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Posts posted by animefreakandgeek

  1. im looking for a fan fic I read a while back

    I cant remember where I read it or who wroteit

    It was a Vincent X Cid fic

    Shera was trying to kill Cid and Vincent of course was trying to save him

    Cid kept trying to keep Vincent away cuz Shera promised she would kill Vincent if Cid made any fuss

    It was a really good fic and id like to read it again but I cant for the life of me remember where I read it- any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. animefreakandgeek - Yeah, that's very true. Crossover fics just aren't worth the amount of work you have to put into writing them.

    I wouldnt say not worth it- Im really interested in doing the one im thinking about

    I just know going into it there will be a lot of work and not many people will read it

    but that is not why i write my stories :)

    Im gonna write this one eventually because I love to write and i find the idea interesting

  3. You dont have to have first hand expereince for everything- but you have to at least have a good undertsnading and basic knowledge.

    Ive never been in a gang but ive written stories about someone in a gang- I had to do a lot of research on gangs, the fighting, the drugs and what not to make the story believable.

    Experience always helps but it is not manditory - you can write a good story about something you have never experienced- you just have to do a lot more work to make sure it is worth reading!

  4. Ive only see this done well once

    The story was set in a bar

    The main character was was watching the man he loved on the dance floor dancing with someone else while he tried to get the courage to go to him

    The way this author did it was

    -One line from the song that was playing-

    "a snippet of what the character was thinking"

    -the next line-

    "character's thoughts"

    and they only did this like 3 maybe 4 times and then it was over and he was on his feet heading for the dance floor.

    They only used the chours from the song so it wanst over powering and they did a good job and showing how the lysrics were impacting what the character was doing.

  5. If its well written it shouldnt matter...

    Ive read sex scenes that were half a page that were really good and Ive read ones that went on for 5 or so pages that were good.

    Personaly most of mine never reach 5 pages- I run out of things to say without sounding redundant and boring LOL I HAVE written longer ones but that was with a lot of dialouge and what the characters were thinking in their minds.

    So relaly it depends on the story.

    It would be a turn off to me to read a 10 page sex scene in the first 1 or 2 chapters of the story- Im bad about fics that rush to the sex too fast. If you are going to have an actual plot and story line at least try to make it believable.

  6. I have 2 stories that fit the long chapter story category

    One is sitting at 13 chapters right now- writers block set in *bangs head on desk*

    Each chapter is probably about 3,000-4,000 words maybe 5,000 tops

    The other story is at 6 chapters and the first few were 2,000ish words somewhere around chapter 4 or 5 it hit about 4,000 and now im sitting at around 5,000 wordds per chapter.

    It seems to be working so far. I also found that for the longer chapters, spacing is vital! Space between paragraphs, between dialouge. It makes it so much easier to read than a big block of text.

  7. I look at it as this:

    Tell me what I did wrong, even if i dont like it and think it MIGHT be insulting- but for gosh sakes give me ideas on how to fix it! THAT is constructive criticism


    "The scenen with Harry and Draco arguing in the Great Hall seemed a little rush. There was a lack of detail and life that would draw the reader into the story. Key emotions were left out and the reader has a hard time relating to the characters in this scene. Suggestions: Try to work in some emotions from both Harry and Draco- anger, frustration, depression, questions, betrayal, ect. Describe the setting a little more- were they alone in the hall, were others there listening and watching... these small details can really add to the story and help it come alive to the reader. Good luck and happy writing!"

    THAT is a good constructive criticism review.

    "That scene with Harry adn Draco, when they are arguing in the Great Hall is terrible! Where's the emotions? Where's the details? Where's the life and feelings of these two characters? Add more thought and details- otherwise this story wont be much good."

    THAT I would classify as a border-line Flame- add some helpful friendly advice and you will be safe with it

    "The story sucks. How can you even be called a writer? This is just pittiful! I could write this story so much better than you!"

    THAT is obviously a flame and I dont think we have any disagreement on that.

  8. If someone writes only for the reviews then they are not really writers

    Sure all of us love to get reviews and it can be aggrivating when we get 500 hits and no reviews... But i value the good honest reviews I do get.

    Writing for reviews is being a sell-out. I write because i love the story and characters i am working on and because writing for me is a type of therapy and helps me relax.

    Writing for reviews is just pittiful.

  9. If its just a matter of wanting to write in general I have found that writing drabbles and little 1-2 page onehsots can help get me back into the flow

    I suffer more from writers block when it comes to a particular story. Im suffering that right now. I have a story sitting on my computer. Its 13 chapters long and Im at a serrious block. So ive stepped away from it- been about a month now- and have been slowly reading the story from the start to remember what i was thinking when i wrote it and the ideas I had for it.

    Writers Block is a pain and is different for every author so you really just have to work with it work around it and work through it until you get your muse back!

  10. I've always thought that what makes something in the erotica category is not how frequent the sex is - though that can play into it- but rather the lvl of detail and what not that goes into it. It can happen once every three or four chapters and be a chaper all on its own each time and depending on the way it is written it would be erotica. Ive seen stories where its basically sex without a plot but it never went as far as to be called erotica. Anyways thats my thought on it.

  11. I think there is one big main reason there are not more crossover fics- There is even less room for error and poor writing witha c rossover fic than any other.

    You got to make sure you explaine the hows and whys in a believable way or no one will read it

    You got to make sure you make the characters compatible in some way or theres no reason to read it

    You got to make sure you have the right ballance from both charactrers without totaly changing them

    You got to make sure you know the characters and the setting you are placeing them into inside and out

    You got to make sure you let the reader have some freedom to imagine parts of the story but also cant leave big gaps and holes

    I for one have never done crossover fics. And honestly there are very few I can find that I can read all the way through.

