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Posts posted by Kip

  1. Settles Keith down on psychiatrists chair, makes sure there are no sharp objects in reach.... "Now, tell me, how long have you been having these dreams?"

    Didn't anyone ever warn you about the perils of eating cheese and pickles right before bed time?

    Seriously - sounds like you might have a nugget of an idea buried in there... When I get any particularly clear or weird dreams I usually jot down whatever I can remember. Usually I end up in a totally different direction, for some reason the dream tends to make a lot less sense when I come to look at it while fully awake. Occasionally (when boredom is approaching terminal levels) I go back to the file, skim through it, mutter something along the lines of 'what the f*** was I thinking?' and then either totally ignore it for another couple of years (likely), or start plotting in random directions to see if I can take it somewhere new (less likely, but more productive)...

    I look forward to seeing what (if anything) comes from this small beginning.


  2. And hey... it's been two weeks about and I haven't been arrested for anything. I'd like to see her try and explain that.

    Delighted to hear that 'they' haven't got you yet, Greenwizard! (Me either - though I had my doubts for a while). Thanks immensely for the review by the way... much appreciated. Do forgive me for not following this thread for a while, but it's been a busy few weeks, although granted that's a poor excuse (but mine own).

    Jaxxy is totally correct - people like that will work themselves into a frenzy over nothing, they don't deserve you and it's their loss that you aren't going to be enlivening their unhappy little lives any longer. Whatever are they going to find to complain about now? Oh, there'll be something, there always is. But at least AFF continues to benefit from your presence!

    hugs and best wishes to all


  3. Tending to agree with Jaxxy here - as a fully sexually functional being, and generally accepting person, I don't find the topic per se unappealing, but any appeal for me would depend on the handling of the situations and the quality of the writing. Erotic? Could be... might not be...

    Keith - meat locker and Macky D's? Wash your typing fingers with soap... Fast food is disgusting enough in itself surely? Unless we're talking about Chocolate milkshake, which I will admit to being occasionally tempted by.

    Like shinigamiinochi, I haven't chanced upon much variation on the basic 'chick with dick' theme, and though I do have a herm story on one of my many back-burner's it's not likely to be finished for a long while since I stalled partway through the plot thread (blame writer's block!)

    Anyway - it's late here, and that's my thruppence worth... enjoy debating!


  4. Myth: all women have multiple orgasms

    Truth: you wish ;)

    I read somewhere that in women multiple orgasm is a learned response, and therefore women are more likely to experience it as they get older/more practiced at sex, making it correspondingly rare for first timers and young women. Whereas men tend to lose the ability to come more than once (always assuming they ever had it) as they age.

    Don't you just feel SO sorry for those guys?

    On the flip side - there has to be SOME compensation for periods/pregnancy/menopause!


  5. Clearly, the reviewer doesn't realize just how strange fandom is.

    Aww, c'mon - that review was FUNNY! Spare a little pity for that poor little reviewer, trying to use what is clearly a 2-D brain in a 3-D world! Or maybe fanfic extends beyond the usual range of dimensions? Which would go a long way toward explaining some of the stuff that ends up being written and apparently thoroughly enjoyed ...

    Many thanks for bringing me this - it's cheered up what was otherwise proving to be a rather crappy day...

    'Purr (Kip)

  6. What I was saying is that it would be good practice to write a more customized short summary
    the Story's first chapter... you know, at the top. Much easier than trying to explain oneself fully with only the short area and a few codes.

    Jaxxy, as well as being a wonderful voice of reason, you are definitely inspired! I for one, will be adopting your suggestion about the customised summary with enthusiasm. In fact - why not write a first chapter as a preface - no actual story content, simply a longer explanation (along with any additional warnings) of the intended content? That way, a reader could open it with confidence that they aren't going to find themselves upset by something they don't feel ready to deal with... It has never been my intention to upset, only entertain.

    I admit freely that I found (and find) it very hard to write a summary - how do you effectively describe what's in there, often when you don't know yourself where it's going to go, without totally ruining any element of suspense for the reader? Too much and there's no plot, too little and we might as well start every piece off by saying "Things happen. The end".

    To luvinfanfic - just to confirm: you have heard from the author, and sorry, but I truly feel that we've covered all the relevant points by now. I really don't wish to waste anyone's time by raking over the coals. I would hope we can close this issue now, as the whole experience has been quite upsetting enough, my work is fiction however I am most assuredly quite real.

