Trickie Woo
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Everything posted by Trickie Woo
All right this is my last on the topic. I've enjoyed it all, though I'm sure none of the Mods have from the feed back I saw. I'm sorry that you all got so upset but if you didn't have so many buttons to push and make yourselves so vulnerable by keeping them right in my face I would have stopped after the first two posts I made, the one on category reordering and the one here. I still have no specific answers to my questions, I also see that I'm flogging a dead horse because you have no intention of answering them specifically. I asked for specifics, in reply I got only generalities that told me nothing. I would like to make note of one thing, I never used any swear words and, while I was snarky, I kept my language civil and clean. I like to argue and I like to keep it civil, clean, and logical. At least one of you used a swear word or words in the replies I got and most of you were so distraught that you heaped abuse on me. You all take things personally that are meant to be general complaints and statements. I don't know any of you from Adam so how can I be personal in what I complained about? I'll leave you alone now, I'd rather debate with people who will stick to the subject and keep up their own side of the debate or arguement. That can be both intellectually stimulating and a lot of fun, this is neither one anymore. Trickie Woo
First, I did not call her a name, I said that she sounded like a Marxist spouting Communist dogma. That is what is called condemming the sin and not the sinner. If I wrote a flame to anyone it would be much more caustic and nasty than that . Second, I was called immature by DemonGoddess061 and talked down to by both persons for expressing how I felt and I replied to what they had to say to me. I thought that was permitted under the First Amendment, but possibly this Forum is located in some other English speaking country that doesn't grant me that right. But it does seem to me that you don't like getting complaints or criticism on this forum. Third, I could deal with the category changes if the techs had left me a way to do a story search, but that was eliminated too. I've asked why that specific function was eliminated but no one has deigned to answer that question. I have a life to get on with, I don't have time to slog through 106 pages listing 5174 stories so I needed to find a way to find stories that is less cumbersome and time consuming. I don't see anyone offering to give me any help in finding a new way to do that. Fourth, I am old enough to be the mother and possibly even the grandmother of any of your techs and I am far from immature. I have had to deal with the the things I mentioned in my reply plus much, much more. I had a childhood very similar to the one Snape endured and I am proud to say that I've dealt with that and all the other issues in my life without ever succumbing to drugs or becoming an alcoholic or smoking. I have maintained a marriage to the same man for 44 years through good time and bad, that takes a lot of work and effort and would never be achieved by anyone who is immature. I am strong and tenacious and I have weathered more in my life than most people and this is a very tiny tempest in a teapot to me. I am accountable for myself and I am sorry if I have offended anyone, but I don't see anyone saying they are sorry for offending me and I don't see anyone giving anymore than knee jerk replies to my questions or anyone else's questions about how to use the new system of categories without a search function for stories and not have to slog through an endless amount of story lists using up what is very finite time for me and for everyone else. I started reading stories about Snape at AFF a little over three years ago and I had noticed a real improvement in the quality of the stories that have been posted during that time, but an improvement in quality doesn't mean anything if I can't find those stories so that I can read them. Trickie Woo
How old are you anyway to so immaturely think that you are totally right and anyone who protests what you do is wrong? Most of this sounds like a Marxist spouting communist dogma. Do you act that way about everything? I wrote to Jaxxy when I discovered the category list I had on my Favorites was gone. She told me to go to the Forum and express my complaints. I had never registered for the forum so I did that Friday after I got her email and started posting Saturday night. Here is the text of the email Jaxxy sent me Friday: It's so wonderful to speak to a more mature helpful, and understanding Member such as yourself. I don't think I could easily be anyone's grandmother around the site, but being in my middle thirties, it is sometimes tiring to try to keep up with the teenagers (cherished as our Membership is). We won't be making a single change that is not necessary. Also, none of the core philosophies that AFF was built upon or has upheld for these five and a half years are going to change. I have made sure that our new lot of Staff has got the "AFF Spirit", as I (cheesily) like to call it. So, things will be shuffled and regrouped as the coding dictates we must (to stay alive), but nothing, as far as allowable Story content or quality, will be lost. I really *do* hope it doesn't become too hard for people such as yourself to find their favorite things here -- if it does, I imagine we will find a way around it. Nothing we do is carved in stone; I will keep this site flexible so it can bend with any winds of change that come and remain intact. Here is the response I've gotten so far from the category-shuffling Staff Member I mentioned I'd forward your letter to: "I merged the OFC/OMC categories because they make no real sense. The stories are in het. It's also in interest of keeping those sub subs from exploding all over the place." So, apparently, what our technical team sees at this point is just a need to simplify and condense things so the coding is happy. I'm guessing, once that is squared away, we'll be able to adjust things so that everyone can get at least a little of what they'd like. Though I know you can't always please everyone, I like to try. In the meantime, it might be a fine idea to go on over to the Forum and start some discussions about it -- if many people desire things to be a certain way, and Staff can see that, it gives us more inspiration to try to find a way to get things done for them. Not that we are uninspired! It's only that AFF is a bear to run, pay for, and maintain; this keeps us extremely busy. I sure hope it's not a "no way, the coding can't handle it" thing, for your sake... but neither can I guarantee that. I am not a technical expert such as some of the the lovely ladies and gentlemen that donate themselves to AFF are, and I must trust their judgment. See you around the site. -- Jaxxy I have done what she advised and you have done your best to insult me. I am old enough to collect Social Security, strong enough and mature enough to overcome some of the worst that can happen to a human being, for example I lost my son 11 days before his second