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Posts posted by schrodinger

  1. Title: Insula mortis

    Author: cat-in-a-box

    Rating: Adult ++

    Summary: Vexen/Lucrecia(from FF7), implied one sided Xigbar/Vexen. Writen for the Kingdom Hearts kink meme COMPLETE, M/F, M/M, Nec, Oneshot, PWP, SH, Violence

    Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (with reference to FF7)

    Feedback: Wanted desperately

    URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083192

    Any attention at all I am thankful for, even flames or a slap in the face saying 'ur doing it rong'.

    Thank you for listening to my self pimping.


  2. The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!

    Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

    Level | Score

    Purgatory | Very Low

    Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low

    Level 2 | Very High

    Level 3 | Moderate

    Level 4 | Very High

    Level 5 | Very High

    Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High

    Level 7 | Very High

    Level 8- the Malebolge | Very High

    Level 9 - Cocytus | Very High

    Didn't think I was quite that bad, but oh well.

  3. Terrified of clowns, human shaped/faced dolls, fat people, and the avast! scanners update voice

    What leaves look like through a microscope is pretty damn spooky too. Particularly if the leaves were in a well hydrated environment at the time. <<This is possibly the oddest fear of mine. I can dissect organs (and probably laugh and/or throw pieces at people) and can look at them through a microscope with no reaction. I can look at any other plant matter and microorganisms as well. It's only leaves that inspire such fear.

  4. I'm doing my bit with the graphic cannibalism... :P

    I tip my hat to you sir.

    What genius (note the sarchasm) thought of 'schlong'? Some hentai censors certain words like 'pussy' by doing the annoying bleeping thing and putting stars in the word on the subtitles (as if anyone can't figure out what is being said) and for awhile, this certain anime had Sc***** and I couldn't figure out what it was. I just don't understand how that word got started, but I hate seeing it. It's not even a real word. It sounds more like a comic book sound affect.

    I've seen it used as a comic book sound effect, along with wank and fap.

    As an after thought, I do think the word meat in erotic fiction can be used appropriately, but only when referring to corpses and/or in reference to that which give a whole new meaning to tearing someone a new one

  5. Majority of euphemisms, usually because they are crap/hilariously awful or they are used inappropriately -quickest way in the world to lose an erection in my opinion.

    (there really are appropriate way to use them, just many people fail to do so)

    ...That and I'm a freak who likes clinical terms with a side of lab coats.

    Man-meat just reminds me the world could use some more graphic cannibalism in it's erotic fiction.

  6. Experience? No.

    Second hand experience? Useful, but not necessary.

    Knowledge? Yes.

    Since many of my literacy kinks are illegal to actually participate in; I go by research and use general personal experience as reference material when possible (other wise going by others accounts).

    Experience rarely makes people experts, knowing doesn't make them better writers -but picking up a book or looking up a fact on the internet saves a lot of red-faced authors and head-desking readers.

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