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Posts posted by canterro

  1. Oh they are very thought out. Most of mine are very complex multi-chapter stories that are huge with plotlines that twist all over the place. Since i work off very detailed outlines (most times though there are exceptions to this) i have no problems going through a chapter and getting it done. I have everything thought out and worked out before i even start to write it so, yes, they are well thought through before i start writing them. At any given time i have roughly 30 outlines in various stages of completion on my computer to work off of. Those are done in off times when I'm not writing. I just have more time to do this than most people on here is all. ;)

    weel, it explains a lot :)

    I can't prepare everything before I start writing, cause.. I get bored :D

    For me a story is a journey. I sail as the wind blowes and I see what's happening :cry: Almost every new chapter is an adventure for me and I often can't tell how it'll end up :(

  2. :)

    Here we go again...

    Aleks - well, actually I did like that chapter. It wasn't just 'something' between more important events, if that's what you meant (is it?) :) Yeah, it was a short break from all love storms... But I guess it was needed.

    Our life includes some love-independent feelings, dilemmas, actions, doesn't it? :)

    I hope the last chapter gives you satisfaction!

    kylee - well, it's not a one-step procedure to come out as a real human, with feelings, weaknesses, even trust... It takes some time :) You know - one step forward, two - backward :angry: But we'll slowly bringing Sam up from his traumas and his shell. The newset chapter is definitely a step forward ;)

    And yeah, Sarah is completely caught up in a total mess :D

    Lisa - this time, in this chapter, Sam isn't so hatefull ;) Check it out!

    SunaoTsuji - keep poking ;) It really works!

    Have a nice reading!

  3. I think there are two main groups of writers. Oh, well, maybe three:

    1. Those who write just for pure pleasure of writing. It's their way to give a vent to their fantasy. And maybe a good idea to please reader who like it.

    They don't treat writing as a hard work, they just have fun. For them reviews are nice (for whom they don't?) but not necessary.

    2. Those who write 'seriously'. They put a lot of effort to master their works and aim for the title of a good writer. They try to learn, to develop their skills, and reviews are the base they build on. For them reviews are like showing directions: this you do wonderfully, this I like, this is boring, and in this part I don't understand what's going on...

    Those writers take all concrete reviews and try to learn from them. That's why I, for example NEED reviews. Not only for satisfaction, but mainly for education.

    3. Those who think they are great and don't need anyone to confirm that, or, God forbid, to criticize. They always know better and if they don't get reviews, they think "To hell with them. They don't even recognize the fine art..." ;P

  4. I went through your prologue and I don't really know:

    you want Josh to really love her? or ,aybe he wants to posess only?

    does he really think he does awful things? is he really fond of Leila as a person, or maybe he should despise HER as week?

    is Josh a real monster, or you want him to be human inside? :D

  5. Aside from the main stories (all centered around the OC) and the one AU I wrote the stories with the OC are all pretty brief. where/when the characters are is pretty anonymous. I also tend to use the same cannon characters.

    I guess that's the problem. I really just need a woman for sex. Does it matter who she is?

    well then, you just can give her a different name and it should work ;)

  6. As for the other things, I do have a problem with getting ideas for new fics just as I'm starting a new one. I don't really try to solve that problem, though. I believe I write better if I just go where the inspiration is. As for couple ADD, If I start getting bored of a couple I'm writing about, I'll sometimes throw in a new element/character to spice things up a bit. Or make an existing char in the fic take on a more central role.

    Please, please, take up one of my challenges I threw onto AFF sooooome time ago :D

    It'd be great!

  7. i do a 4000 word chapter in 2 hours usually and put out between 2-3 chapters a week. Sometimes i do more than that, depending on the story and where I'm at in it. I've done more than that, a lot more. I'm one of those beings that could update every day if I would cut down my chapter size. But it's not unknown for me to update both stories I work on at a time in the same day with a minimum of 4000 words each (usually I overshoot that by a bit). That's not to mention the outlines and such i do in between time.

    my God... I'm sorry if I offend you - this is certainly not my goal, but... do you even have time to think the story through? to create some complex relations, characters, and person-to-person games?

    I mean, for me it's better to write one very good (it's relative, of course) thing, put a lot of effort into it, than have a high production rate - it doesn't work for me;

    well, sure, sometimes you just go with the flow, and it happened to me that I was able to pull the thing in one day or night, but it's not my standard :D

    however,... it's just me :)

  8. I just has this thought:

    it's extremely difficult for us, authors, to give a story the ending like one of those that life is full of;

    we like our characters (some of them, at least); and we cheer for them; we want them to be happy, fulfilled, and on top, whether we're aware of it or not;

    so the ending like "he just fell for somebody else" just don't go through our minds;

    and they should :D cause it's what life is :)

    unhappy ending doesn't have to mean death or something dramatic; it can be just that things didn't work out well; that something finished although we didn't want it :) it's sad, but it's so true...

  9. the first time for a women strongly depends on her partner's skills;

    if he is skillful and caring, then he can make the woman feel secure, desired, sexy, and he's able to open her slowly;

    if he isn't, then, well, things usually are a bit awkward, which doesn't necessarily mean unpleasant - it's an experience of discovering, of finding what we like or what's wrong:)

    if she trusts somebody then she's more honest with her feelings and sensations, both positive and negative; if she doesn't than she becomes tense and just has to endure :(

    I remember my first time as a powerfull emotional experience, in the first place, not really physical; the physical side was very so-so :(

  10. Hey,

    thank you for reading my story and for your kind words :D

    I'm definitely going to read yours, as I noticed already that I like your style; we sort of, uhm, get each other pretty well - that's my feeling, at least :)

    are you an English native speaker? I wish I was... but I'm not and my language not always conveys things as well as I'd like it to; but I do my best to improve!

    tomorrow I'm going to visit my far-away friends and I'll stay there for 4 days, so I won't have access to Internet; but as soon as I get back, I'm all (well, almost ^_^ ) yours;

    see ya!

  11. I haven't written fan fiction for a few years now, but I was pretty much the same way then as I am now with research. If I went too full force into the researching before I started a fic, I'd let out all my steam just looking up the facts and by the time I was satisfied, I would have lost my drive to write the story in the first place.

    that's how it works with me too :)

    the point is to make things not necessarily true, but convincing :P

    you can twist the reality completely, but if you do it in such a way that your story stays believable - point for you!

    well, that doesn't apply to the case when a story is set in the real world and should be true to the facts, of course; then reaserch is vital;

  12. That is exactly where I'm having issues in my sex scene right now. I mean, I can write hot little interludes just fine no problem. But a full on sex scene is tough without being highly repetitive. :)

    use the dictionary of synonimes, I suggest ;)

    or borrow some words from another story (of course I don't mean repeating whole expresions or sentences, but useful synonimes);

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