Guest Chilli Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 Okay, this may be a touchy subject and I don't really mean to offend anyone. I love this pairing and I KNOW there a many lovers of Kurama/Yusuke in the fandom...yet I don't see many stories about them. The only thing I see are Hiei/Kurama ad naseaum. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good Hiei/Kurama fic, however, a steady diet of such is being to really turn me off the fandom. And before anyone gets on my case about Yusuke/Kurama pairing and 'Why don't I write a story about them' I am. I have about three in the works. Quote
Guest Apollo Posted December 3, 2005 Report Posted December 3, 2005 It's created for you! Originally we only pulled fandoms that have more that 1000 fics in them. But I will add more if there are requests for them:) Quote
Guest Big Samurai Posted December 4, 2005 Report Posted December 4, 2005 Hiei / Kurama has been a staple of the fandom since ... at least '99, when I was first introduced to it. Even then, it had been around for a while. I think that, in the Big Book of Yaoi, they occupy a position not unlike that of one of the Four Gospels. Thus, if it seems like there is too much of it, it might just be that it has been around for so long that it has had time to snowball. ... Truth be told, this is the first I have heard of Kurama / Yuusuke. Quote
Guest Chilli Posted December 4, 2005 Report Posted December 4, 2005 I think I'm just contrary-lol! In just about every fandom I'm in, I seem to be the odd 'man' out. I always seem to wind up liking the underappreciated slash pairing. Like in the Buffy/Angel fandom-Angel/Xander is my favorite but Spike/Xander dominates; Sorcerer Hunters-Marron/Carrot (yes, I know they're brothers!) but Marron/Gateau dominiates; Hercules/Xena-weird of me, but I love Herc/Ares, but Iolaus/Herc dominates Anyway, I guess the reason why I enjoy the Kurama/Yusuke pairing is because they sorta fit together, with each one bringing some aspect to the pairing. Yusuke brings excitment and adventure, while Kurama brings commonsense and practicality. They balance each other. Kurama keeps Yusuke firmly in the here and now while Yusuke teaches Kurama how to dream in color. And I just don't see that happening between Kurama and Hiei. There just doesn't seem that 'spark'. Hiei is generally cold and remote (and yes, people often write about him thawing for Kurama) while Kurama epitomes cool, calm reasoning. I can see them being friends, but I guess I just don't see the passion...the fire that I potentially see could exist between Yusuke and Kurama. Quote
Guest Big Samurai Posted December 5, 2005 Report Posted December 5, 2005 Hiei / Kurama is the Goku / Vegeta of YYH. ... I guess that Kurama / Yuusuke might be the equivalent of Goku / Yamucha. (I do not think that Goku / Yamucha is the least bit common in that fandom, but, then, I do not know too much about DBZ fandom as it is.) It is a trend, from what I have seen, for yaoi writers to pair up the least likely couples in a given group. Thus, you get Hiei / Kurama instead of Kurama / Yuusuke, plus Spike / Xander -- that just about merits a WTF? notice, IMO -- in place of Angel / Xander. Oh, well, there could always be Kurama / Kuwabara. Quote
Guest Dominic Shade Posted December 24, 2005 Report Posted December 24, 2005 Hiei / Kurama is the Goku / Vegeta Goku and Vegeta would more likely be Kuwabara/Hiei. One cold and hot, the other kinda dumb and hot...yes I think Kuwabara is hot . But I've read some good fiction on Kurama/ really hot, steamy....ahem...yes I like the coupling. Quote
Guest ookamijudge Posted December 24, 2005 Report Posted December 24, 2005 Goku/Vegeta *twitches* ok that is just one pairing i can't stand and is actualy one of the few things that i just will /NOT read a fic for. Nope no DBZ fics for me, i like the show to much-minus the whole Vegeta Bulma thing-to actualy be able to read the fics. Though i agree about the not haveing heard of Yuuske and Kurama, dont think i have ever read a fic with them together except this one-or maybe two-that was Hiei, Kurama, and Yuuske. It might be something i have to check out. Quote
Guest Dominic Shade Posted December 29, 2005 Report Posted December 29, 2005 Okay peeps, this is for all ya'll who've never read a decent Kurama/Yusuke fict. This is the best yaoi story I've read in a while so check it out. Lol, just tell the author I sent you. And seriously...if you don't cream you're panties after reading this...then something's wrong with you. Quote
Guest Chilli Posted December 30, 2005 Report Posted December 30, 2005 Yeah, it's a hot story alright! I remember reading it some time ago and eagerly look forward to the next intallment. Though I'll admit, it's kinda hard to believe Kurama would willingly allow Yusuke to dominiate him however, I'm willing to suspend belief as long as the author continues this scorchingly hot story! By the way Dominic, where are you getting your pictures? Are these something you've drawn...? Because I gotta tell ya, me and the girls really REALLY want those pictures! Quote
