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Title: From Russia, With Love

Author: Number9Dream

Rating: Adult +

Summary: A 20 year old college student finds herself in a strange situation with a Russian cashier who works at a convenience store she visits every day after school with her friends after she befriends him and refuses his advances.

Pairings: Vladimir Kozlov/Self Insertion

Warnings: Very strong language, graphic and violent sex scenes

Feedback: Constructive criticism and feedback is greatly appreciated, even if you hate it or even if you don't watch wrestling and don't get it (the fic isn't even wrestling-based anyway, I just took the guy out of WWE and placed him in a "real-life" environment). I'd like to know how to improve my writing.

Fandom: WWE General

URL: http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092795

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