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Status Updates posted by TheChosenDarkness

  1. Has extremely chapped cheeks. Now I can't rub them or touch them without an annoying, painful burning sensation. >.< Damn cold weather!

    1. BoredStraight


      Winter strikes again!

  2. I really hate being sick. I still got to wrap presents. Blah

    1. Onihime


      Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Is happy her SciFi/Fantasy story has a hit count of 1,100 and 6 stars. I figured it would do horrible here. Goes to show me.

  4. Really needs to start writing to A Kiss That Bites again. Darn you procrastination!

  5. Really wants to be in bed, but instead is going to stay up and write some more to her stories. =]

  6. Happy Holidays and Winter Solstice!

  7. Feels a tad better today. Still, the plot bunnies won't sit still. This is going to take a while.

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