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  1. Someone with that same e-mail address used to send spam to my e-mails, so he's not just a problem on here, he's a problem elsewhere as well. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I figured a heads up probably couldn't hurt. If this reply is out of line or anything, pleas let me know and I'll delete it posthaste.
  2. This is off the subject, but what is a troll? Um, beside the mythical creature or an older person who likes touching kiddies, I mean? I keep finding references to them all over the site, but I have no clue as to what they are. Is it like a spammer or or a flamer? Or.................er, I feel really dumb now.
  3. a house elf gang-bang with Lucius as the victim. Because he's such a snot. I'll even be happy to beta it.
  4. I've never been a beta before, but I would like to be. I'm not sure what to tell you about my qualifications other than the fact that I got perfect scores on the reading and writing portions of my GED. I prefer to beta HP stuff (but I will do anything I'm familiar with, just ask) and there is nothing kinky enough to truly offend me. I have no idea what else to tell you about me by way of introduction.
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