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Posts posted by archangelm127

  1. Even though this thread is old, I just wanted to add another endorsement of the idea of being able to post a response to a review. I'm picturing something along the lines of the way Newgrounds does it--the author of the piece can post a single reply, which appears below the review in question and indented.

    As it is, I've been leaving replies to people's comments on my writing blog, although I don't know if any of my reviewers have actually seen my replies. I also email them when possible.

    After reading some of the admin replies from this thread, though, I should keep track of the relevant parts of the forum in case anybody posts about my stories. ^^

  2. Some of us are watching the legit English dub (which is exceptionally well-done, incidentally). I'm afraid I won't be able to accomodate your taste for R2 fanfic until it debuts in the US. That said, I can provide you with the following:

    Hypothermia (Shirley / Lelouch)

    Be My Knight (Euphemia / Suzaku)

    I know this comes 5 months after your original post, but enjoy!

    P.S. Anyone who gives me spoilers will be shot. ^^

  3. My fanfic isn't terribly complicated plot-wise, so I mostly plan things out in my head (the best place to think is in the shower). For my original stories, I like to have at least a basic outline, and I have fairly lengthy profiles for all my characters. I also have lots written about the worlds themselves, almost like an RPG sourcebook. It's all malleable, but it's very nice to have something to fall back on when I wonder "how does [character X] react to this?"

    The more you write for a character, especially an original character, the more familiar you will become with him/her. After a time, you don't need notes any more, because the character has taken on a life of his/her own inside your mind. I've written entire conversations between some of my OCs without any prior planning. I just start with a situation and they talk amongst themselves, so to speak.

    If you're writing a story with a long and complex plot, outlining is pretty much a necessity. You need to know what's going to happen and in what order, and writing it down is infinitely easier than trying to juggle it all in your head. That way you can refer to your outline for the basic happenings of a scene when you sit down to write. Then it's like a director shooting a scene; he already knows what's supposed to happen, so now he just has to figure out how it's going to happen.

    For something complex, like a fight scene, you might want to block out the entire fight in detail before you sit down to write. Once you've got the mechanics of the fight (who does what to whom and when) established, you can concentrate on making it sound cool.

    These are just generalities. Every author has a different system and writing process. Just go with whatever results in the best material. :)

  4. I wouldn't call my two stories thus far "extreme" sap, but they are romance tales. One might argue that pretty much everything we all do here is just silliness, now that I think about it. No idea whether my stories qualify. Maybe someone can give me an unbiased opinion? Linky.

    In any case, thank you, shinigamiinochi and maidenhair! :)

  5. I didn't know where else to post this thread, so if it's in the wrong part of the forum, I apologize.

    Question: What precisely does the story code "WAFF" ("Warm and Fuzzy Feeling") connotate? I would presume it's akin to romance, but I've never heard it used in this context before so I thought I'd better ask before using it to label my stories. ^^

  6. I respectfully suggest adding a new story code: "Romance"

    I put it on my stories' descriptions manually, but romance does seem like something that'd be part and parcel of a fair percentage of erotic fanfic. I just find it curious that it's not a story code. :D

  7. Short version: I'm looking for a competent and reliable grammar/spelling editor willing to commit to proofing one (short) chapter per week. I'm quite willing to provide reciprocal editing services at whatever volume needed.

    Long version: I've recently begun writing several stories based off the anime Code Geass, and I plan to branch out into other things in time. I focus on romance and interpersonal interactions in my stories rather than straight sex. When there is sex, I tend to gloss over the sticky details with poetic language and let the reader fill them in mentally.

    I'm going to try to keep a fairly regular schedule of one new chapter in one or another of my stories per week. I don't know if I can sustain that long-term, but it's worth a shot. In any case, while I'm very confident in my writing skill and style, it's a great truth that one cannot proofread one's own work. I need someone else who's a grammar and spelling nazi like me to look over the manuscript each week. You will, of course, receive public credit for your help, and I'm more than willing to return the favor and edit as much of your work as you need.

    My first post (chapter 1 of Hypothermia) I'm satisfied with structurally and stylistically, but it still needs someone to go over it with an editor's eye. Check it out if you want to get an idea of my writing style and general approach to a fanfic.

    Okay, I'll stop talking now. If you're interested, please email me at archangelm127@hotmail.com or catch me on AIM, ArchangelM127. B)

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