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Everything posted by DarkSiren929
Due to the many times my stories' have been taken down here by unknown accessers; I have decided to not re-post here again, Email me if youwant to know where the stories' have gone now.
Chapter Four of Dark Mysterious Secrets has been posted. Tell me here what you think of it.
Chapter eight of BoTaF is up! (Bonds of Trust and Family)
I have edited the formatting of chapter eleven of A Fine Line. Thank you!
I have fixed the formatting in chapters one through eight of my story A Fine Line between Love and Hate. Hopefully it is easier to read now and more people will review it. I'm sorry it took so long for me to notice the formatting was way off, but I have been terribly busy. Mandy
Jessie, To your review to Twisted Karma. Yes, Hermione will be a friend for the new Harry and the Weasleys' will not accept him nor will Albus. Albus will try to reclaim his weapon and won't be able to as this story is already fast approaching its ending soon.
What about Dark Mysterious Secrets? Tell me your thoughts on it as well?
So, how does everyone like my new additions to my works called Black Shadows which is co-authored and Twisted Karma? Tell me your thoughts on them? Good/Bad Need more grammar and editing work? Need more work with the structure? More Content or explanation?
To the detriment of others, I know Black Shadows seems fast now but it will slow down later in the story. I am still working with the chapters and making adjustments here or there. Please be patient with me as I am trying to get back on track with this story, as I've not worked with it for several years now. First of all, to Kera, and her first review... Harry may be looking as if he had had everything handed to him, but he will have to work to hone some of the gifts even though he has inherited them from his ancestor's and direct family. To your second review, which I really appreciate all opinions no matter how horrible you think it is; I know it seems unrealistic for Harry and Draco to just get along after years of fighting and I agree to this. As the story slows so will the relationship aspect for them and they will just be trying to get to know the other. As for Ginny, I really did not want her to say a whole lot but to more look out from the sidelines especially when they go back to Hogwarts. I hopoe this explains better.
I have several Harry/ Lucius stories out if anyone is interested in them. They are Innocence Lost, Road to Freedom and Dark Mysterious Secrets.
I can help write any Harry/Draco fic you want, but before you accept me; I want you to look at my own H/D fics A Dragon's Love and Bonds of Trust and Family on my profile. If this is agreeable? My email is darksireness929@gmail.com
In an answer to Vaire's question about the time line in DMS (Dark Mysterious Secrets), I have an answer. I have also fixed the name discrepancy from chapters two to three. As for the timeline of this story; it is the year 1998 and Harry is eighteen and already graduated, but has realized now that he was lied to by everyone he knew around him. Harry's mother's name is Lyra Sharine Snape-Riddle and was turned into Lily Jasmine Evans by Potter and Albus when James didn't get his way. Lyra was born in 1960 and started Hogwarts in 1971. You spend seven years at Hogwarts so she graduated in 1978. Lyra is the daughter of Tobias's older brother who is married to Neva Celeste Zaire-Snape. Severus will play a major role in mentoring Harry on the Dark after the oath he is under is broken. Lyra may make an appearance in ghost form. As for Tom, originally Tom Riddle was born to Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle Sr. on December 29, 1929. His birthday in this is the same as are his parents except in this, Merope used her love potion a lot longer and Tom was born in 1945 instead of 1929. He started Hogwarts in 1956 in this so Lyra is four years younger than he is. If Tom were his real age in this he would be sixty-nine in this story, however, since I have altered his DOB; he is actually fifty-three years old. I hope this helps people understand the background history and timeline of Dark Mysterious Secrets!
Snarry was the very first Slash pair I read at all. It's one of my favorites but not my the favorite. Harry is very compatible to Severus, but he is to many other HP characters as well, such as Draco, Lucius in a way, Tom Riddle (My fave), and in threesomes too.
I love Harry/Lucius; it's one of my favorites.
How does everyone find them to be? Grammar alright? Easy to read? Constructive criticism is welcome but flames are as well within reason. I would like to hear others opinion besides what's in a review to me? If you want to discuss a topic about any of my stories you can post it here and I will answer. I check this thread daily. If you have questions; you may ask them here also and I will answer them. Remember that they must either be about my stories or if you have questions about me as an author, writer, beta reader, and editor. If you should want to rant and rave about something, please go ahead and I will accept that you are angry for some apparent reason and try to fix it in whatever story. I try to fix errors and plot-holes in my stories' at post haste. I will take flames graciously and constructive criticism with an open mind. I will hear out any idea anyone has for any of my stories at all. I am open to all content and new ideas from anyone. Hopefully you understand what I am trying to do with this topic forum. I understand this will take a while but it was something I wanted to do.
For me personally, I prefer Draco as the submissive.
Bill would be a fifth year and in his OWL year
I am going to take Plot one as a challenge. Mandy DarkSireness929
Lucius Malfoy has a big... Challenge
DarkSiren929 replied to Mistress of Malfoy's topic in Harry Potter
I'd also like to take up this challenge. Does there have to be Mpreg or anything? How long does it have to be? Can I turn it into a Harry/Lucius/Voldemort Threesome or does it have to be strictly Harry/Luc? I decided to call the story Harry's Dark and Dirty Secret Mandy DarkSireness929 (darksireness929@gmail.com) -
I want to add a Harry Potter/Viktor Krum section pair to the Hp category of the AFF Archive. I have a story of that pair but it is in the Male/Male sect. I want to add it under Harry Potter. Then obviously under slash male/male I want a Harry/Krum sect for my story and possibly any other writers who want to write one as well. I noticed you have one for Draco, so I think its only fair Harry has one too. If this is agreeable email me at darksireness929@gmail.com Mandy DarkSireness929
I am in need of a beta for several stories I have written. More speciffically, twelve stories'. However, the beta will only work with the new chapters I as I write them and hopefully can get the job done in two or three days max. I am still re-posting for some of my stories here; you will not have to worry about the re-posted chapters, just the new ones afterward. I would preferably like someone who is open-minded to new ideas and has maybe read a few of my works before. I tend to write Harry/Tom, Harry/ Lucius, Harry/ Draco and Harry/ Lucius/ Tom the most out of all my stories'. However I do have a one-shot that is a mentioned Harry/ Severus and a multi-chaptered fic that is Harry/ Viktor Krum. If anyone is interested in these fics; you can contact me at my email adress at darksireness929@gmail.com I hope someone is interested enough in them. For me to send you the files as attachments, you must have at least Windows XP Microsoft Word 2003 I know this is a bother, but it is the only program I've ever used. Mandy DarkSireness929
My fandom is mostly Harry Potter, more over the rare slash pairs of the fandom and such. Such pairs would be Harry/LV-TMR or Lucius Malfoy. I find it kind of despicable that due to amout of traffic for such a section of the site that there are no more posts for such pairs. Pairs Such as Harry/Draco are normally overdone and there are too many. I would like to see more posts for these pairs. I like your idea and would like to implement it, but I'm afraid I am not very computer savvy and would need for someone to explain how to do it to me first.