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  1. Okay, that takes care of my worrying XD Thanks!!!
  2. I write a lot of rape and D/S fics where the victim falls in love with their attacker and the attacker was in love with the victim beforehand. I told that to a fellow writer of non-adult fanfiction once and he freaked on me, saying "RAPE ISN'T ABOUT LOVE...WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I couldn't explain it.
  3. No, definitely not, haha. It's nothing like that. I embellished upon my own life a little bit, but there's nothing extreme like that.
  4. I've worried a bit that the character I've created for my fic is a Mary Sue, or perhaps to be more specific, a Mary Sue/Anti-Sue hybrid. She is a self insertion, because writing fanfiction for me is a way to get my fantasies out of my head so they don't take up too much of my time. However, though she's based on me she is not really me (for example, I still live at home with my family and I don't receive any kind of Social Security checks...and though I am quite bipolar I function very well in society) and so I'd really like to know what people think about how I've created her. Fandom: WWE General Name of character: First-Renae Middle- Kathleen Last- has to be changed because in the original it is my last name...I didn't intend for the story to be read by anyone else and then on the spur of the moment I published it. Race of character: Mediterranean white Age of character: 20 Height of character: 4'11" Weight of character: 125 Brief background of character: Was raised in rural New Jersey in a working-class family but now is living on her own in a condo. She is exceptionally smart, but doesn't interact well with people except for two or three good friends. She's rather closed off to the idea of romantic partnerships because of being burned in the past by an abusive boyfriend. Character's position or job: none. Strengths/Skills: Intelligent, funny, creative, loving, can cook, is good in bed (especially talented at oral sex), can reach out to people if she has enough interest, is determined and driven, etc Are these skills typical of the fandom? If not, why?: a lot of the wrestling fics i've read don't involve a lot of personal character development, though they do involve a lot of sex so i suppose that her talent for oral sex would be common. Weaknesses/Bad habits: she is quite cold, and is very bipolar. she can't work and relies on social security to pay for her condo. though she is loving and supporting of people close to her she has a tendency to fly off the handle and take things personally that are not meant to be taken that way. Distinctive features, if any: Physically, her eyes, hair (i have noticed not many girls keep long hair anymore), and body shape. I am dating a European man in actuality and I have had meany dealings with them and I have noticed they enjoy long hair and an hourglass shaped body, so it was easy to have my European character attracted to those features. Mentally and emotionally, my character's distinctive feature is her intelligence. Many of her good qualities don't show up in the story, at least until later and I haven't finished it yet. Are these features unique in the fandom? If so, why?: yes, some of them. my character's body is not a "wrestling body". she's quite thick. Connections to canon characters (if any): Well, at this point it remains undefined, and I'm still not sure where I'm going with it. How does your character get on with those around him/her?: Her best friend is very close and the canon character ends up close to her as well, but usually she avoids contact with people. What does the other characters think of your character when they met her/him?: It was sexual attraction at first, but it developed into something much deeper as the story developed. I made him quite unbalanced, however, so the sexual attraction turned into deeper feelings much quicker than normal. feedback appreciated =D
  5. Title: From Russia, With Love Author: Number9Dream Rating: Adult + Summary: A 20 year old college student finds herself in a strange situation with a Russian cashier who works at a convenience store she visits every day after school with her friends after she befriends him and refuses his advances. Pairings: Vladimir Kozlov/Self Insertion Warnings: Very strong language, graphic and violent sex scenes Feedback: Constructive criticism and feedback is greatly appreciated, even if you hate it or even if you don't watch wrestling and don't get it (the fic isn't even wrestling-based anyway, I just took the guy out of WWE and placed him in a "real-life" environment). I'd like to know how to improve my writing. Fandom: WWE General URL: http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092795
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