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How The Hell Did This Happen?

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Guest Nympho

Ok, before I tell you what's got me so riled up, let me lay down a few basic facts about my little sister Sharon and I.

1. Despite being daddy's girl, I was the rebel of the family.

2. Whereas my little sis wasn't so comfortable with herself, I was perfectly in touch with my own sexuality.

3. I like to show a lot of skin, Sharon is barely comfortable baring her belly.

4. I was the one mama kept a close eye on when it comes to boys, Shar always dated good Christian boys.

So how the hell did I wind up making it to 19 with my virginity intact, while she is turning sixteen on the 24th and is pregnant by her boyfriend who just turned twenty a few days ago?????

What the hell?

Guest Evil_Labs

That is most unfortunate for her. :\

I could make all sorts of assumptions and disparaging comments, but that wouldn't be really fair. Still, I do think that all this talk of abstience and getting rid of sex ed doesn't help the situation any.


WHAT THE FUCK!? Could be worst, my boy's girlfiend. Her SISTER is only THIRTEEN 13 AND SHE's ALREAD KNOCKED UP!

Its possible that because you're so open and out there, that don't have to prove you are what you are yet you sister who's so shy had to prove her feminineity by walking the walk. Sex Ed was a kick ass class, who the fuck took it out of schools? DUbya? Fucking IDIOT! HW was a better president. Since you're mother was more protective of you, you may have subconsciencely known how far you watned to go where your sister who wasn't watched over as much wanted to gain attention. I'm not a psychiatrist, this ss just a guess.

Guest atOmicsquidd

Geez, when I was 13, sex was the last thing I was worried about. I was more concerned about acheiving the right shade of blue for my hair. Take the pill, kids suck.

(no offense to kids) wink.gif

Guest Nympho

Update: Since she's so young they went ahead and did an ultrasound. They can't tell for sure but there is a slim chance that she's having twins. They're going to do another one in a few weeks to check.

My sis and her fiancee have decided to keep the baby instead of putting it up for adoption and are planning to marry in June. Goddess help me but they're asking me to be it's godmother instead of just it's aunt. The constant baby-sitting for my other sister's may have been a factor there.

Update: Since she's so young they went ahead and did an ultrasound. They can't tell for sure but there is a slim chance that she's having twins. They're going to do another one in a few weeks to check.

My sis and her fiancee have decided to keep the baby instead of putting it up for adoption and are planning to marry in June. Goddess help me but they're asking me to be it's godmother instead of just it's aunt. The constant baby-sitting for my other sister's may have been a factor there.

BLOODY HELL! Well when she's 31 she'll have her life to live! That's one way to look at it, kid/s will be in college. The ONLY good way to look at it. Atleast he's doing the right thing. But yeah being a Godparent can be a big thing, I've LONG agreed to my older sister than once she delievers successfully (She's had two or three still borns). Even though she's not the same religion as me by her own choice, I'll still raise the child/children in according to her wishes. This might have a good effect on you in the long run Nymph.

Guest Corvis

I got pregnant when I was 16.

It's rough. She's got a long road ahead of her. My ex left me and left town when he found out. Good thing too, guy was a waste.

I really hope things turn out well for her, I'm 23 and married now and expecting my 3rd baby. But when I think back to those days, it's still a wonder I am where I am.

Best wishes to her. And you for that matter.

Guest atOmicsquidd

Twins? Woo! My brother's wife had twins and it was non-stop with those two (boys BTW), if one was fussy, the other slept, then it would resume with the other baby the next time, and then after that, BOTH!. They took turns!! Evil lil' boogers. *sigh* But I would do anything for them...dammitt....oh yeah, they have five boys total....DAMMITT.


I got pregnant when I was 16.

It's rough. She's got a long road ahead of her. My ex left me and left town when he found out. Good thing too, guy was a waste.

I really hope things turn out well for her, I'm 23 and married now and expecting my 3rd baby. But when I think back to those days, it's still a wonder I am where I am.