Guest Dominic Shade Posted December 30, 2005 Report Posted December 30, 2005 Um, I have no idea where I got the picts. Seriously, just google "yaoi" images, lol. And I can see Kurama being topped by Yusuke. It takes some getting used to, but I like the idea of it. I read a Yusuke/Touya once...wasn't feeling that pairing. Quote
Guest Akimoto Posted January 1, 2006 Report Posted January 1, 2006 i can see this pairing! cause on my dvd of YYH in japanesse yusake is always yelling 'kurama!' in Karamas battle with that sick bomb roach Karasu. X3 oh yes i can see this thinkin of makein a fic of this pairin myself. baised on 'miss congeniligy'(how ever ya spell that word! like a beauty paget movie ya know what i mean!) X3 im mean to Karama! Quote
Guest Maderine Posted January 2, 2006 Report Posted January 2, 2006 I know what you mean about the overwhemlming amounts of Kurama/Hiei out there, and while it has it's charm, it gets a little tiresome after a while. Lately, I've sort of fallen out of the YYH fandom, but I have to say that, as a change, the idea of Yuusuke/Kurama is intriguing. I would, though, have to agree with Chilli that I can't imagine Kurama being a bottom. Despite the sweet disposition he seems to have been handed in fanfic, Kurama - both in the anime and the manga - can be quite the scary bastard, and I love that about him. I mean, any guy who creeps out even Hiei on occasion has got to be cool in my books. And, in sympathy with you and your uncommon pairings dilemma, Chilli, I personally wish that there were more (any) Karasu/Bui stories or, indeed, anything featuring Yomi in which he isn't a total bastard. And Sensui/Itsuki. Can't forget them. Quote
Guest Suryallee Posted January 2, 2006 Report Posted January 2, 2006 I think I saw lateely some of Kurama/ Yusuke out on the storybord, the last was in the yaoi section and I am pretty sure it is still there. Quote
Guest Chilli Posted January 2, 2006 Report Posted January 2, 2006 See, I'm a rebel...a rebel with a cause. When I find a severe lack of my favorite pairing, I have a tendency to begin writing my own! I have one written (yea, me!) another one completed and in the hands of my betas, another one 99.999% completed. Plus I'm working on another one (or two or three). I totally enjoy a good Kurama/Yusuke fic, with the emphasis on good. I like a good solid plot, something that'll hold my attention and make me eager to read more. While the sexy yaoi scenes are well and good, I don't know about anybody else, but there need to be some substance to the story as well. Quote
Guest Jicky Posted January 2, 2006 Report Posted January 2, 2006 hmm i have read a few Kurama/Yusuke, but i still read Kurama/Hiei most of the time. personally, i'd like to see some Kurama/Kuronue any takers? i've seen lots of Kurasu, but do they always have to be so psychotic? not that i won't enjoy good Kurama/Yusuke, but i almost only read NC-17 ones *muahahaha* but i find the yaoi sub-section isn't that accurate or somethin like that Quote
Guest Dominic Shade Posted January 2, 2006 Report Posted January 2, 2006 Right, here's a nifty Kurama/Karasu fict. I'm into. It's an AU...and I can't explain it in a way to give it justice, lol. Wow...I think I've read every pairing there is... ... ...wait a tick.... ... AHHHHHHH!!! I'm running out of good pairings to read! There is no new territory for my hentai mind to explore!!! And if you do read the story and enjoy it, please review. It bugs me that this chick who wrote it has so few reviews. Quote
Guest Jicky Posted January 2, 2006 Report Posted January 2, 2006 hmm interesting ... (starts reading) LMAO actually i find MMorg's authors have very little reviews *sigh* do you only read YYH pairings? (despite this a YYH thread) i don't read Yuri, Kuwabara, and fics w/ ppl i do not find attractive LOL when you say u've read all, what pairings have you read? Quote
Guest ladygizarme Posted January 3, 2006 Report Posted January 3, 2006 *glomps the thread* i SO can see kurama/yuusuke, and love that pairing (though i admit, i love hiei/kurama as well, but it DOES get a bit too much when that's ALL there seems to be.. in fact, actually, houseki turned me on to kurama/yuusuke before i even thought of it myself, and totally dug the claws into me for hiei/kur lol, then i was rewatching YYH and thought to myself, "WTF didn't i think if kurama/yuusuke before???!!!" lol) but i've never read any GOOD kur/yu fics (so thanks to dominic shade for the link in the thread!! and the link for kur/kara as i've never read that yet but would love to!! *glomps*) hats off to any/everyone that loves and will write this pairing, and make it GOOD!! they totally deserve some great fics dude ..oh, and, jicky, yeah, MM is totally awful for fic reviews (i'm a victim myself *sigh*), it's INSANE leave reviews people!! Quote
