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Posted (edited)

Well lets see. In my author pannel it says that my story is posted and that I have reviews for it. But when I tell some one about it they can never find it, even I can't find it.

So if at all posible I would like some help here is my author profile to make it easy: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296827847

You will see I only have one story posted when I should have two one in cartoons and the other in anime. The one in cartoons is called Peace and War Is Here:


And the one that should be in the anime section is called End of Dreams and it should be here:


But it is not which is making me upset cause I work hard and want to share it with the world but I can't cause it's not there.

Please Admin help me find out what the heck is going on this is kinda troubleing. I'm wondering if I did something wrong here.

Please Help


Edited by m.plantz

What are the titles? What it LOOKS like to me, is that they were likely hidden because the disclaimers were not quite right.

You can still access them from your user panel, yes?

Posted (edited)
What are the titles? What it LOOKS like to me, is that they were likely hidden because the disclaimers were not quite right.

You can still access them from your user panel, yes?

The title of the story I can't find just by looking in the catagories/stories where the story SHOULD be is End of Dreams and it should be in the Anime/.-F/Evangelion/Then the story should be listed.

I can try to check the Disclaimer but it is the same as my other story, and that story is posted just fine. (At least I think it is.) So I will try that, and if it works I will reply again to tell you the problem is solved. If not I will reply asking for more help.

Thanks Goddess


Edited by m.plantz
Posted (edited)
Ah ok. I looked it up in our worksheet for this, and it's listed as not having a profit statement added to the disclaimer. That would be why it was hidden.

Well I checked and double checked... HA HA... I belive that the story disclaimer is now proper and worthy of posting.

When I compaierd my other story to this one. I found that was indeed what is was missing without even having to come back here to see if you had posted a reply.

Now, if you would like me to go through the traditional channels to get it reposted, (disclaimers@adultfannfiction.net) since you have ben so helpfull I will go ahead and do that, and not trouble you anymore.

Thank you so much for you help (guideing this bumpkin) to the right source of the problem. I am just glad that we have someone like you here, who is knowlegable enough to never faulter.

Thank-You Very Much Goddess you have been a big help.


Edited by m.plantz

Thank-You so much Goddess.

I will try not to let this happen again. Because I fell that I am wasteing your time with this.

Thank-You Again,




It's more time consuming the back and forth stuff, I think. Than the actual mechanics of hiding/unhiding. THAT'S quick. 'sokay though, it's part of my job after all....so not ever a bother

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