldwheelz Posted October 6, 2009 Report Posted October 6, 2009 Hey I'm looking for a Beta who has just your qualities my story is a M/M DM/HP, all I ask is to be regularly updated on the status of my story as my last beta did not and I'm afraid Ihad to fire them.The first chapter of my story is up but I want to get the other 11 chapters up ASAP I can be reached at my email or Quote
MadMadameMimm Posted October 6, 2009 Report Posted October 6, 2009 Hi there! I am looking for a beta for my Law and Order: CI fic.. Mainly help with my grammar and tenses, which I seem to be failing at. Would you consider helping me? Quote
Yamakodesu Posted December 22, 2009 Report Posted December 22, 2009 Hey, I'm looking for a Beta for my original stories I have 3 but you can pick one to do. my stories are called Blasian Love Chronicles because hey deal with interracial couples (Asian & African American). I actually only need you to do grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks and to makes sure it sounds right. Constructive Critisim always welcome. Let Me know Email Quote
Satai Delenn Posted January 13, 2010 Report Posted January 13, 2010 Hi, I posted a notice in the "Seeking Beta" section, but just read your notice here. I am looking for a beta who is reliable (as I have had 4 betas in the past two years who abandoned me, all due to personal crises in their lives, not because of any falling out between us; we all seemed to get along great). I currently write HP stories (only one posted though, and I HATE it, but it was an early fic of mine and the only one that I had completed, so.... *shrugs*), but I am taking writing classes and have branched out into original stories (but not for online posting. I'm hoping to get published one day... aren't we all? Lol) but I do have some short stories and poetry that I want to post. I tried posting at other sites, only to be rejected due to my punctuation (specifically, comma usage). The pairings I tend to do are SS/OC but the one I've pulled out from the "dusty closet" that I'm working on right now is an SS/OC, OC/RL fic. It is also a dark fic, which tends to be the norm of what I write, with the exception of the fic I have posted elsewhere which was a PWP that had a (bad) attempt at humor, and is the one I hate. I don't have a title for the current one aside from "Snapefic" which is kind of funny since my Remus!muse took over and it's turning into a Remus fic with a Snape subplot. I really want to get this current story that I'm working on beta'd and start posting it, so I'd really appreciate your help. I need someone who is reliable, understanding, patient, and keeps in communication with me, even if it's just a "Hi, got your chapter/section, I'll get it back to you in "x" days" and if you have a delay for whatever reason, just tell me, please. I am flexible about getting stuff back so long as you tell me it will take additional time for you to go through my stuff. I also need someone who can Brit Pick (as I'm American. I do have good grammar, spelling, etc. skills, and I can sometimes use proper British spellings thanks to having spent the past five years talking to people from the U.K. and learning how they talk, write, etc., but, like you, I'm not perfect and I could use some back up in that department, especially when coming up with food ideas since there are a lot of British foods that I am totally baffled by), as well as someone who can give me advice on working out plot holes (as you mentioned with the girl with the broken arm). I am getting better at this, but I still need work in this department. I also need assistance with details. Again, thanks to my writing classes, I'm getting better, but it just isn't natural for me to put lots of small descriptive details into my stories (and have it sound natural, and not forced). So, if you decide you can take on another "author" and you think you can work with me, please let me know. I really would love to have your assistance. My email is private, but I'd be happy to give it to you via PM if you decide to take me on. Sorry to have rambled so much. Thank you! Delenn Quote
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