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    anime/manga, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon, Kirby, Tokio Hotel, Backstreet Boys, Tackey and Tsubasa, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy, Sonic the Hedgehog, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Absolute Boyfriend, Nana, Super Mario Bros., Super Smash Bros., Gackt, Savage Garden, KinKi Kids...

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  1. http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600101593 I don't know if I've reported this one already (the ID looks familiar), but it was on the front page of the YGO M/M section, so there ya go.
  2. Kagayaki


    Banned for being left.
  3. Shoot the Zombies in my pants
  4. Kagayaki


    Banned because, well at least Demyx is good enough for me. I want him to sit on my lap.
  5. 7285
  6. 7283
  7. I have a whole number of them, but here's the one I just fell in love with (this morning!): Demyx from Kingdom Hearts II. I can't help it. I love bad guys who suck. And I simply adore musician/artsy types with baby features. *dreamy sigh*
  8. I've onece read an RP log--a rape scene, and one of the terms used was 'mangina'. Yes. For the exact body part that you're thinking of. It sounds so derogatory towards gay men. I can't stand 'man-meat', either. It just sounds well...rednecky and 5th-grader-ish. And while I realize that tone and POV is important, I hate words like 'pussy' and of course, everyone's favorite c-word for women. ...Okay, I'm actually guilty of using said words in my own vocabulary, but when written, it just sounds so coarse. Yeah, I know that 'cunt' actually once meant 'rabbit', just like how 'cock' meant 'rooster'. And I really dislike how characters have to announce their orgasms to the world! I'm like, okay, we KNOW you're cumming (and probably faking it like in the porn movies). I know I'm odd, but I like the term 'vulva'. It's the technical term for a woman's genitalia, and it just sounds pretty. Much prettier than 'vagina', which is just one ofrice. And 'flower'...ugh. That sounds too much like a ballerina or something. And I'm talking about female parts when I like to write yaoi. I agree that 'cock' can be used only so many times. I like 'length' and 'shaft' better. The readers know what you're talking about yet it doesn't sound like a high schooler wrote it. And funny story: I didn't know what a cock was until I was about 17 or 18, yet I've been reading yaoi fics since I was 15. Innocent or stupid...?
  9. Yeah, I never really like that thing, either. The low ratings are actually worse than negative or non-constructive reviews, in my opinion. And if you see a one-star story getting great reviews, even constructive ones, you're gonna think, hm, something's not right here... Oh, and I'm sure we've all seen a five-star story with awesome reviews--eleventy billion of them but the story itself is absolute crap. Myself, I tend to get a little worried when people aren't reviewing my stories. It could mean that people are only looking at it because it somehow ended up on Godawful Fanfics or being MSTed or some shit. Or people just clicked on it because they liked the title and summary, but since I like uncommon pairings, they'll turn away, regardless of the content. But, I don't want to criticise too much on reviewers, since they could be shy, like me. Or maybe they feel too much pressure from the authors who bellow in their ANs that they only want constructive, page-long reviews, and well, we're busy people. This is only a hobby. I know we've got a lot of seasoned people here, but no one's getting paid for doing this stuff. So, yeah, this is a good way to console myself. I'm not getting paid (else I'd get the pants sued off me), so there's really no pressure. And if my story's in progress, I can understand that people will want to wait until it's finished so they can actually write their thought-out review, and maybe even recommend my story. Yeah, sorry this was so convoluted.
  10. Kagayaki


    Banned because Roxas actually is gay, but with Axel and only with Axel. Oh, maybe Demyx, too. Oh, and also for intensifying my crush on Roxas.
  11. 7264
  12. 7262
  13. 7260
  14. Kagayaki


    Banned for being cool.
  15. 7254
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