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Posts posted by LightningCross

  1. Alright, I've got a major bone to pick with all of you who say you "only" delete flames. In my experience, for most writers who say this, "flames" should be translated as "anything with even the tiniest bit of criticism". The review madlodger quoted, for instance, isn't even remotely a flame, not even a "soft core" one.

    I have a friend who reviews on Fanfiction.net. He placed reviews for three stories by the same author. I've seen these reviews, and they all basically said he liked the person's writing but that the particular story wasn't good, clearly explained why the story wasn't good and how she could do better in the future, and gave some praise for the writing. The writer responded by PMing him saying "Stop flaming my stories", and banned him from reviewing her works.

    I know what you're going to say: "But I'm not like that! I only delete real flames!" Uh huh. Sure.

    If they're real flames, why delete them? Are you afraid some reader is going to look at your reviews and say, "Wow, there are three reviews here giving highly detailed explanations of why this story is so great, but this one guy left a note saying "This story sucks balls and you should die for writing it it sucks balls so bad", so the story must be awful!"

    Be honest with yourself. If the review really was a flame, leaving it there would just embarrass the flamer. The only reason you would delete those reviews is because they are honest criticisms that people who saw them might take seriously.

    I agree with you 100%, man. My opinion is that deleting "flames" if they're not spam reflects poorly on the author, even if they think it's thinly veiled trolling. I think deleting reviews has had chilling effects on fanfiction as a whole, as younger/less experienced authors can just filter out all of the criticism they don't like and will fail to improve at all. This is why the standard for fanfiction is so abysmally low, and it really is a problem.

  2. Ugh, satellite internet.

    I can empathize with your lack of broadband. I live in a relatively populated area, but since none of the national cable companies could operate here and two smaller cable companies had the region locked up in terms of cable TV, they were the ones responsible for laying down fiber optic cables. I didn't get a cable modem until last year because both of them were too cheap to lay down the infrastructure. It's a huge problem on a national scale, and has to do with cable operators holding monopolies on broadband access in their markets and thus not having an incentive to lay down fiber optic cable or increase bandwidth for their customers since they know that their customers have no alternatives. Hell, if my area didn't get DSL I probably never would've even got cable and would be stuck with a one-way cable modem like I was for years.

    Hopefully Wi-Max will be available in your area soon, then you might see some decent broadband in your area.

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