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Posts posted by Rowen

  1. I think everyone pretty much summed it up. For myself I really want reviews, negative is fine because it helps me become a better writer. I used to take critiques personally at one point. Then I realized that those negative comments (the well written ones that point out mistakes and don't say, OMG! you Sux!) really help me improve by pointing out my weak area's.

    I have noticed its hard to get reviews here, more from what I've read here on the forums than from my own personnel experience. At the moment I only have a 'one shot' up and have received two reviews, both good........but I know there has to be something wrong in my writing because I'm not that good. In fact the rating is more an indication of peoples thoughts toward my writing style than those reviews.

    I want to get better, so please, give me a negative comment if you notice something askew in my writing. :)

  2. I just finished my first adult content story. I figured I would start small and only try a one shot, since its kinda new ground for me in terms of writing I thought that might be the best choice. Its a simple love making session with Shikamaru and Temari.

    Title: A Walk in the Woods

    Author: Rowen

    Summary: Shikamaru and Temari let go of thier inhabitions and let loose. (One Shot) M/F

    Rating: Adult++

    Pairings: Shikamaru and Temari

    Feedback: Desired greatly.

    URL: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097414



  3. I did manage to get a few books to help me out. There were pretty slim pickens at the books store even though I considered it rather large. But I think I got a few good books, and they are:

    1. The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing - Ive almost finished this book, its very good for the beginner and pointed out several beginner mistakes which, you guessed, I was making.

    2. Plot and Structure

    3. Revision and Self-Editing

    The other two I have only skimmed through, however they were recommended on another authors website. Right now Im wondering if I should continue my posted story (which in only to chapter 3) or rewrite and start over. I did not have a plan when I started and I'm at a loss. Ahhh, Ill figure it out.

    Thanks again for the great posts everyone. Been a really big help.

  4. Thanks for all the great replies everyone! Ill be heading out of town tomorrow (perfect time to hit up a book store) any good book recommendations would be appreciated. I have a few I have heard about and those are:

    On Writing - Stephen King

    The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing - Evan Marshall

    Plot and Structure - James Scott Bell

    Of course the one that Melrick mentioned is worth checking out. I really want to get better and am excited about writing. I just can't seem to get that flow down, there is really no way to describe it.

    I'm reading one fic here and that person does just what Im talking about. Here is the link: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092816

    How the Author gets into the character head, you know what Sakura is thinking. Just read the first chapter, heck only the a quarter of the page and you will see just what I've been trying to describe. That is my goal, to make my stories that interesting to read.

    I might just rewrite the 3 I have up now, and attempt to do that, I can see already that I switched POV to much or didn't even have a clear POV, maybe thats why its not so clear cut and static. <Shruggs>

    Thanks again for all your replies, you've given me a lot to think about. :P


  5. As the title says, what are your story planning routines? Do you create a full outline? Start writing and take the story in which ever direction your imagination may lead?

    What about character creation? Full bio's? Make it up as you go?

    I understand some of this would pertain to only Original fiction or even original character introduced into a specific fandom. But I'm curious to see how some of you juggle these. I'm not new to writing but I am new at writing more than one chapter, putting it all together if you will.

    With my current story I feel I am having trouble with the flow. Creating believable dialog with the characters or even describing the scene in general. I can picture most of it in my head but transferring it into readable form is my main down fall.

    I look forward to hearing what everyone does.

    Thanks in advance,

    John (aka Rowen/Lotharen)

  6. I've had several hits to the story now and am pretty pleased with that. Even got a 5 star rating from some anonymous member. I still would really like a good critique of these chapters and the story in general. I'll never know what I need to work on if I don't get a little subjective help here. You don't have to sugar coat it, if you hate it let me know but tell me why and where the story lost your interest.

    I look forward to any reviews, critiques, ect I can get. Thanks again everyone. :)

  7. Any one? I would really love a critique so I can know if my writing sucks and I have a lot of work or if I'm generally going in the right direction and just have a few things to work on. I NEED to focus in other words, help me out. B)

    and as always, thanks in advance.

  8. As the title says, Hello! I just joined the site a couple days ago and the forums about the same time. I've always enjoyed writing and have had aspirations to actually write some books. I say books because I honestly have a trilogy planed out but have never sat down to actually write it.

    This is where I hope AFF will come in. Since I enjoy writing I thought why not write chapters slowly and update here, then I might get some feed back to build my confidence (or correct mistakes) and grow as a writer. I like what I see here so far. Its a mature community with some truly amazing writing. I'm going to have to sit and read a few myself and give some reviews. :(

    I've made my first chapter post and will sit back and see what happens as I plan and write out chapter two. I look forward to the time I will spend here and hopefully make a friend or two along the way. Again, its nice to meet you all.

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