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Posts posted by Lanie12777

  1. I'm looking for a fic that seems to have been removed. I remember the title, it's "Misguided Discipline", but I don't remember the author's name. The story is about when Inuyasha is still a child, and he lives in a hut in the forest. He asks Myoga to have Sesshomaru come see him, but when he does finally show up Sess is pissed and destroys the woods around the hut, and it gets a bit graphic between him and Inuyasha. I saw someone at ff.net looking for this fic, and I was also wondering about it. Does anyone know the author? Or if the author has any other fics on here? I'd really appreciate any help!

  2. Thank you so very much about informing everyone of this threat. My last computer was completely destroyed by an extremely bad virus/spyware, and it is very frustrating that people out there use their skills in computer technology to create things like this to infect other computers and programs. I'm just glad you were able to find a way to kill it and alert the members of this site about this problem. Thank you!! :o

  3. I'm having trouble trying to load a story from my documents. When I hit the browse button after setting everything up and press the preview button to make sure it went through it tells me there was an error. The story in my documents is in Microsoft Word, but it just won't load. I posted it at FF.net with no trouble, but I'd like to have it on this site also. Can anyone help me or give me any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.

  4. If you're still looking for mpreg fics, here's one that I really liked called "Trial". It's a bit AR, Sasuke decides he wants Naruto to have his heir(he doesn't believe there's anyone stronger to have his child) before Orochimaru tries to take his body, so he creates a medical jutsu that enables a man to become pregnant. Here's the link to the story: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600090906. Hope this helps! :)

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