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Everything posted by Twinstar1

  1. not guilty. It's a bit harder to do that when I'm a female not impossible though XD G/NG making out with someone who is the same sex as you.
  2. Twinstar1


    I ban you for the heck of it and I'm more of an Axel fan. I just like how my avatar turned out XD
  3. 7274
  4. Title: I Liked What?! Topic Description: AkuRoku (AxelXRoxas) fic I have two chapters posted and at least one more steamy chapter coming Title: I Liked What?! Author: Me (Twinstar) Rating: Adult++ Summary:Roxas is bored and finds something new that sparks his interest. He never expected what that would be though. Hope you like your fics very sour AkuRoku Anal, AU/AR, HJ, PWP, WIP, Yaoi Chapt.2 up! Feedback: Greatly appreciated and needed but no flaming please Pairings: AxelXRoxas Link: link Thanks for checking this out and I hope you like the fic
  5. Axel from Kingdom Hearts 2- Gotta love the hair and attitude
  6. that's got to be Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm surprised this wasn't answered a long time ago O.o "And then one time I ate some rotten berries. Man, there were some strong gases seepin' outta my butt that day!"
  7. guilty G/NG cosplaying as your fav character and having a making out session with someone who was cosplaying as your other fav character.
  8. Cory Lee- The Naughty Song
  9. Twinstar1


    I ban you for having Leon...oops I mean "Squall" in your avatar
  10. 7258
  11. mine I made myself. I only ever use ones I make myself. I've been in a huge Kingdom Hearts mode lately and am a huge Axel/Roxas fan. So I've been switching between Roxas stuff and Axel stuff on other forums. This is my latest avatar and I like it the most for now
  12. I guess you can say that I'm new to the forum, but not AFF itself. I've been on the site since 2004 I believe. I have several fics up (most wanting to be updated lol). Well, about me. Let's see. I'm 23, female with an obsession with Kingdom Hearts atm. I found this site through fanfiction.net. I like writing smexy stories so I couldn't resist posting them up on this site. Now, in terms of my stories, I can't update a lot of them. That has many reasons like Writer's block or I lost what I was working on. The new ones, I'll have updated eventually as I have them pretty much written on paper but just need to be typed up. the only reason that is taking so long is I don't have much time in my busy life to do what I want to do. I am currently working 6 days a week and by the time I get home, I'm only home for about 3 hours before I go to bed. I barely get enough time to read fics, let alone type them. I do try when I can though. It would be much easier if I had the internet at home too. I don't and probably won't for a while. I'm living with my mom and step-dad right now and they don't want the internet in our place. So I have to put up with having to go to the library after work when I can. I hate having this limitation but I have to take what I can get.
  13. well, I've had my nickname for 8 years or more now. I got it from a couple of characters I made years ago. I made a couple of twin cats when I was in my Sailor Moon phase and I named then Twinstar and Twinheart. I just liked Twinstar so much that I started using it.
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