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Posts posted by JacquesL

  1. Hello all,

    it has been a while, true... :huh:

    Well, after receiving two utterly fantastic reviews, I feel inclined to write something here... Uhm...

    It seems I forgot to add the last part(s) of my story. Heh. I know I've gone through a lot of trouble during the past two years, so... that's probably the reason why I forgot.

    EDIT: I've posted the missing chapters today. The Clueless Watson is herewith completed! Yay!

    Enjoy!!! :D

  2. Hello there, this time I'd like to use this very special board to advertize a board that is, in fact, my own.

    It is a role playing board set in 19th century Paris, and it's been going on for 1 1/2 years now. Presently, we are looking for new authors who would like to try and play their original characters, either from the White Wolf universe, any other immortal or supernaturl universe - or your very own. We have a kind of story going on, but we are always glad to get new input, new and surprising ideas. In fact, as long as it's well done, anything goes... My personal motto regarding this site is 'convince me.'

    I don't want to post a link here, and you'd have to register to read all the goodies, anyway, but it really is a nice congregation, and something completely different, for a change. Please PM me for details. I'm the admin. Hell, I'm the board owner. Heh.

    Thankye kindly. :lol:

  3. Hello my lovely ones, once more I promote one of my more recent (and favourite) stories. This time, I decided to publish this story here, too, which has already received very nice feedback at other places… For your entertainment, I may proudly present:

    Title: The Clueless Watson

    Author: Jacques Lavalle (Macko_M)

    Rating: A+, I'd say. Not really too explicit…

    Summary: Holmes and Watson don't realize they're in love with each other. Especially the good doctor has no clue. But he has a dark secret; dark and very lovely indeed. B)

    Feedback: Highly appreciated

    Fandom: Sherlock Holmes Slash (!) again

    URL: The Clueless Watson - Part One

    I've posted the first two of six chapters. Five have already been finished, the rest of which I intend to post here by and by. I'm presently working on the sixth. Most of the dialogues were composed together with lovely Elena Calderas.

    Thank you all for taking your time to read this new promotion, and my warmest gratitude to all those who've already read my stories. It's great to be here. :)

  4. Yeah. And if we start picking at each other now, the main goal of that mail has already been achieved. Well done. :(

    You're afraid. I can understand that. I know very well what it means to be afraid. Point is, that's what makes it so easy for people who want to terrorize you: they use that weakness, which I believe is in everyone.

    Keep calm. As far as I know, there has hardly ever been any author who was convicted of murder, because he wrote a thriller, or of anything else, because he had the idea that it would make a good story.

    I think I need not state what I'd think of a court that would actually do that... B)

    In addition to what I stated above, I'd like to state the following: This lady had a bad day, and she found a very efficient means to share that with many others. :)

    Cheer up, folx. Fight another day. Life is short.

  5. O-kay. :P

    I didn't want to comment here first, as most of the things that crossed my mind have already been said. But, hey, Jaxxy, I'm all behind you. We J people need to stick together. Moreover...

    I'm letting down my pants here, in a manner of speaking. I do hope nobody will regard THAT as obscene.

    I myself was exposed to a variety of abuse, as a child and as an... older child. This led to various consequences and lots of work for psychologists. B)

    This said, I can assure you of one thing: Personally, I write that shit to get it out of my system. I need to do so, if I publish it or not, and I was glad to find people who like me to share what I write. I was overwhelmed at the reactions to some of my 'stronger' works by a public audience, especially where I had the (legally safe) chance to get my writing out in lectures. Had there been someone to sue me, I might have told him that he should first sue those who did it, not the author who writes it down, or invents similar happenings, or the like.

    To quote a famous author (was it Wilde? Was it Byron? Forgot), "...if I don't write, I go mad."

    Well yes, that's what I wanted to add. Thank you all. I love being here. :P

  6. Alas! here's the Incredibly Strange het!Holmes Story I came up with, inspired by sweet Elena one stormy evening, accompanied with a generous amount of red wine. The story is by me. The hilarious dialogues were composed by Elena Calderas and my humble self.

    Usual disclaimer: the master detective and his loyal friend are not ours, but we love 'em, nah, they certainly belong to ACD. H/W slash, eventually (yuh guys, keep on hoping, teehee). Quite mature, I daresay, if you get the picture. If you like Sherlock Holmes and share my sense of humour, you might like this story. Be aware, it looks like one strange het story, but rest assured, all's well that ends well. ;o)

    Title: An Incredibly Strange Story

    Author: Jacques Lavalle

    Summary: Holmes and Watson have a bet: an incredibly stupid and strange bet…

    Rating: Adult.

    Pairings: Holmes/other, Holmes/Watson

    Spoilers: None

    Feedback: Desired greatly.

    URL: http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093704

  7. Hi Jaxxy,

    once more, thank you kindly for your support - and the fab words of welcome. ;)

    Yes, the story is special to me. I worked off quite a lot by writing it. :)

    It's good to know that there's a place for something like that. *happy sigh*

  8. If you'd kindly take notice of the following announcement:

    Hi, I started working on this story many years ago. Recently, I found the time to edit it once more, and now I'm ready for sharing it with you, mostly to get it out of my system. I posted the final chapter yesterday. So, if you're interested in a weird and disturbing, yet rather erotic story situated in the Highlander universe, but mostly dealing with my original characters, please go and read it. As it consists of a lot of things adult, please see my little warning flag. :) As it partly takes place in the ancient Greek past, those of you interested in that might want to read it, too.

    Title: Douleia - Servitude

    Author: Jacques Lavalle

    Summary: Evranos, one of the oldest immortals, finally sits down to write his memoirs. Strange happenings, both pleasant and unpleasant, ensue.

    Rating: Adult++

    Pairings: Original/Methos

    Spoilers: Nah, not really

    Feedback: Highly appreciated

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092117

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