    Naturally, should anyone have any new points to raise, then I will, of course, respond to them, and I'll continue to monitor the discussion boards whenever I am able.

    Best wishes to all

    Kip ('Purr)

  7. I do not feel inclined to retract anything. I felt it. I said it. And to retract would make one think I have changed my views on this.

    I can not bring myself to read any of this because the description alone bothers me and if you're saying the description does not explain the exact content of your story then why write it as you did? Shock value? Hits? Reviews?

    That's perfectly fine with me - you're completely entitled to your opinion, but what I'm saying is that the correct place to air these opinions is in here in the forum, and not on the review pages, because as you admit yourself, you have not actually read one word of the story. For all you know I could be really lousy at synopses...

    Why write the synopsis like that? Because it's damn hard to fit something at all accurate, but that does not spell out the whole plot, in so few words...

    If my synopsis stopped even one person from inadvertently opening the story and finding the content offensive, then it worked, didn't it? If people want to read something then they will - I've passed over a few dire synopses and found marvellous well written tales (though, sadly, also some not-so).

    Let me put it to you like this - if I tell you that someone has written about death, misery, rape, vengeance, murder, incest, infanticide, slavery, religious intolerance, among a whole load of other things - is your immediate impulse going to be to pick it up and read it?

    I'm guessing that most people would be saying 'definitely not' (or something similar) at this point.

    Okay, fine. What if I then tell you that this is a global best seller, followed by millions? Does that change your opinion at all? All those people can't be wrong, can they? Surely this must have something of value to offer?

    Okay, a few real people have actually been harmed and even killed because of the content ... but even so, it's gripping... attempts have been made to ban it, mostly unsuccessful, and I understand that some people let their children read it...

    Shocked? Well, who wouldn't be? Who would read anything like that?

    I did, and I can almost hear people out there chanting something along the lines of 'Yes - that just shows what sort of pervert this person must be, we were SO right!'...

    Actually millions of people just like me (and quite unlike me too) have read it, and there are more people picking it up and eagerly absorbing every word every day. Chances are you already have too... I am of course referring to the Old Testament - of which I am not a fanatical devotee, but I do enjoy a good smiting...

    It's all in the description. I could have described my story as the 'grim tale of three badly shattered people finding each other in a cruel world...' and if you'd read it and discovered that you didn't agree with my description, then you'd still be writing in... though if I had omitted to mention the abuse aspect, I would feel that people would have more grounds for complaint.

    I've listened to what you have said, given you the benefit of an open mind, and even acted on some of your suggestions (amended the warnings and the synopsis). Frankly - please, DON'T read my story - and I would respectfully ask that you do not post any more unfounded reviews on my column, because that is there for people who HAVE read it.

    thank you so much for your time, and I wish you all the best in the future


  8. To answer luvinfanfic - I see what you are saying about the warnings, and will certainly make the necessary additions to them, I didn't realise I hadn't actually - so thanks. As to the summary: I was determined that no one stumble on something that they weren't expecting to find, hence the original wording. At the same time, I stand by my previous point, I find it quite unreasonable to be 'publicly' castigated for something that someone imagines that I have done... or presumes that I am going to do...

    I have no intention of bringing my personal, employment, or family background into any of this - it's my writing that is on show, not me. As for anyone making ungrounded assertions about my character or morals - water off a ducks back, since I know that I have done nothing more than air a contentious topic (and those who matter to me know that as well). I have no control over what those outside my circle may assume, and frankly wouldn't want to - free thinking being the perogative of intelligent people everywhere.

    I would like to state for the record though, that while I support free speech, the tone of the two earlier reviews that I deleted were nothing short of offensive, whether intentionally or just in the heat of the moment. Since I didn't feel that what was said had any justification, and the language was inflammatory and unsettling, I exercised my right as the author to delete them. The repostings were less threatening, therefore they are still there - although if you feel, in light of new information, that you wish to retract anything, then I would certainly be happy for you to do so.

    If you're not okay with what I've written, then you're not - although I trust that you are actually commenting from an informed viewpoint and not simply making assumptions? Criticisms based on assumptions are rarely accurate and certainly not welcomed by me. I can live with people not liking my writing, although as you would have noticed even if you only went by the reviews, the story seems to be generally well received though.

    With regard to the reviews:

    Yes, it did unsettle me that a self-confessed pedophile posted a review of the story - however, as the reviewer quite clearly stated that it was having access to material like this (even though he is likely to be disappointed by mine on that score) that stopped him from going out and actually ruining some innocent child's life, I felt it worth leaving the review in place.

