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Posts posted by mizducky

  1. Chapter 7 is now up, in which things get maybe even a little weirder, in a Hunter S. Thompson/Carlos Castaneda kind of way. Plus a little gunfight action, a little sex-ay action, and some hints of yaoi and yuri. Thanks for reading!

    Title: Fun and Thieving in Las Vegas

    Author: Miz Ducky

    Summary: Lupin gives a first-person account of a Sexy Adventure he and his gang perpetrate in Sin City, during which both Lupin and Jigen get new women in their lives.

    Rating: Adult+

    Feedback: Friendly constructive feedback always appreciated!

    URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600045079

  2. Just uploaded Chapter 6. Things take a turn for the weird and supernatural, including weird supernatural sex. Plus a little yaoi vignette--and it's not any of the usual-suspect pairings. To explain further would be a spoiler, as it's actually intrinsic to the plot. B)

    Title: Fun and Thieving in Las Vegas

    Author: Miz Ducky

    Summary: Lupin gives a first-person account of a Sexy Adventure he and his gang perpetrate in Sin City, during which both Lupin and Jigen get new women in their lives.

    Rating: Adult+

    Feedback: Friendly constructive feedback always appreciated!

    URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600045079

  3. Hi folks--Chapters 4 and 5 of this tale are now up and available for your perusal. Fujiko has now joined the action, which includes a car chase, a melee, and a little classic Lupinesque groping and smooching. Enjoy!

    Hi folks--I've just uploaded the first three chapters of a multi-chapter Lupin III fanfic-in-progress. The tale is basically a classic Lupin III caper, with level of humor as in the anime and level of sexual explicitness as in Monkey Punch's original manga. Hope y'all check it out whether you're into Lupin III or not.

    Title: Fun and Thieving in Las Vegas

    Author: Miz Ducky

    Summary: Lupin gives a first-person account of a Sexy Adventure he and his gang perpetrate in Sin City, during which both Lupin and Jigen get new women in their lives.

    Rating: Adult+

    Feedback: Friendly constructive feedback always appreciated!

    URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600045079

    Many thanks,

    Miz Ducky

  4. Well, as a newbie to this site, I'm just glad to see folks expressing sentiments in favor of stories where the emphasis is on good storytelling, as opposed to pure PWP. Which latter, when done right, I totally enjoy too, don't get me wrong about that. ;) It's just that I came here in search of a place to post my WIP which is primarily an action/adventure story, with the smutty bits (mostly) intrinsic to the plot ... and I've been concerned whether such work would have an audience here. So ... cool. Glad to know I'm in the right place after all.

  5. Heh. As a newbie, I'm discovering I'm in that peculiar purgatory of writing fanfic based on characters whose fanbase, at least in the U.S., is pretty danged small. So that already narrows down my "walk-in" audience, so to speak. Even more challenging is that I'm writing a fic that, while it has smutty bits in it, is not primarily about the smut -- not that there's anything wrong with a good raunchy hunk o' PWP, far from it; it's just that I don't happen to be inspired to do that right now with this piece. So I suspect that people looking to get off are hitting my piece, going "where's the porn? I'm in two whole pages but nobody's gotten nekkid yet!" and wandering off in search of more, erm, immediate gratification ... :D

    (Maybe I'm misunderstanding the rating system and mis-setting people's expectations? I dunno ... )

    Anyway, despite all that, I have gotten over 30 hits in just the week since I first started uploading chapters, which I tell myself is nothing to sneeze at. But I've yet to garner a single review or rating. I'm just sort of shrugging it off and going "oh well ... " But yeah--it's kind of discouraging. Right now, I'd even greet encouraging one-liners as a welcome sign of life. :)

  6. Hi folks--I've just uploaded the first three chapters of a multi-chapter Lupin III fanfic-in-progress. The tale is basically a classic Lupin III caper, with level of humor as in the anime and level of sexual explicitness as in Monkey Punch's original manga. Hope y'all check it out whether you're into Lupin III or not.

    Title: Fun and Thieving in Las Vegas

    Author: Miz Ducky

    Summary: Lupin gives a first-person account of a Sexy Adventure he and his gang perpetrate in Sin City, during which both Lupin and Jigen get new women in their lives.

    Rating: Adult+

    Feedback: Friendly constructive feedback always appreciated!

    URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600045079

    Many thanks,

    Miz Ducky

  7. Greetings, all! I'd been experiencing a recent fanfic-writing jag, and went looking for places to share the product of this obsession, and stumbled upon you all here. Looks like fun ... !

    So, about me: I suspect I'm probably at the upperish end of the age-range participating on this board ... par for the course, though--I've never figured out what this whole "acting your age" business is about. I'm basically a left-over hippy type, who's been writing all sorts of stuff for literally decades. Even gotten a few (all-original) pieces published here and there, in admittedly obscure little journals and anthologies and such. And that's not counting the writing and editing I've done for pay--though that's mainly way boring technical/documentation writing/editing. Hey, it's a living ...

    I'm a big anime fan, but I tend to only have the hots for a very few series at a time. Right now I'm majorly getting off on Lupin III -- my fanfic WIP is all on him and his gang. Other series I've been known to obsess about include Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and Trigun. I also am a long-time comics fan -- grew up reading Silver Age Marvel! I'm not currently following any series right now, but I was heavy-duty into Sandman while that series was active.

    What else? I'm also into lots of classic rock, especially Steely Dan and Frank Zappa; and science fiction, especially Samuel Delany and William Gibson (also really dug Snow Crash but have yet to read anything else by Neal Stephenson). My movie tastes tend to be idiosyncratic too -- favorites range from Lawrence of Arabia to Buckaroo Banzai. I'm also a bit of a scholar of world religions, folklore, and mythology. Some or all of that tends to show up in my fiction (whether fanfic or original).

    Oh yeah--I'm originally from New York, spent significant hunks of life in Boston and in Seattle, and am now in San Diego trying to make sense of this SoCal lifestyle.

    See y'all 'round the forum!

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