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I have had WRITERS BLOCK for a bloody year now! Well close to a year. I have storys here that are not finished and that is my huge problem. I know where I want the story to go but am having trouble getting them there. And the lack of reviews have me heart broken!

BTW Im Back if anyone missed me haha :)


This fandom is stingy with reviews. I've got one posted both here and on FF. FF has 55 reviews, while AFF has less than 10. So don't let it bother you....

Welcome back!

This fandom is stingy with reviews. I've got one posted both here and on FF. FF has 55 reviews, while AFF has less than 10. So don't let it bother you....

Welcome back!

Thanks and what is FF? im relearning a whole lot of things. Sucks to be gone for so long! Have you checked out my storys?

Thanks and what is FF? im relearning a whole lot of things. Sucks to be gone for so long! Have you checked out my storys?

FF= fanfiction.net, which has a larger reader base because it has a broader scope that doesn't just include all the sexual and/or mature stuff found here. Given the same fic (assuming it is qualified to be posted on both websites) FF will invariably get more views/reviews. Believe me, you should be happy just to be getting any reviews at all. I was a reader of AFF since 2003 or earlier and didn't even consider posting a review until 2005/2006. It doesn't mean everything I've read up until that point was crap. Most were done very well. It just means that it never crossed my mind that authors enjoyed input from their readers. I only realized that fact until I became an author myself, shortly thereafter beganning to crave reviews like nobody's business. It took me a while to get any reviews at all, so don't be too put off. You've only been here since late 2007 (when your first story went up) and I'd say judging by the hit count and the fact that you have 3-4 reviews for each piece is a very admirable trait.

I'm not generally into HP fanfiction, but if you need critical feedback, I'd be happy to give it.

FF= fanfiction.net, which has a larger reader base because it has a broader scope that doesn't just include all the sexual and/or mature stuff found here. Given the same fic (assuming it is qualified to be posted on both websites) FF will invariably get more views/reviews. Believe me, you should be happy just to be getting any reviews at all. I was a reader of AFF since 2003 or earlier and didn't even consider posting a review until 2005/2006. It doesn't mean everything I've read up until that point was crap. Most were done very well. It just means that it never crossed my mind that authors enjoyed input from their readers. I only realized that fact until I became an author myself, shortly thereafter beganning to crave reviews like nobody's business. It took me a while to get any reviews at all, so don't be too put off. You've only been here since late 2007 (when your first story went up) and I'd say judging by the hit count and the fact that you have 3-4 reviews for each piece is a very admirable trait.

I'm not generally into HP fanfiction, but if you need critical feedback, I'd be happy to give it.

thanks i do need the feedback. with all 3 storys i have, i have 14 reviews and none of them are to bad which is good because believe it or not i do work hard on my storys i just have a really hard time coming up with ideas thats why i ask for a ghost writer to help me create some of the dry spots. The Challenge wasnt too hard its the sequill (hehe)thats the hard one. Its hard to get Ginny to do what i want her to do and make it believeable....

And from what i read about FF it seems i am good here anyway lol... Go have a look at my storys i try hard to keep it in the HP realm. (thats for everyone in gen hehe)


It's easy to get anyone to do something you asked of them. You gotta give the villain a trump card.

I used blackmail for two of my pieces. The one with Lara Croft turned out nicely. For you, think of something magical that Lucius could do besides the unforgivables.

Try the confundus charm. Make Ginny unwittingly drink pumpkin juice laced with love potion and/or whatever other potion Lucius chooses.

It's easy to get anyone to do something you asked of them. You gotta give the villain a trump card.

I used blackmail for two of my pieces. The one with Lara Croft turned out nicely. For you, think of something magical that Lucius could do besides the unforgivables.

Try the confundus charm. Make Ginny unwittingly drink pumpkin juice laced with love potion and/or whatever other potion Lucius chooses.

hmm i did that with hermione though. I have a hard time writing sex scenes... thats why i keep puting them off. Lucius is evil so he wouldnt think of using a safe charm. If you can help me out im open to any of your sugestions. The best works have a co-writer..... Thank you for the Reviews btw.


I don't co-write or ghost write on principal. A while back I had promised someone if they'd set up a scene with Beauty and the Beast I'd plug in the sex scenes; then I realized that the only writing style I'm comfortable writing in is my own. every writer has his own style, and I find it hard to get into the writing mood for continuing or adding to a piece unless everything else was set up by me. It doesn't mean my writing is better than everyone elses, it just means I do things my own way.

if you used magic/potions for Hermione, then you could switch gears and do physical with Ginny. Maybe she becomes turned on by forced rough sex. Or Hermione's part could see a further expansion where Lucius confunds/imperious Hermione, then have her draw Ginny out into the open. This also opens up the way for a threesome if you so choose.

If you prefer getting advice over email I could do that too. Just PM me.

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