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Posts posted by Ssserpensssotia

  1. Oh, lala...Here I was, browsing AFF for what....the first time in two years and I just had to walk in the middle of a very unpleasant discussion.

    First of all, I would like to proclaim I am no Gryff, that's for sure (SLYTHERIN!), so the reason I am willingly walking into this is Hufflepuffish...Or not..We'll see.

    Anyway, I can honestly say that since Nerys does not respond normally to personal accusations and just plain attacts, then Serpie will have to meddle. For the greater good.

    Dear Magentasouth,

    You probably know me from FF, since I don't hang that often in AFF. You know that I am a nice person and I don't just bitch out of a sudden. I am, however, extremely pissed off at the moment. Nerys has been writing magnificent fanfics for as long as I have known her. If that person says that there are some VERY, very close similarities between Her fic and Yours, I would listen to that. I understand your comments about favorite fanfics having some sort of influence over your own writing. I, sometimes, have the same problem. But then, I DON'T write them down and try to put as many differences as possible between My fic and the one I liked.

    I have to be honest- your comment, where you basically just walk over Nerys is a Big NO-NO. The autor tells you- Hey, you have similar shit, but I DON'T MIND. And you reply with the "I won't credit you with that, I won't acknowledge that, so fuck off". I looked through your fic and I was not the only one, and YES, the similarities, phraises and words are VERY close.

    Nerys does not do Snape/Hermione or Lucius/Hermione, but I do. I must have read all normal Lumiones there, since I love this pairing.

    And I find a lot of things in your fics that I have read before. I am not trying to accuse you of stealing other's ideas, I am trying to make you see the point that IF the author tells you THE EXACT facts that are shockingly similar, then YOU MUST LISTEN.

    Nerys was the first to tell you of the problem that you, yourself, have brough up. Many authors just don't bother, or don't know. She cared and she explained her position to you. All you had to do was show respect. I have seen none. And I was not the only one, if you get my meaning.

    If I see a great idea, or phrase in a fic that I like and I understand that were I to write my own fic down under the influence of the idea that I would somehow use that, I would either tell the author, OR, as Nerys told you, to at least make a small AN, giving credits to the said author.

    I have no idea how I would react to the fact were someone to use Fate plus Death, Hamster, Parrot, Dumbles, or any other significant character or fact from my fic without at least giving me credits.

    Nerys has been too Hufflepuffish in her reply to your comment, where you tell her to shove her credits into her arse. At least show some respect, uh?

    We all get influenced by many great stories, but come on!

    I read your and Nerys' replies and you contradict yourself on so many occasions! You state that you have read her fic, you obviously remember all the facts so possibly, re-red the fic and then you state, out of the blue, that "For goodness sake! It has been sooo long ago and it wasn't your idea from the beginning anyway"...So, what is it? Was it so long ago or not her idea at all?

    I am pissed when my friend tries to be polite and respects others and in return gets brushed away as if she were some shit from outerspace.

    I watch all kinds of shows too (Fringe, Doctor, Supernatural.....) and I get ideas from there too, but then, I do write it in AN...

    It is not that hard to respect others, is it?

    I know you only from your reviews of my own stories, and you seemed like a great person to me. Why would you be so twisted to Nerys when say you like her?

    Anyway, I do hope you understand what I have been trying to tell you. Especially concerning the "Fuck it" attitude towards Nerys. Not good.

    I feel like a Gryffpuff now...

    I do hope you will understand that I am not bitching on you for the sake of just being a bitch; I am trying to tell you in another way what Nerys had tried before. She failed with her nice responce. I hope I won't.

    For the greater goood and peace in our galaxy,

    Darth Vader Serpie

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