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  1. can I ask if this seem familar to you looking for a friend. Hermione has broken up with Ron when she finds out he is cheating on him with Lavender Brown she goes to Hogwarts as a teacher. Her children go with her two of them is rose and hugo there's another one. Hermione is shocked that they don't blame her they blame their father for everything. That's all she remembers
  2. Looking for a fic for a friend in the fic Hermione wakes up not remembering but for some reason when she wakes up she see's Draco and jumps him snuggling next to him. Which weirds him out and everyone else. She doesn't want to be near anyone but Draco. She even tackles him to the bed hugging him. That's all she remembers. Hope someone can help my friend and me cause I remember reading this a while ago.
  3. I think you are looking for it's on the inside that counts by Lovespell http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no...7&chapter=1
  4. I remember the fic that Hermione is immune to unforgivables. Snape helps her and falls in love with her and she with him. In part of the fic Snape trains Hermione and the rest of her friends. Hermione is immune to hexes and unforgiveables to the shock of her friends and family. sorry this isn't a lot but I know I read it here can someone help me
  5. I remember you finding this for me a while ago. It's called Experience by Hermione Malfoy http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600007704
  6. All I remember is Hermione has to marry Snape and Snape shows her a book of sexual positions. She is shocked when he spells the pictures to look like them. So she is looking at her and Snape having sex. That's all I remember please someone help me.
  7. It's been a while since you updated! I hope you are fine!
  8. I think you are looking for Hermione Malfoy's Experience http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600007704
  9. wrong fic it's called They Will Be Loved 1. Hermione Will Be loved by southern_witch_69 just wanted to let you know since you were so kind to respond http://pureblood.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=281
  10. found it's called The Mutual Deal 1. Helping Each Other by southern_witch_69 http://pureblood.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=1335
  11. The story is called Two Much by SoftObsidian74 Hermione finds herself alone with two Malfoy men, and discovers that there is a such thing as too much of a good thing. LM/HG/DM, COMPLETE
  12. AllI remember is Hermione is very angry and is arguging with Snape and Draco in the room. Snape is not liking the fact she is yelling and screams I am the head of Slytherin. Hermione says spell that makes a cauldron pop up on Snape's head with Head of Slytherin in Blinking lights. I hope someone can help me
  13. Happy you are back and okay. I missed your updates.
  14. bellakuuipo

    HG and SS

    HEHEHE I know your confused. I am the person who suggested to Saffron the stories for you to try. I am happy I found the right one for you. She said I should write a little something here. Enjoy!
  15. THANK YOU you rock!
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