birthday when he died a few days after having open heart surgery to correct a heart defect he was born with and my father was killed in action in WW2 when I was an infant. I'm also smart enough to be a survivor, your insults can't hurt me. This is what I told hanyouelf and i will repeat it for your benefit: I have made anonymous donations to many archives, this one included, but I will not continue my donations unless an archive gives me what I need, that is an easy way to find the stories I am reading and new strories I want to read. I'd even be willing to pay monthly dues to a Website that gives me what I need and what I want, but you haven't offered that as an option. It works for Public TV, if the public gets what they want they will give money to continue getting those programs. If I can't find anything I was reading and there is no way to search for it and no option offered to bring story search or the OFC/OMC categories back or at least make it easier for me to find them why should I continue coming to AFF to read fan fic? I am not the only person who feels this way, one author I beta for has already switched her story to Occlumency and the group of Snape/OFC fans I know, both readers and writers, are seriously talking about leaving AFF. There are greener pastures out there that feature easy to use story search functions, email alerts, and a place to list your favorites so you can find them. I'm willing to pay for that
I have made anonymous donations to many archives, this one included, but I will not continue my donations unless an archive gives me what I need, that is an easy way to find the stories I am reading and new strories I want to read. I'd even be willing to pay monthly dues to a Website that gives me what I need and what I want, but you haven't offered that as an option. It works for Public TV, if the public gets what they want they will give money to continue getting those programs. If I can't find anything I was reading and there is no way to search for it and no option offered to bring story search or the OFC/OMC categories back or at least make it easier for me to find them why should I continue coming to AFF to read fan fic? I am not the only person who feels this way, one author I beta for has already switched her story to Occlumency and the group of Snape/OFC fans I know, both readers and writers, are seriously talking about leaving AFF. There are greener pastures out there that feature easy to use story search functions, email alerts, and a place to list your favorites so you can find them. I'm willing to pay for that.
With the way they've changed the Harry Potter category, and particularly Snape/OFC (my favorite too and the only one I read here) it looks to me that they are not part of the Potter fandom, care less about Snape than Rowling does, and that our needs don't matter at all. Are you familiar with Sycophant Hex and what happened when they tried to change to a new system called Mage? The new system was so f--ked up with new bugs and glitches appearing every day and Their members were very unhappy and leaving in droves. After 6 months the Mage system was FUBB (F--ked Up Beyond Belief) that they had to admit defeat and go back to the old system. I won't be surprised if that happens here unless they give into the needs the readers (and the writers) have. In the meantime Occlumency, the Snape archive at Sycophant Hex, is where all the Snape/OFC stories are kept. You will find Snape centric non romance stories ans Snape/any canon female except Hermione there too. I only read Snape stories and I lothe the SS/HG pairing. If you want story recommendations or have some to give let me know, I'll be glad to swap recs with you. The are still some archives where it's easy to find SS/OFC and I know most of them. Trickie Woo
Subcategories scheduled for deletion
Trickie Woo replied to DemonGoddess's topic in Fiction Archive Updates
I want the separate OFC and OMC categories back. I only read Snape stories and Snape/OFC is my favorite pairing. The last time I was able to get that list up on my computer, which was Thursday, there were 217 stories listed under Snape/OFC. Why should I have to slog through 106 pages of the M/F stories when there are quite a few pairings listed, some of them very obscure, that have only one or two stories listed? This quote from LaBiliographe staes what I want to say much better than I can myself. "I can't really understand why these categories were removed unless it was to make life simpler for the programmers. Should the programmers be the ones to decide how literary categories should be organized? Libraries fought this battle for years as technical types organized the world of information without understanding how people look for information. Please don't let that happen here." I hope this doesn't turn into the same kind of fiasco that Sycophant Hex had when they institued their supposedly new and better 'Mage' system. They had to return to the old and much better system because of all the glitches and bugs (new ones were popping up every day) and all their members were very unhappy with it and abandoning ship. I suggest that you add a character search function like FF.net has at the top of the page. It's one of the few things that works at FF.net, and it works very, very well. I can get all the stories archived on any pairing I want in any rating I want just by entering what data I want. If they could only add a filter to filter out the immature stories by immature authors I'd be very happy with them. Trickie Woo
I want the separate OFC and OMC categories back. I only read Snape stories and Snape/OFC is my favorite pairing. The last time I was able to get that list up on my computer, which was Thursday, there were 217 stories listed under Snape/OFC. Why should I have to slog through 106 pages of the M/F stories when there are quite a few pairings listed, some of them very obscure, that have only one or two stories listed? This quote from LaBiliographe staes what I want to say much better than I can myself. "I can't really understand why these categories were removed unless it was to make life simpler for the programmers. Should the programmers be the ones to decide how literary categories should be organized? Libraries fought this battle for years as technical types organized the world of information without understanding how people look for information. Please don't let that happen here." I hope this doesn't turn into the same kind of fiasco that Sycophant Hex had when they institued their supposedly new and better 'Mage' system. They had to return to the old and much better system because of all the glitches and bugs (new ones were popping up every day) and all their members were very unhappy with it and abandoning ship. I suggest that you add a character search function like FF.net has at the top of the page. It's one of the few things that works at FF.net, and it works very, very well. I can get all the stories archived on any pairing I want in any rating I want just by entering what data I want. If they could only add a filter to filter out the immature stories by immature authors I'd be very happy with them. Trickie Woo