    I did remove one out of the two reviews from another writer, because the original included an invitation to visit another website - one with strongly worded underage content. I did not want my story to be in any way associated with any of that material, or for anyone to assume I was endorsing it; however I did email that person and politely explain why. It may have looked as if I had edited the review but I don't have that facility, any more than any other author does (I assume).

    Clambering down off her soapbox...


    • (
      always thought of Darkfic as things like snuff, deathfic, and brain-eating, but it never really involved me ... )

    Actually - so did I ... which was why I posted "Brandy" where I did ... although, as I offered previously, I will move it if given sufficient justification for doing so (i.e. not just one person), although I am not convinced that it belongs there. When it is finished, if a move is still widely requested, then I will of course, comply...

    As for the furore over the (largely perceived) content of "Brandy", there are a lot of PWP-type underage and very-underage sex stories in this category and elsewhere, going into a great deal of detail - which I have purposely not done for any scene involving the younger character. The full sex in my story is between the two consenting adult males, which as far as I can see makes it Slash rather than Dark... True there is action that in the real world is inappropriate with a minor, but even that is fairly tame (or else purely implied), certainly in comparison to other works in this category.

    And, in response to points made in a related thread by 'Spanky' - why 14? That's below the legal age of consent in most countries... why not go with 16 or 18 if we're going to impose limits?

    However; since people seem to be reading a lot into my synopsis, I have amended the wording slightly. I would like to suggest that if people are going to criticise a writer's work it would be fairer if they did so on the basis of what is actually in it, rather than what they think MIGHT might be in it, otherwise they could always exercise the option of skipping the thing altogether and reading something else.

    Keep in mind that, if we do this, any Story concerning "the darker side of the human mind" would then need to go into Darkfic, right along with "Brandy".

    Working on that definition then half of the site is going to end up Dark - considering, as has already been pointed out elsewhere, that you cannot please everyone, there will undoubtedly be at least one person offended by anything that is not 'Vanilla'... or probably even something that is...

    I leave you all to debate further... I have some writing to do...


  9. Hi

    As the author of the story that 'Heartbroken' is referring to, I would just like to say how astonished I am that some people seem to be villifying my fic... there are certainly a lot more contentious works on the site, and as someone has helpfully pointed out - no one seems to be bothered about underage Harry Potter getting treated appallingly. My guess is that it's the 'real' aspect of my story which is causing the issues, but it is a fic.

    I posted in the Originals/Erotica section because of the action between the two (adult) characters - and might have put it in 'Slash' but that didn't seem to fit with the little girl character being there. If anyone else can suggest a more appropriate genre then I have no objection to it being moved (but with 33 chapters already posted, I'm not keen to start shifting it myself).

    Annoyingly enough, judging from the reviews (both positive and negative), a lot of people have assumed that they already know where the story is going, and seem to be commenting accordingly - and doing so with very little basis but suspicion and supposition. Which says a lot more about those reviewers than it does about the story or it's theme... I purposely made the rating as high as I could, put warnings in the synopsis, and posted where I was sure that the 'innocent' would not accidentally stumble on it, but still people are complaining...

    As it happens, I am quite in accord with some of the points made by 'Heartbroken' about children not being sex objects, and that child abuse should not be portrayed in a positive light, but to assume that evil necessarily looks evil, is to miss the point. If we could see into people, then children and vulnerable adults would be safe, as would the rest of us, since everyone would be able to spot a 'bad 'un' a mile off!

    If anyone thinks that my story is condoning abuse, then I'm sorry that they have chosen to interpret it that way - that certainly was not my intention in writing it. I have established the characters, laid out a feasible thread, and followed it -the conclusion (which is not yet written, and therefore I defy anyone to pass comment on it yet) will tie all of those points together, and present one possible outcome. I refuse to offer any suggestions as to what that will be, as I detest plot spoilers.

    In passing, I might also point out that I object strongly to people connecting my writing to my real life - if it were true that we are what we write then by now I would most certainly be an attractive young/ish gay man, well loved, and probably quite rich... which would make a nice change!

    I have stated again at the start of the most recent chapter that I welcome respectful constructive criticism, even if that happens not to coincide with my own opinions, but I'm not happy with being flamed over something that was never my intention in the first place, and I have directed any non-review comments toward this forum.


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