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Everything posted by Bats

  1. You guys are AWSOME! Thanks!
  2. No, I didn't mean the text size or anything like that. I meant text alignment-(I actually looked it up this time). Its when you can center the text so its in the middle or so that its to the left or right, an option like that... But more like how much of the page can the text take up, like on FF they have so you can do Full, 1/2, or 3/4 Im not sure i can explain it any better than that
  3. Dude, I don't know how Hogwarts, let alone the UK put peoples in grades, but where I'm from it goes by the year, and you stay with the other kids in your year... well unless you get left-back or brought up a grade... But you should do it whichever way you want, if i was reading your fic i wouldnt have noticed a thing, or cared to check Good luck with your fic, the idea may be over used but i still LOVE it!
  4. Hey, I'm back with a whole new set of issues. lol I don't know if you recall, but i posted something about mobile friendly options for AFF. And due to the new adjustments on the site, its hard to use the site with my phone now that the justification is now for a full screen... And thats when I realized the site doesn't need a mobile friendly option at all! All it needs is the ability to change font size/type and justification! I can use FanFiction.net without a problem due to these options, since its just clickable options on top of the chapter select! Thats an awesome idea right?!
  5. This website needs a mobile phone version of this site. Some users' only interent access is a computer they find outside there house, and others are on there phone...like me. Due to this I dont have the same options as others, and everything doesn't show up on the screen as it should. I couldnt even register onto the forums without going on my friends desktop. Also if im viewing a story the long ones doesn't show up or it states there is an error. Also now that i have a new phone i thought it wouldnt be a problem no more but i was wrong. Now i cant see all the words because the font spand across the page is too wide...I cant even make the font smaller because of the new button. It would be greatly appreciated if something was done about this.
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