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Everything posted by Korie

  1. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600050289 Should be in Naruto Yaoi rather than misc. anime. Someday these people will learn.
  2. Chapter 3 is up, Chapter 4 in the works- my muse went nuts today.
  3. Category name: Ichigo Mashimaro/Strawberry Marshmallow Section category to be in: Anime (G to L) (or S to Z if you prefer just the English name) Do you have any stories for it?: Yes- my current story. And Imasuky has one too. --added with the English name, Japanese name in parentheses. So, you'll find in S to Z
  4. It is indeed a regular enough occurence- both plagarism and the accusation thereof. This isn't JKR's first defence of her title, either. Nancy Stouffer filed suit in 1999, but it was dismissed because she'd fabricated evidence. Still, it isn't likely to go much of anyplace. If JKR is in any way in the wrong, she'll settle out of court and still have enough money to wallpaper her house with it.
  5. 8236
  6. There's a lot of Naruto pairings in particular that bug me... more than anything though, I'm tired of seeing Itachi/Sasuke, Naru/Sasu (seriously, enough with people who'd sooner kill each other!) Kaka/Saku (I really can't see him going after a student of his), and yeah- the Lee/Gaara pairing is a horrible idea that should not be. I'm not fond of yaoi pairings in general, but I'm going cringe-worthy only here. Inuyasha- Sess/Inuyasha (no, it doesn't even resemble 'in character'), Jaken/anyone Card Captor Sakura- Eriol/anyone just really bugs me.
  7. So, is anyone attending Otakon this year? I was thinking it could be interesting to try for an AFF meetup if there's any interest.
  8. Title: Strawberries and Cream Genre: Ichigo Mashimaro (Strawberry Marshmallow) Warnings: loli, SoloF, inc, oral, fist http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600050048 I was inspired by Imasuky Lomae's "Golden Week" in progress and decided to get off my butt and work on an idea I've been throwing around for a while. If this one works out well I'll probably start on a few other ideas for fics based on anime that doesn't get enough love. I have some thoughts for Kanon, Manabi Straight, GA, and a few others. I got chapters 1 and 2 completed, and chapter 3 is about 40% complete right now.
  9. Hi, I'm Korie, longtime lurker who's actually trying to do something more community-active here now. Might even try my hand at posting some of my writing if I can get the time to edit older stuff or write something new. I love the loli side of things, I read mostly in the Anime, Naruto and Harry Potter sections. I'm a sucker for a well written story with good grammar/spelling, under/barely of age pairings, and anal. I dislike seeing fetish tags that interest me on a story that doesn't end up spending any time focused on said fetish. My favorite authors (on this site) are Imasuky Lomae, Twisteddarkness, and hawker_748. All three are awesomeness. Fav animes would have to be... Love Hina, Ichigo Mashimaro, Clannad, Kanon, Nanoha, Lucky Star, K-on! and Manabi Straight. Anything I happen to write someday would probably come out of that grouping... probably one of the ones that really hasn't had much of anything written for it.
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