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Everything posted by Foerick

  1. RAPE?
  2. Foerick


    Auntie or Auntie Name would portray a fondness that is not parental but still dominant.
  3. Fixed somewhat.
  4. I'm so hot birds travel to me in winter
  5. 7599
  6. 7597
  7. 7590
  8. 7584
  9. 7582
  10. 7579
  11. 7575
  12. 7573
  13. 7571
  14. Taming the Warlord The Great Imperium is rampaging across the known world. It's great armies lead by the fearless, unrelenting Warlord. Undefeated in all his conquests he faces his greatestest challenge. The challenge is not an opposing army, but a mere woman Abuse, Angst, AU/AR, BDSM, B-Mod, BP, D/s, H/C, HJ, M/F, N/C, OC, Preg, SH, SoloF, Tort, Violence, WIP Set in an original fantasy world with original characters. Only 8 chapters at the moment but updated at least once a week, sometimes twice a week then a break for a week.
  15. I learnt long ago that if I was going to post more than 3 paragraphs on a forum post or such that I would do it in word or notepad first. I once did a long post to join a guild in a game and hit the back button twice by accident, once was key press and once the button. My third attempt was done in word then pasted into the post. This also does a grammar and spelling check, so it's all good.
  16. How do you read the mystery forum? I can't find the password anywhere
  17. I am afraid of planes, I fear they will fall out of the sky but I am more scared of trains because a plane could fall out of the sky and crash into the train. Seriously, heights and roaches are my big fears. Though there are times when I can stand on the edge of a precipice and look down, I have even jumped off a 50 foot cliff into water other times I just lock up, gripping what ever support is nearby with an white knuckles iron grip.
  18. Judge Judy rocks! Most likely they could be sued for the cleaning costs or at least that cost would be taken from their bond before it is returned to them.
  19. I've always been bad and making up names. When I was first online my username was Trojan. Which comes from my name Troy and the Trojan Horse. Well going into an IRC chat room with the name Trojan only started nicknames of Condom Man and the like. So I soon dropped that one. Foerick comes from a character I played in a RPG. The full name is Foerick Calms, which is an anagram of Cleric of Mask which is what he was, though he masqueraded as a Cleric of Oghma.
  20. The story I am currently in the process of writing I had been updating the first 7 chapters at least once every 2 days, then there was a gap of a few weeks before I could write the 8 chapter. No one seemed to complain. Could be that only a few are reading it. But no new reviews either since the 7th chapter, that has me a little concerned.
  21. Foerick

    Bad Titles

    Words you could try; Covenant, Pact, Pledge, Oath, Bond, Binding, Bound(ed), Boundries.
  22. I spend a day a week, talking stories with a friend. Discussing the plot, the moments of smut, going into detail. It's now gotten to the point that even though I am only working on "book 1" of the story which we have mapped out and occassionally revisit to refine as I get closer to each part. We are up to book 3 in the planning moments. It is very frustrating, because there is some juicy really events in book 2 that I really want to write but I have to finish book 1 first lol.
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