    I would like to try my hand at on thats a Bleach / Kingdom Heart's crossover.

    But again, everything I mentioned above are things I have to deal with

  12. I need someone whose familar with Final Fantasy VII- game, movies, whatever

    I need someone whose a fan or tollerated the pairing on Reno and Rufus

    I need someone whose honest but gives constructive criticism- tell me how to fix whats wrong

    If you are interested let me know! :devil:

  13. Topic Title: Muse needs some help

    Topic Description: I need some feedback so my muse will keep working

    This is a new posted story- it is still a work in progress but I would like some feedback on it as I keep writing- any constructive criticsm and critque is appreciated

    Title: ShinRa's Shake Up


    Rating: Adult

    Summary: Reno must face the fact that he may very well be losing Rufus- Can he go on, or will his life end with the man he loves?

    Feedback: Any is welcomed

    Fandom: Final Fantasy VII- Advent Children


    Thank you for your time and feedback!

    I will return the favor :samurai:

    Happy writing


  14. Ok here it is

    ~ write a story- however long you want- where Loz isnt an evil you know what.

    I love the triplets but any story i seem to find with them in it kills me cuz Loz is always so brutal and yes while he is tough i think he could have a softer side.

    can be any pairing, I just want to see if Loz can be portrayed as anything but evil

    Anyways, dont know if this can be done, but this is my challenge!

  15. Think this is a common problem- in the fan fic, fan art, and writing in general areas'

    Its hard for an author to not get feedback- but at the same time, I think I would rather have only 10 reviews for 10,000 views when they are good solid ones.

    I think the one line "this is good" or "wow write more" comments are just as annoying.

    So its kinda odd- you either get no reviews or a lot of ones that dont mean didly squat.

    Thats what I have noticed from personal experience

  16. I am user animefreakandgeek. My name is Sarah Jo, and I wish to apply as an official beta. I have not been active on the boards but I have been on the site for a while now and would be interested in being a Beta here. I am interested in being a Beta for Yaoi or Het stories

    • How many years have you worked as a beta? What are your qualifications?

    I've been a Beta for several years off and on different places. I have also edited many stories IRL and also was the editor of a Published book. I am a college student majoring in English, Journalism, and Communications. I have worked for over three years as an English tutor and my main focus has been on grammar, development, descriptions, and characters.

    • In which capacities have you served as a beta?

    grammar, diction, style, word choice, descriptions, characterization, emotional impact, cannon, original charcter development, and more

    • Which types of potentially objectionable content have you beta'd for?

    Yaoi, shonen-ai, angst,

    • Is there any type of work you haven't beta'd for but are willing to accept?

    I am open to anything really other than hard core yaoi, rape, pedi, mpreg and anything but mild bondage. Other than that Im game :samurai:

    • Are there any specific areas in which you would not be willing to beta?

    Basicaly just what I said above- there are bound to be exceptions so I can talk that over when we start

    • What are your personal boundaries as a beta?
      Just respect me. My ideas are just that-ideas. I am not perfect but no one is. If we can agree to repsect each other's opinions then we are good to go!
    • What are your weaknesses when it comes to beta work?

    I guess it would be fics that follow stories/anime/whatever that I do not know or am not familiar with

    • How do you tend to interact with an author when doing beta work?

    I prefer email as the means of contact. I will copy the story into Word and send it back to the author once it is finished. I make my corrections directly on the document- usualy in bold or color coded depending if I'm looking at grammar, content, or a flow issue, ect.

    I am of course open to whatever method works best for the author I am working with

    I believe in constructive criticism and being supportive.

    • Can you determine an average speed when it comes to performing beta work?

    If i can have a few hours to sit and read I can finish a few thousand words in an hour or so I would guess- depends on the subject matter, the style, and what I am looking for- grammar takes less time usualy than content, development, and characterization :D

    • What Fandoms are you most familiar with? What characters/pairings/ect do you prefer?

    Anime mostly: Bleach(almost anyone- there are few exceptions), Death Note(again pretty much anyone), Wild Adapter(all), Saiyuki(all), Legal Drug(all), Angel Sanctuary(all), Trinity Blood(pretty much all), Trigun(all), and a few others that I know a little about but these are my main ones

    Books: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Anne Rice Vampire series,

    Video Games: Saddly I am very new to this area- so I am limited to Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2

    I am also open to original stories as well :D

    Talk to me if you have a story other than these and I will see what I can do!

    • Do you have any quirks when it comes to beta work?

    I am an English major and it has been my career for over 5 years. There some ascepts in writing that drive me crazy- but I try to approach it in a gentle constructive way. I will not tear down an author and will do my best to explaine to them the changes I suggest and why I think that way.

  17. Um... None of the links to the stories work... and neither does the link to Haywire Hakaze's author page... and according to his profile, he hasn't been on this forum since July...

    Perhaps someone else should start this up? This is a good idea and I hate to see it die just because the original poster suddenly yanked all his stories off the site.

    Yeah I cant get the story links to work either

    So I will post mine

    Title: ShinRa Shake Up

    Genre/Group: Final Fantasty Fan Fic Male/Male

    Summary: What happens when Rufus ShinRa is in a coma for over a year? When he wakes up, will he be the same man Reno loved a year ago or has Reno lost Rufus for good? What will happen to them? How does AVALANCHE play into all of this? And posisbly the most important question- Are sins ever really forgiven?

    Warnings: Angst, Language, M/M, Yaoi in later chapters though mostly shonen-ai

    Link: http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081566

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