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Everything posted by YaoiSmutMaster

  1. Please forgive me for such a late reply D: Life just really sucks at times. I would love to have you beta some of my stories, if you are still willing and when I have some availible. My muse is on stike at the moment Thank you so much for taking the time even offer and it is much appreciated. I truly hope to take you up on it in the near future, if the offer still stands
  2. EDIT: I found a beta offsite. I am looking for a very open-minded beta, that has good grammar, spellling and punctuation skills. They don't have to be college level lol but enough where the fic is easier to read. Story flow and making sure I tie up loose ends, are other problems I have. So if you are a stickler for tidy endings, please apply. This is a Naruto yaoi fan fic, actually it is a gift fic and I have two complete chapters ready. It is only three chapters long and the last chapter is 40% done. Like most of my stories, it contains incest and...somewhat explicit shouta, it is a unique part of the story lol There is explicit sex and dirty talk. No canon or ooc/ic nazis! I don't subscribe to those notions, I am not Kishimoto. So I don't try to write like him, plus the situations I put them in dictates how I characterize them. In other words, I don't follow the trends. If you don't mind the story content and have the skills I am looking for, please contact me. If you have never beta'd before that's fine too. I would be honored to be your to bust your cherry
  3. I am definitely looking for a beta for a gift fic I am doing. Most of my worries when it comes to my work is grammar, spelling, puncutation and story flow. Also, my work usually has incest, shouta or M-Preg, sometimes all three. So if you don't have a problem with that, I would be grateful to have you as a beta. Oh OOC, IC and canon are not important to me.
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