Best wishes to her. And you for that matter.

FUCKING ROUGH CORVIS. But Loves a strange thing. Children sometimes help to. I was watching some Tyler Perry movies, those are really good relationship movies. I sometimes wonder myself "where am I at?". I mean, am I doing whats best for me? My family? My future? My best friend who's also my lover (sappy but true) I often stop to think to myself, I know we think of each other as friends, but does she also see me as her lover or just a one time romantic fling we shared? I cannot help but think back. ERRR I think I'll make a topic for the rest of this post.


I think that in this society, one of the worst things we can do is judge a young girl for being pregnant. Because there is SO much information out there, and so many ways of preventing such an occurence, people become really surprised and shocked when it happens.

My brother's wife's mother's mother was married at 14 and had like thirteen or fourteen children. Nobody thought it was unusual. They lived on a farm, and raised their children. What's life about anyway?

Sometimes I think we live in such a crazy society. We don't take care of one another properly.

What is love? Condemning her, or accepting life as it comes?

Birth control pills are made from the piss of pregnant mares, so who wants to eat that? It can't possibly be good for your body.


Well, the sure-fire way for a woman to lose her virginity is to go into a frat house and say "I am soooo drunk." For a guy, it's simple: Pay for it.

Today's Doonsberry cartoon states that conservatives are more likely to have more kids than liberals. Probably because they're more adverse to using contraception.

I happen to work in the birth records department of a major city (Dallas, Texas.) One of the things that makes me worried for our future generations is the quality of parents that come in. We have signs posted (in English and Spanish) as well as announce in English and Spanish every hour about how to get a birth certificate. Despite all this, even afer JUST ANNOUNCING THIS, we still have people who come up to us and ask "What do I need for a birth certificate?" mad.gif

We also have people call up and ask the same question. It's only three things one needs: a valid photo ID, $23 cash (most states are cheaper than Texas) and fill out the form. We still have people who SCREW THIS UP. In fact, about every 10 customers or so we get one idiot that's so dumb we have to fill out the form for him/her (even though s/he can read.) The form merely asks for the person's name, date of birth, parents names, and why they need the birth certificate. It's pretty evenly distributed as to what they screw up.

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

Oish! I'm 18 and the two times I thought I was preggers was scary, I can only imagine how you, her and your family must be taking it.

About HOW the stats work out, is it really that shocking? It's usually is the one that noone's watching that does what everyone fears so much will happen to another. Since they kept such close tabs on you, is it safe to say it was probably harder for you to try and get away with something? You're likely the one to get all the talks and nagging about sex, while your sister, who showed less signs of permiscuity, likely didn't and was less kept after leaving it more of a chance that she would lose her virginity or do something your parents expected of her. It's really not that far fetched, though at first it does seem surprising.

Of course, all of the above is mere speculation, for I don't know you, your sister, or how you were both raised.


One of my daughter's friends is pregnant and she's fourteen. She's picking out names for the kid, and I would never want to make her feel bad about her descision or judge her because of her stupidity or youth. (Still, people talk behind her back)

I've been developing a theory, and although its a joke, I've noticed that once you see a pregnant woman, you notice it everywhere, and suddenly within a week or so, the news has doubled or tripled. I think its a disease we catch. Well, that only girls catch. Boys DO have boy germs and you definitely SHOULD keep away from them! LOL

My mind gives me no end of entertainment.

(It was a theory I developed when I was pregnant with my first kid. I suddenly noticed lots of pregnant women around)

(aside): I stood out on our deck, communing with the Powers That Be, and I wondered why this all happens. Why can't we just be..neutrals?

An answer was swiftly delivered by speed of thought: "Women are the repository of souls."

That took my breath away.

I guess I didn't address the main issue though..you being the rebel and your sister being the demure girl. It's really like this: you were probably going forth to do something rebellious, so you armed yourself accordingly. She, on the other hand, probably wasn't expecting that, and probably feels way more guilt than you. If she was anything like me (the second sister) she probably heard a lot from her parents about "what to do with the older sister?" Her reaction was to seem as straight-laced as possible, so that she wouldn't alarm them as "ahem" (sorry) you did.

