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Everything posted by cera

  1. I believe you're looking for Walking Corpse by suomynonakun (her version on FFnet under the penname dazdnconfusd730 is the platonic version). =) (It was the first Naruto fanfic I ever read and I loved it.)
  2. cera

    Three SasuNaru fics

    Story #2 is Sasuke Says by FastForward / r3b3lliousr3b3l She just started posting it on FFnet, but on y!Gallery the story is apparently complete. =) http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8673549/1/ http://www.y-gallery.net/view/367169/
  3. cera

    Skaterboarders v. A Band

    I think you're looking for "You're Mine" by animehead but I believe she took everything down...
  4. I'm fairly certain this is the fic you're looking for though it's a WIP (I'm still following it myself): As Above So Below by Ren421 on both AFFnet (although it hasn't been updated in a few years here) and FFnet (which was updated pretty recently). Enjoy! ^__^
  5. To Hear Your Voice Again by FastForward Set 2 to 3 years after chapter 304. Team 7 is off to retrieve what is theirs, but what happens when Naruto loses what is most precious to him? No pairings. I think I'm seeing a trend here... ;D
  6. Naruto by FastForward Everyone knows where Naruto's from. Everyone knows his world. What if Naruto's world—wasn't exactly what we thought it was? SasuNaru
  7. cera

    Life in Rock

    Are you looking for Set in Stone by The SOC Puppet?
  8. cera

    help itachi naruto

    Are you looking for "You Belong to Me. Always." by DismalAbstraction?
  9. I am almost 100% positive that the second story you're searching for is "Silence Before Dawn" by Toffee (one of my absolute faves ^__^)
  10. cera

    Sasunaru fic

    Unhealthy by Om0cha
  11. I redirect you to this thread which is where I first heard of it.
  12. The beginning sounds like something I read a long time ago... Are you looking for Sanctuary by More Than I Appear?
  13. To See Your Face by Jelp =)
  14. I believe you're looking for Three's Company by DetoxAngel ^__^
  15. Pretty sure it's what you're looking for, but is #2 Trial by littleolmee? (If it is, that's yet another favorite of mine. )
  16. A shot in the dark, but are you looking for You Belong to Me. Always by DismalAbstraction?
  17. cera

    SasuNaru fic

    Deny by Kakasmai (I love this fic! =D)
  18. Is the first For Your Eyes Only by Shirohane?
  19. Secrets of a Nobody by Aini
  20. That would be Homecoming by Myth720. =)
  21. The author's name was animehead but the fic link I had no longer works [http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094295], and the author's profile is gone if you search for it on AFFnet. =/ Hope that this helps you find it elsewhere, though.
  22. cera

    SasuNaru fic

    The majority of your story sounds like Nameless Desires by Jelp, but the line about Sakura's water breaking doesn't happen in this fic, so I'm not entirely sure if 1) this is the story you're looking for or 2) you're merging two stories' summaries together.
  23. If I'm not mistaken, you're thinking of The bridge I crossed by fool. (She has the full version on her LJ but this is the beginning of it, if you wanted to check it out.) I love this author's fics! =)
  24. That would be Music in My Heart by monkan. =)
  25. No Major Harm by Shaitanah I liked this story. It's been so long since I've even thought about it though. Thanks for the reminder. =)
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