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Everything posted by Ems

  1. A modern future Christine gets switched with the one at the opera house. The future girl of course hooks up with the phantom, the past Christine hooks up with the future Eric, and all's honky dorey by the end- but I can't remember the title or summary, so I can't find it or even tell if this fic is still on AFF. I actually liked the smut in this one, so its frustrating.
  2. 'Ello. I'm not new to AFF, but I haven't written in a while (drawing took over my life) and I hadn't noticed the forum link before... so here I am! I've recently finished writing a rough draft story on paper I'd like to type out and have a beta/co-writer look at, so I thought this might be a good place to look and maybe meet some good authors I haven't read before. ^^ Either way, I'm sure I'll have a bit of fun.
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