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Welome to my second challenge!


1)Harry's fiance(Ginny)dies and leaves Harry an 18 Year Old Virgin(Ginny wanted to wait!)

2)Harry stumbles upon a prostitute or brothel and meets Pansy

3)Harry loses virginity to Pansy and quickly begins to fall in love.

4)Pansy doesn't return Harry's feelings right away

5)Harry catches and watches Pansy with other men(Pansy has no idea)

6)Harry/Pansy fight(Explains how he wants to be with her/date her)---Pansy agrees to a date.

7)Harry/Pansy date goes well(Harry explains she was his first/His past with Ginny)

8)Harry takes Pansy home(Kissing leads to SEX!)Lol.

9)Post sex Harry states his insecurities(That He can't please her)--Pansy says it's different and better in a different way(She begins to fall in love with him)

10)Harry asks Pansy for a second date(She agrees)After Date they have SEX(Harry asks Pansy to teach him how to please her)

11)Pansy's Sex Lessons(Multiple Chapters!)

--a)Kissing(Pansy thinks he's a good kisser)

--b)Massaging(Pansy teaches Harry how to massage her breasts)

--c)Pansy gives Harry a Hand Job/Pansy teaches him how to finger her

--d)Pansy gives Harry Oral/Pansy teaches him how to return the favor

--e)Pansy/Harry have sex in different positions(Pansy teaches him advance techniques)

12)Harry introduces her to The Weasley's(Their Happy For Harry)

--a)Harry/Pansy leave and shag at Harry's Flat(Than again in the shower)

13)More Sex Scenes!!!!

--a)On A Broom

--b)In The Kitchen

--c)In Harry's Car(Harry's Rich!So nice car!)

--d)Any other Possible idea's!(Be Creative!)

14)Harry tells Pansy he loves her(She loves him back)

--a)Passionate Sex in living room!

15)Harry proposes(Pansy Accepts)

--a)More sex!

16)Wedding Night(More Sex!!)

17)Epilogue(Harry/Pansy Have 3 Children)

IMPORTANT:Everything stated above isn't neccesary however the basic plot(Harry falls in love with Pansy who is a prostitute is!)

Also there should be ALOT of in depth sex scenes!

Feel free to ask any questions!

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