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Everything posted by wildstyled

  1. I love subcats. Makes things a helluva lot easier. Anyway, I love 'em!
  2. I just wanted to say how surprised I am that there were no True Blood fics!! (Eric/sookie= love, Bill/sookie=love) lol. Anyway, I may not be looking hard enough, but I looked in the TV series under 'T.' Anyone have thoughts about this??
  3. hello there! My name is Michelle and I would like to be your beta! Although I have not beta'd before, I feel that my English skills a bit better than average. However, I feel that the most important thing about beta-ing is the willingness to offer time to someone and help them make their writing read better. I will admit that I may be harsh at times, but that's only because I want to help. This probably does not have to be said, but I will give 120% of effort to anything given to me because I know nothing is more frustrating than to work fervently at something and having no one appreciate it or reciprocate the same amount of effort. All right! Enough business, let's get down to the more fun stuff!! -Fandoms I'd Beta for: I'd like to say that I'd beta for anything, but since I have not read every fandom in the world, I don't think I'm entitled to say "anything." I do know, however, that I have a lot of intersts and I don't mind being introduced to new interests. The only "weakness" i can think of are mecha-stuffs, like Gundam, because of my very limited knowledge and experience about them. But, I'm a very open-to-new-ideas kind of person ! -What I will NOT beta: I don't think I'd like to read extreme violence such as someone's guts spilling out in excessive detail, a male being castrated in too much detail, or someone inserting a knife into a vagina....Please, none of that. I also don't like to read about anything that has to do with bodily waste like someone eating fecal matter or drinking urine. (Rimming does NOT count in this category ^_~) -A little about my preferences: I enjoy yuri, yaoi, and straight fics. I enjoy teacher/student and boss/secretary pairings. I DO NOT enjoy adult/child pairings (ie: Sess/child Rin or Kag/child Shippo.) I think it'd be more appropriate if the child is of mature age before they are paired with the adult, no offense to anyone who enjoys these pairings. I hope I don't sound hard to work with or anything, I just want to make sure I am specific so others can understand what kind of person I am. I promise that I'm actually very lovable!! XD I hope to be hired soon! email: wildstyled (at) hotmail.com ** please put "AFF.net" or something along those lines to prevent me from thinking it is junk mail. I hope to make friends too !! ~mich
  4. BANNED for having such a pretty colored signature. LOL
  5. Love Game--Lady Gaga My turn!! I am trying not to tell you, but I want to...I’m scared of what you’ll say, so I’m hiding what I’m feeling, but I’m tired of holding this inside my head.
  6. T: To Kill a Mockingbird (by Harper Lee)
  7. Before him was the most beautiful ( well, in his mind) sight: a homeless shelter for cats.
  8. Marry: Edward Cullen, but only with short hair....and if he looks like he hasn't been plastered!!! Date: Ash Ketchum Dump: Hank Hill, no comment. LOL my turn!!!! GIRLS: Daniel Radcliffe R Kelly Peter Griffin (family guy) GUYS: Meg Griffin (family guy) Uma Thurman Meryl Streep
  9. seasoned fries
  10. GUILTY!!!! lol Guilty/Not Guilty: In highschool to university (undergrad or grad), have you ever cheated on a test?
  11. Because I wasn't here. Why can't I find the "key" to the mystery thread?
  12. I have never told anyone my secret.
  13. wildstyled

    I Am...

    I am ashamed that my post count is so low.
  14. 7620!!
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