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  1. Those are all my verses, random ramble from my mind filter by my heart, put in to verse. I would never steal someone else work and claim it as my own. It has been added to the frist chapter. thank you
  2. My story, Destiny of a Stolen Heart Naruto AU M/M, by pushplay was hidden. Frist, I tried putting the disclaimer in the frist chapter, because the rules state if the disclaimer is more the 240 characters long then but a note in the disclaimer box and write a full disclaimer in on the frist page of the frist chapter. Sadly that was not good enough. Then I put disclaimer in the disclaimer box. I copy and paste the the example filling in the used fandoms. But for some reason I still failed to satisfy the disclaimer rule. Please please please tell me what i am doing wrong and I will give you 7 game token. Honestly I read the rules over and over and attempted to follow them unless...gasp someone just doesn't like me Ps- the short verses at the begining and the end of each chapter belong to me.
  3. devil's haircut - Beck
  4. thanks a thousand and seven for the warm welcome. And may your thoughts flow free and your computer never crash.
  5. As odd as this may sound I am afraid to sit on a horse. I can pet it, feed it, brush it, do everything a good horse lover would but as soon as I get on my whole body starts trembling. Not the ooo im scared tremble but the teeth chattering wide eyed yep I'm a goner shakes. I'm also afriad to wash my hair if i am home alone. The dark is creepy, not the night but the dark. Oh and anything that buzzes. It buzzzz I run.
  6. Praise (deity of your choice). I finally figured out how to post *glares* you can stopcalling me an idiot i knew how to do it it just wouldn't work for me. And now on to the heys and how are yas. i am tinyteeth. I like sugar. I like giving hugs. I only act my age when the law says I have to. *waves and hugs the bewildered masses*
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