Guest vendettavampiress Posted January 3, 2006 Report Posted January 3, 2006 I enjoy pretty much ANY pairing that includes Yusuke, Hiei, and Kuruma in a relationship with any of the others. Although I am a Hiei/Kuruma fan, I got to admit that it has WAY to much of a following. Yusuke/Kuruma is good, if you find a good story for it. I read one once a couple of years ago that was taken down by the author, that was pretty good, yet terribly confusing. All three of the guys had their more demonic sides in separate bodies... and a love-hexagon thing formed (ponders if hexagon is the one with six sides). Anyway, as I was saying... Go Yusuke/Kuruma! Quote
Guest Karie Chaos Posted January 3, 2006 Report Posted January 3, 2006 Somewhere... (and I can't remember where I found it, I just know I save it and still have it) I found a very.... Interesting fic. Koenma/Yuusuke/Kurama/Hiei It was... Well... Something else! I couldn't remember ever having SEEN that anywhere. And please rest safely... Koenma was in his teenaged form, so it was hot. I don't mind -cest (Uchihacest anyone, despite the YYH label?) but I don't do chibi sex... Ew. I'm also in despair of the lack of good Yuusuke/Kurama fiction... Though I do like a good Yuusuke/Hiei fiction once in a while, and those are about as rare as dog feathers. Yeah, you heard me, dog feathers. Quote
Guest ladygizarme Posted January 3, 2006 Report Posted January 3, 2006 Somewhere... (and I can't remember where I found it, I just know I save it and still have it) I found a very.... Interesting fic. Koenma/Yuusuke/Kurama/Hiei It was... Well... Something else! I couldn't remember ever having SEEN that anywhere. And please rest safely... Koenma was in his teenaged form, so it was hot. I don't mind -cest (Uchihacest anyone, despite the YYH label?) but I don't do chibi sex... Ew. I'm also in despair of the lack of good Yuusuke/Kurama fiction... Though I do like a good Yuusuke/Hiei fiction once in a while, and those are about as rare as dog feathers. Yeah, you heard me, dog feathers. lmao *is stll giggling over dog feathers* yeah dude... that is rare... and that teenage-koenma/yuusuke/kurama/hiei thing does sound interesting and hot ^__^ (if you have a link i'd love it) <.< >.> <.< *raises fist* uchihacest!! yesssss!!! ...*cough*... ...slinks back into the shadows of the early morning forum... Quote
Guest Karie Chaos Posted January 3, 2006 Report Posted January 3, 2006 I don't have a link for it.... ^^ I don't remember where I found it, but if you REALLY want it, I could send you the doc. file through AIM if you've got it, or Y!M. *Didn't write it, takes no credit for that, just wants to distribute the YUM!.* Quote
Guest ladygizarme Posted January 3, 2006 Report Posted January 3, 2006 I don't have a link for it.... ^^ I don't remember where I found it, but if you REALLY want it, I could send you the doc. file through AIM if you've got it, or Y!M.*Didn't write it, takes no credit for that, just wants to distribute the YUM!.* aww, too bad you don't remember where you found it, i'd love to give credit where credit is due.. but sweetness that you have the doc saved, i'd love if you can send it to me ^___^ i'm gonna PM you now so i don't spam up this thread Quote
Guest Dominic Shade Posted January 3, 2006 Report Posted January 3, 2006 hmm interesting ... (starts reading) LMAOactually i find MMorg's authors have very little reviews *sigh* do you only read YYH pairings? (despite this a YYH thread) i don't read Yuri, Kuwabara, and fics w/ ppl i do not find attractive LOL when you say u've read all, what pairings have you read? I've read all the pairings for my favorite I guess I didn't run out.... I've even read a Kohaku/Miroku pairing. And I don't read Yuri either...but strangely enough I do write it. Name a pairing from Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho and I've seen it, read it, and probably forgotten it. Quote
Guest valkyrienienna Posted January 5, 2006 Report Posted January 5, 2006 I adore any and all pairings of the Yu Yu Boys. Though I have to agree with the majority, Kurama/Yusuke is the best. I have seen a Hiei/Kuwabara fic, it is on There is a very well written series of stories on that got me to read Hiei/Kurama. (while they may not seem to fit cannon wise, they do look yummy together.) Let's Fly as the Birds Do by Hikari Nanase the url is [[[[PS I am in the process of reading a good Kuwabara/Kagome fic - he hardly ever gets paired with anyone but Yukina. somehow i dont see that pairing.]]]] Er, anyone know why fanfiction translates to ffnazi? Quote
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