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Madam Hallows

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  1. Wow, pretty damn impressed by your resume I'm a long time reader of fanfics, and finally plucked up enough courage to actually write one. I'm working on a HP Lucius/Hermione pairing, that's loosely based on the movie Under the Tuscan Sun, one of my favorites. I'm hoping its going to be about 20 chapters, maybe more, depending on if I'm inflicted with writer's block or not. I've been told I'm a fairly strong writer, however I am weak when it comes to grammar, something I've never fully grasped. I'm more of a write it the way you want to sort of person, but after reading so many fan fics, I know the types of fics that attract my attention are the ones that have next to no spelling or grammar errors. For some reason they just piss me off haha. I work full-time, so I'm hoping to post a new chapter at least once a week, so your deadline wouldn't be that tight if you chose to beta for me. Please let me know if you have time to do it! kshizzle_@hotmail.com Thanks!!!
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