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  1. A couple of years ago this site was struggling and begged for cash donations. Because I enjoyed the site a lot then and spent a couple hours per week on it, I did my part and pitched in. It was then discovered that whoever was collecting money was not actually putting that money towards the site. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I know you guys are working hard to fix things. I just wondered what was happening with the Harry Potter section because it's the largest and most popular section. I thought maybe someone could tell me that the OC subcategories would be back within 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, or never. But instead I'll "have to wait. Just like everyone else". And like "everyone else", or at least the majority, you won't get a dime from me again until you have a product that is worth paying for.
  2. I used to come to the site a lot more often. But since the "OC" subcategories were removed from my favorite sections, it's just too tedious to have to slog through a huge section - like Harry Potter. I like my "Mary Sue" stories and without the "OC" narrowed down for me, I just don't have the time. I know you guys are struggling to make improvements to the site (and they are appreciated!). It must be tough to ask for donations for a site that's not at "100%". Please understand that I would be more than happy to pitch in, but not for a product that is "unfinished".
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