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  1. Ok, Chapter 3 is finished and up. Sorry for the delay, but family business has to come first ya know. Also I decided to do a partial rewrite because I didn't think it was good enough. Please let me know what you are likeing about the story and if there is anything you aren't like as well. Tragalia
  2. I've corrected some problems with Dawnie's name appearing as Dwaine and corrected some spelling and grammer mistakes that were caught by a reader that was kind enough to bring them to my attention. I'm almost finished with chapter 3 and I hope to have it uploaded sometime tomorrow. Tragalia
  3. Thanks for stopping by my page, its great to meet a fellow Author! ;)

  4. Nice to meet you Rowen. I just uploaded my first story last Saturday. I've been reading fic's here for about 2 years and I love this place.

  5. Ok Chapter 2 is up. I wanted to keep it kind of tame and I think I did a pretty good job. I see that quite a few people have read it. I appreciate the 5 star rating. Ignore the second one that was me trying to figure out how things work. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks in Advance, Tragalia
  6. Any Oval shaped object that is heated enough to sear flesh could be used. I have friends that raise horses and some of the antique grooming brushes they have are oval shaped silver handles.
  7. Title: Discoveries Author: Tragalia Rating: Adult + Summary: AU Tara is raising Dawnie after Willow died along with Buffy sealing the rift to keep Glory from returning to her hell dimension. Glory never mind raped Tara. Feedback: Please. Authors Note: This is the first fanfic I have shared and it appears to be liked. I'm still not sure where I want to go with it. Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated. I'm almost finished with Chapter 2. Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer URL: http://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600031083
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