When I heard my parents talking (actually, arguing, raised voices and everything) about my sister, I wanted to hide in my room for the rest of my life and have nothing to do with anyone. It seemed the safest course. So, maybe that gives you an inkling into the psychology of it.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Guest DarkVampWriter

that's how the world is today too fast for the young ones

kids having kids oh well.... I dont even want to start on this one it's really difficult to know why stuff like this happens

Guest Nympho

NOT TWINS!!! Shar is insane with relief. She and Michael are getting married on July 1st. She already has a dress and everything. I'm making a sheet set for a wedding present. She's wanted me to meke her one ever since I gave them to my two married sisters for Christmas two years ago. I told her I'd go through that headache again when she got married. I kinda figured I'd have a few more years, but what is done is done. Nothing to do now but move foward.

In retrospect I suppose I should have guessed she was already sexually active. My three older sisters were at that age. Nicki and Lissa now have 3 children each and are married, though Nicki is getting a divorce. Roxanne went into the army and can get the pill pretty cheap, so no kids for her.

Maybe my mom watched me closer because Nicki and Lissa got pregnant so young, and when she saw I wasn't going out and having sex she decided she didn't need to worry about the rest of us as much.

My youngest sister is more than a little pissed off at Sharon right now. Since Sharon got pregnant mom has changed the age Zoe can start dating from 15 to 18, and she's not kidding. I personally don't think it's fair to make Zoe pay for Shar's mistakes, but good luck trying to convince my mom of that.

NOT TWINS!!! Shar is insane with relief. She and Michael are getting married on June 1st. She already has a dress and everything. I'm making a sheet set for a wedding present. She's wanted me to meke her one ever since I gave them to my two married sisters for Christmas two years ago. I told her I'd go through that headache again when she got married. I kinda figured I'd have a few more years, but what is done is done. Nothing to do now but move foward.

In retrospect I suppose I should have guessed she was already sexually active. My three older sisters were at that age. Nicki and Lissa now have 3 children each and are married, though Nicki is getting a divorce. Roxanne went into the army and can get the pill pretty cheap, so no kids for her.

Maybe my mom watched me closer because Nicki and Lissa got pregnant so young, and when she saw I wasn't going out and having sex she decided she didn't need to worry about the rest of us as much.

My youngest sister is more than a little pissed off at Sharon right now. Since Sharon got pregnant mom has changed the age Zoe can start dating from 15 to 18, and she's not kidding. I personally don't think it's fair to make Zoe pay for Shar's mistakes, but good luck trying to convince my mom of that.

j00 = t3h w1nn3r!!~!1111!!1 Umm gratz?

SJ: Think that's bad? I did some research on the Hart family (Canada's First Family of Wrestling like the Guerrero's are Mexico's First Family of Wrestling) and one of them (Stu Hart) had one wife (Helen I think) and hse had twelve kids (9 sons and 3 daughters) tell me that isn't a large family who isn't a farming family. On a farm, especially in olden days, you expected to have atlast four kids to just help out with keeping the farm up and running. Your speculations do seem really accurate for a number of people I know in my whore capitol of Western PA.

Quamp: I'm not even going to being to tell you on how many levels that was wrong. But yeah peole are stupid, we up here in the North call ya'll stupid? I know so many traffic alone related stories that puts the good ol' red neck boys, hill billies, slack jawed yokals etc. to shame.

DakrVampWriter: I could not have said/posted any better myself.

  • 4 weeks later...
Birth control pills are made from the piss of pregnant mares, so who wants to eat that? It can't possibly be good for your body.

Me because I really don't wanna get pregnant!

Me and my sister were told about sex at a young age by my mum who told us, do it when you are ready and take precations, come to me if you need some. Both me and my sister didn't have sex until we were in our twenties.

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