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Thank you for coming to take a look at my promotion.

Rocket Rapture is a story that takes place within the Pokemon Adventures Manga rather than one of the games or the anime. I tried really hard to make it flow smoothly to anyone with basic knowledge from the game or anime series though since I am well aware the manga wasn't a huge seller in the United States. The character portrayal in the manga just felt more personal in the manga (at least to me) than in the anime, like you can relate to them better.

The story basically follows the "What if..." line of "What would happen if (Red/Ash/Satoshi) joined Team Rocket?" and looks at the differences in the world from many perspectives.

In the original manga, Red has a ferocious battle at the Viridian City Gym with Gym Leader who is also the mastermind behind the gang Team Rocket, Mr. Giovanni. Giovanni made Red a bet that if Red was able to best Giovanni in a Pokemon battle that he would disband Team Rocket for good, but that otherwise Red would have to join Team Rocket and battle for them for the rest of his life. Of course in the book, Red was able to miraculously defeat Giovanni at the very end but somehow electrocuting his ground pokemon with his Pikachu... This new Fanfic begins without a miracle, and Red ultimately being forced into servitute to Giovanni to assist with Rocket's End-Game goal.

The story also romantically pairs Red with the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni.

Title: Rocket Rapture

Author: Revu

Rating: Adult++

Summary: At the Viridian City Gym, Giovanni heightens the stakes by making a bet with Red on the outcome of the battle. If Red wins, Giovanni will desolve Team Rocket forever, but if Giovanni wins then Red will spend the rest of his life serving him.

Feedback: I'm really trying to improve my writing abilities, so I ask anyone who reads my stories to please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong, leave me feedback on what I could have done to make the story flow smoother, or any advice in general on my writing style. Of course anyone who just wants to let me know they're enjoying the story is welcome too.

Fandom: Pokemon > Yaoi

URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600045415

Thank you very much!


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