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Everything posted by JoeHundredaire

  1. Dunno how y'all got from "make writers behave like adults and take their lumps if they post shit and people call them on it" to a queue-based quality control posting system that mods would wade through, but to each their own. All I'm saying is, Dany, you asked a question. Your own site policies are to blame for the very problem you started this thread to complain about. The only solution to the problem is to change that.
  2. I just think it demeans the reviewers, that we can put time into a thoughtful review to try and help someone and then have it disappeared because the author has a sandgina over it.
  3. Just wait till I win the lottery, Jennie. First thing I'm doing is buying a few hours of your time so I can get you to find and change that code.
  4. You must have missed the "make people act like adults" part of my post to you all. That's the difference between this site and TtH. You people are WILLING to tolerate that kind of behavior. We're not. That's why we, on average, remove 3-4 flames per month. Authors either grow up or don't post shitty fics; either way we all win. And surprisingly enough, the only authors we've had leave our site? A few who went on to publish works and wanted their stuff gone for legal reasons, a handful of bannings of AUTHORS for abusive behavior to REVIEWERS, and two who were recently removed by their own request after we confronted them with evidence that they were attempting to cheat on the annual site awards.Oh, and one author who stomped off the site after we stripped one of his stories of an award back in '08 because he had misrepresented it and allowed it to slip into voting in a category it wasn't eligible to win an award in. Danyealle, I would think that you of all people would support such a thing. Weren't you the one complaining about shitty fics with glowing reviews? How do you think that happens? It's because you let people remove anything that offends them. So when you delete 80 bad reviews out of the 100 a story has, you're left with a story that has 20 glowing reviews and seems like a good fic on the surface... and then you click that link and your eyes bleed.
  5. There's no "find this piece of code, change 1 to 0 disables delete button" option? I know Storyline originally had it as an option in configuration because TtH has never had deletion while other Storyline sites did.
  6. Considering most sites don't allow you to delete reviews that you don't like - FanFiction.Net being the notable exception and then only in the case of reviews left by cowards who opt not to log in before flaming - I don't see why turning off an author's ability to delete reviews would be such a horrible thing. What's the worst that would happen? People would be forced to grow up and act like adults and face criticism for the shit they're polluting the site with instead of being able to go "Well, if I delete the ten people who say my story sucks, I must have a quality piece of literature on my hands."? And there's nothing saying moderators would be given extra work or anything. I'm the most senior moderator at Twisting the Hellmouth, and we remove (on average) about a dozen reviews a month. 75%+ of those are accidental double posts from the site burping. That's out of 7,000-9,000 reviews per month. Hell, Jennie, you got what... three separate whiny bastards complaining because I called them out on their "I'll rape the hell out of a chick until she loves me" fics? If your policy was "If you wanna post here, you have to deal with both praise and criticism", that would have been a good two hours of your life back.
  7. Not the first time a bunch of guys have been told that...
  8. That and most people are just ashamed to admit they're reading half the shit they're reading. Hell, judging by threads on other fanfic forums I've seen, people are ashamed to be WRITING half the shit they're writing. Of course they're not going to put any sort of digital fingerprint on their masturbatory material. They don't want people knowing they were there.
  9. Just because I went on a shopping spree on iTunes yesterday... Jaxxy won't like it... ROCK THE CASBAH! ROCK THE CASBAH! By the way, hitagashi, your mom and I have been talking about her selling you to me so I can give you to my sister as a belated birthday present. Just FYI.
  10. Hey Solaris, is your avatar supposed to be broken? O_o
  11. What can I say? I'm a simple man with simple tastes...
  12. With your eyes or with your "eyes"? Because I'm far more likely to pay attention to the latter.
  13. That's because you haven't met me yet.
  14. No more Jaxxy and no more bitchy Jaxxy leg-humper mods who think they have the power to ban people because they end up on the wrong side of an argument! Fiscal transparency, a decrease in pedophilia, and actual useful mods! HUZZAH! *does the Running Man*
  15. After being there with you for the last two or three weeks... all I can really say at this point is you go girl. About damn time all your hard work paid off and you could sit back and enjoy the results.
  16. Yeah, who'd have thought that 4chan would decide to have some fun at the expense of an 11-y/o girl who posted self-nudes online, threatened to 'pop a Glock' in peoples' mouths and 'make a brain slushy' and told people to 'suck her non-existent dick and get AIDS'? Then her father made it worse. And her mother still has no idea what's going on. Although police have confirmed she's lied to interviewers insofar as there have been no death threats or anything.
  17. It could be worse. You could be Jessi Slaughter.
  18. Over at Twisting the Hellmouth, we have a statistics page that maps out a variety of interesting information about each of an author's stories. One of them is the IP a chapter was last interacted with (posted or edited) from. Looking at the story I'm currently working with, I have four separate IP addresses and there's variation in both the third and fourth segments of it. Looking across TtH with a quick IP search (handy mod feature Jay added for weeding out dupe accounts), I'm pulling up over a hundred registered accounts who share 69.183.x.x IP addresses alone (I look at my stories and see 69.185, 69.188, and 70.x.x.x IP addresses). To say nothing of unregistered readers. And my IP rotates at will. Hence my question: would the moderators really be willing to knock out an unknown portion of viewership and legitimate users just to keep this one guy from visiting?
  19. Yes? And? If you delete him, then what? He doesn't need to review or anything. He just needs to visit the site to find a new story to flame once a week. So what's to stop him to continue visiting unlogged in to harvest material? Rules are only as good as your methods of enforcing him and in this case, the only punishment the mods could hand out to prevent him from accessing the content on this site would be a wide-spectrum IP ban that could potentially knock out the access of any number of legitimate users. And how does that stop him from continuing to maintain his site when I'm fairly certain both fair use (hell, any argument that he doesn't have the right to fair use would be an argument that this site doesn't have the right to exist because fair use is the primary argument people use when the legality of fanfic is debated) and parody legal precedent are on his side?
  20. Protected under parody use; precedent set in multiple court cases including (I believe) all the way to the Supreme Court. So? If anything happened to him from the original material makers, he could just shrug and point back AFF's way and go "I got it there, they violated your copyright, go sue them." If you think a quick "hey it's not mine but I'm going to use it anyways" would insulate an author from being sued for copyright violation, you're sadly mistaken. And? Google the porn star of your choice and you'll pull up links to galleries of their movies, none of which require you to validate before seeing 15-20 pictures or 4-5 movie clips of varying levels of explicitness. Yes, well, the top post as of when I visited was a story about Sonic anally violating a crying Tails. Perhaps if people feel having their material brought into the light of day and dissected is so horrible, it's a sign that they need to step back and examine what they're writing?
  21. Err, I'm no legal scholar here, but wouldn't attempting to do anything legally to him epic fail on account of fanfiction being essentially illegal in the first place? I doubt a judge would be particularly sympathetic to the cause.
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