Blue Rain Posted January 12, 2009 Report Posted January 12, 2009 Thanks for adding the Arcana Heart section. I'll be sure to upload stories post haste.
Guest Screwloose Posted January 25, 2009 Report Posted January 25, 2009 (edited) Wow, I haven't been here in a while (mainly because I stopped writing Mother 3: Rage Awakened; I keep forgetting to delete it). I've always found Super Smash Bros. to be a pairing gold mine when you consider all the possibilities... but am somewhat appalled to see that, after all this time, there's no section for it! And as a result, the few SSB stories on the site are scattered all over the place and are nigh impossible to find. I will kindly fill in a request to try and rectify this now: -------------------- Catagory name: Super Smash Brothers Section catagory to be in: Games Do you have any stories for it?: Not yet, but I plan to make one. -------------------- If you can finally get this section onto the site, I'd really appreciate it. -added Edited February 8, 2009 by DemonGoddess061
Guest Jormungandr Posted February 3, 2009 Report Posted February 3, 2009 (edited) Grandia 1&2, in the Games section, should just be Grandia, since there are more games in that series besides 1 and 2 now. -edited the title for that section to show Grandia (ALL), for now. Edited February 8, 2009 by DemonGoddess061
8inchCaliper Posted February 7, 2009 Report Posted February 7, 2009 (edited) Hello! I'd like to request a Touched by an Angel section to be added to the television category. I have one completed story I'd like to post that I already posted at - and I have one other story I can post the first chapter to as well. I wasn't sure if there wasn't one for any particular reason or... I dunno. Anyway, thats the request. thanks, 8inches -added Edited February 8, 2009 by DemonGoddess061
DemonGoddess Posted February 7, 2009 Report Posted February 7, 2009 Okay, will get to this very likely's my bed time, and then I gotta go to work yet today.
8inchCaliper Posted February 8, 2009 Report Posted February 8, 2009 OOh! Goodie! Thanks so much! i can't wait... *does a little dance* Now I can finish that fic and get it all polished and ready! yay!
vinsmouse Posted February 10, 2009 Report Posted February 10, 2009 (edited) I have a request for a new category: High Mountain Rangers/Jesse Hawkes Television I have one completed story posted in the misc t.v. shows section and another that I have 7 chapters posted in the same category. Could easily transer them if you create the category, or at least the one that's incomplete. Thanks, Mouse -added Edited February 26, 2009 by DemonGoddess061
DemonGoddess Posted February 12, 2009 Report Posted February 12, 2009 mouse, the name of the show is High Mountain Rangers, not Jesse Hawkes, right? Just clarifying..
salarta Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 (edited) A few of them. Category name: Guitar Hero Section category to be in: Games -> G through L Do you have any stories for it?: Yes, and I've seen at least two others currently in the Misc. games section. -added Category name: Folklore (or its Japanese name, 'FolksSoul') Section category to be in: Games -> A through F Do you have any stories for it?: Yes, and I've seen one other entry for this game placed in the Misc. Games section. -added Category name: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Section category to be in: Final Fantasy -> Final Fantasy Anime Do you have any stories for it?: Not yet, but I'd like to in the future with the right inspiration and time. -not added Category name: General Section category to be in: Final Fantasy -> Final Fantasy Anime Do you have any stories for it?: No. added all the subcats that should've been there before (i.e. General, Crossovers, Het, and etc) Final Fantasy has the following properties that would fall under Final Fantasy Anime. FF7:AC, FF:U, FF7: Last Order, FF: Legend of the Crystals, FF: The Spirits Within. Currently, the Final Fantasy Anime section only allows for FF7:AC, FF:U and round robin fics. Regardless of if any of the films/animes not currently on there get their own section, we need at least a general section for if someone has a story that doesn't fit into one of the other categories (e.g. if a new film or anime gets announced and someone immediately jumps on a fic based on the propaganda). Edited February 26, 2009 by DemonGoddess061
DemonGoddess Posted February 14, 2009 Report Posted February 14, 2009 Coulda SWORN I had a general category in final fantasy anime. urrk. Anyhoo....will get to all this a bit later, if not tomorrow.
vinsmouse Posted February 16, 2009 Report Posted February 16, 2009 DemonGoddess061 said: mouse, the name of the show is High Mountain Rangers, not Jesse Hawkes, right? Just clarifying.. Actually it's kind of both. It ran in 1988 as High Mountain Rangers and came back for the 1989 season as Jesse Hawkes. I mentioned both show names because I didn't want to be legally wrong. I would imagine that just using High Mountain Rangers in the category name would work fine. Thanks, Mouse
sqevans2 Posted February 17, 2009 Report Posted February 17, 2009 Catagory name: Total Drama Island Section catagory to be in: Cartoons Do you have any stories for it?: Yes. I have 2 stories for it, and I noticed another author had one. I also saw a good adult story on a different site, and I'd tell that person about aff. Thanks. --added
Miss Arrancar Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 (edited) Catagory name: Megaman Battle Network Section catagory to be in: subcategory for the Megaman category Do you have any stories for it?: no, but there are already more than 10 stories for it Actually, that would be a separate subcategory at the same level as this one. Thing is, if I add it, there's no guarantee the authors will move them. So, this could just as easily wait until we get there for sorting. not added. Edited February 26, 2009 by DemonGoddess061
vinsmouse Posted February 26, 2009 Report Posted February 26, 2009 Thanks for getting the category I requested added. Moved my stories to it. Mouse
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