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  1. Hello, I am PeaceLoveYaoi. I really need a beta for a Naruto fanfic. It is an AU fic, and the main pairing is ShikaNeji. I already have written 12 chapters, and am planning to write many more. I don't really know what my strengths are, but my weaknesses include repeating words in an annoying way. I really try not to but it's hard to see your own mistakes sometimes. I also am often unsure if I put in too much or not enough detail. I am good at spelling, and decent at punctuation (though I could probably use a bit of help). So... if you could take a look, I would be so grateful! Here is a link http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103010 If you are too swamped, or aren't interested for any reason let me know.
  2. It Gets Better in my pants...
  3. Hey woman...write some more Shikamaru x Neji!

  4. I am looking for a fic where Neji is set to marry a girl, so he has sex with like EVERY guy in konoha. In the end, I think he ends up with Shikamaru. But it is so dirty, and I cant remember the name. Please help me !!!!!
  5. L- Lord of the Flies (By: William Golding)
  6. I- Iliad, The (By:Homer)
  7. G- Gulliver's Travels (By: Johnathan Swift)
  8. E- Emma (By: Jane Austen)
  9. C- Count of Monte Cristo, The (By: Alexander Dumas)
  10. Classic literature? I guess I'll start... Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (By: Mark Twain) It's not the best, but it's all I could think of! If this has already been used, tell me! I am one of the newer people on this board! Peace-Love-Yaoi
  11. I have to admit that I am a Yaoi fangirl. (Like you couldn't tell from my name. ) But I also like Het and Yuri!!! Yaoi is simply my favorite. My fav parings are as follows: Yaoi- ShikaNejiShika- My OTP. Alot of ppl don't like this pairing, but I think it is GREAT! Give it I try. I would suggest you read "Kindred" it is literally my favorite fanfiction that I have ever read. NejiGaara- I only like this in AU fics. It never works out in canon. NarutoShino- I love this pairing as written by Neko Izumi. I can't get enough of their stories. Depending on the story I can like almost any pairing. Like I read an AU that was ItachiKisame, and in it Kisame was black. It was really good. Yuri: TentenHinata- I wrote a story about them as a request, and I fell in love with the pairing. TemariHinata- They are so different, but opposites attract you know. Het: GaaraSakura- "Kazekage of Love" actually changed my view of this pair. They gave them a good realtionship, and they had great chemistry. NarutoHinata- Cute. What more is there to say? ShikamaruTemari- She's got him in check. I read this story on FF. net called "Explore Fuckfight" and it was the funniest most erotic story I have ever read for the pair! ----- I don't really have any particular dislikes. I don't like reading Neji Het. It just isn't my cup-o-tea. Peace-Love-Ya i
  12. Z-Zinc Yeah... I always sucked at science...
  13. S- Silver (Rotherfordium? Never heard of it...lol)
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