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  1. Hello, hello all. I'm Amy, a 25-year-old fanfic writer-turned-nonfiction writer. I've been posting and reading on AFF for many years now (I have several fics and one poem on here). I haven't updated my PoTC fic in ages, though reading the feedback that I got on it always brings a smile to my face, and if I didn't have a zillion RL things going on right now, I'd seriously consider finishing it. I'm a grad student, currently heading into my second year of the Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis program at Caldwell College in Caldwell, NJ. I also have Asperger's syndrome, which is a form of autism, and I am currently writing a book about my experiences in the world of dating, sex, and love as a woman with AS. It's called The Naughty Autie: Not Your (Neuro)typical Dating Guide, and at the present moment, I have two literary agents reading over my book proposal. Beyond that, well, I do lots of public speaking, at autism conferences and other events. I've been speaking since the age of 14 and I hope to make my living with my writing and going to schools to speak to students in assemblies and staff/faculty members in professional development workshops to help them better understand their students with AS. I also want to work individually with students with AS as an autism consultant, to help these kids have a say in the decisions affecting their day-to-day lives. As for what I enjoy here on AFF...well, I have always been an avid LOTR/Harry Potter fic reader, specifically the slash fics. I have a deep and long-standing love for male/male fanfics, and even though my reading of them has dwindled in recent years, I still enjoy it from time to time. Currently I'm jonesing for a great Batman/Joker or Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent or Batman/Joker/Harvey Dent fic (I saw TDK the other night and it got my slash plotbunnies all a-twitter). I also recently saw the trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which stars Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber (as Sabretooth), Ryan Reynolds (as Deadpool), and Taylor Kitsch (as Gambit). Needless to say, the slash possibilities are ENDLESS, which makes me as happy and giddy as a schoolgirl. I'm especially feeling a strong chemistry vibe between Wolverine/Sabretooth, so I'd love to see some fics involving those two. (My love for Hugh Jackman has also increased threefold after reading this quote of his about co-star Taylor Kitsch: *dies* LOVE. IT. Anyhoo...I guess that's all there is to know about me. I haven't been on AFF in a while and so today was the first time that I discovered the forums, which I'd never seen before. So it's really nice to have a fanfic-oriented community here and I look forward to getting to know you guys better as time goes on.
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