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That's taking it WAY too far. Men and women (or women/women...men/men - depending on the couple involved, of course) can be friends. I've known one guy like that...his girlfriend would talk to a male co-worker and he'd go off. WTF? They work together, they HAVE to talk now and then, ya know? But out of the context of work, it's still a bit...caveman/cavewoman-ish. I'm glad my hubby understands...my best friend is male. I've always been a tomboy (still am)...and especially love, love, LOVE baseball (hubby's more into football) so I crave my other male friends now and then. I'M the one out there teaching my kids the game, I'M the one who insists on going to a couple games a year, with family in tow...I've met guys at the games who are shocked when they hear ME explaining a particular play/rule to our kids, with hubby listening intently, too. LOL I just can't find any female "baseball buddies" around here. A couple of my female friends are also into football..but they're really "girly" and only watch because of the "hot guys in tight pants". That's not a true fan of the sport in my eyes. Generally speaking.... All in all, I have to agree.....it comes down to what you AND your partner agree on as to what constitutes as cheating.
I prefer to do the meat like that, add in onions, and some bread crumbs (we just tear apart a couple slices of bread instead of buying "actual" bread crumbs)....cooking that in a pan until the onions are clear...then rolling out homemade noodles...and making the filled noodles. We just didn't have time to make and roll the noodles (let alone time to let them cook until the noodles were done - in a big pot of beef broth, if you're wondering LOL)....so that's how hubby actually came up with the meat and potatoes...thing. LOL We also make a lot of "Snape's Special". Any fan of Harry Potter will get the reference. We throw leftover meat into the crock pot (combined meats or one single meat - smoked sausage, hot dogs, beef, pork chops - literally any meat, cut into small cubes) add some beef or chicken broth (depending on what the main meat is), throw in some veggies (usually carrots, peas and/or corn) and add black beans. Problem is, the one night, we didn't have time to rinse the beans so EVERYTHING in the pot came out a sickly grey color. Looked horrible, but it was AWESOME. LOL The kids actually named that dish. Another favorite of mine is hubby's Raspberry Lemon Lime Chicken...that one's a bit harder to explain, but I can dig around for the recipe if anyone's interested. Grape Balls are easy....meatballs (60 - 100 large ones or 150 - 200 smaller ones) with equal amounts (we typically use 32 oz. of each) of grape jelly and spaghetti sauce. Cook until frozen meatballs are heated through or broil home-made meatballs about 1 minute per side, then throw 'em in the crock...either way, wait until the grape jelly is "melted" into the spaghetti sauce. Sounds horrible, but they're really good. Everyone likes 'em so much, they've become a staple for us to bring to large family gatherings. At a wake for my friend's little sister, one of her relatives even put the leftover sauce from them into bowls to take home to freeze so she could make more later...worried she'd forget the recipe! LOL For a long time, this was the only way we could get our picky 2nd child to eat meat at all.
You should try the invention my hubby cooked up the other night...we haven't even named it yet, but it was potatoes, beef (well, if you're not vegetarian in any way), and onions....wrapped up in a breading. Hard to explain. But... Put the meat in a crock pot, cook until it's "falling apart tender"...shred the meat. Add in some chopped or diced onions. Prepare the potatoes mashed. Make a dough (we cheated and used Bisquick)...spread it evenly on a pizza pan. On HALF of the dough, add a layer of the shredded beef and onion mixture, spoon on the taters, add another layer of the beef & onion, fold the dough over it...bake as directed for the dough...just until it's golden brown. Anyone got an idea on what the heck to call this creation?????? LOL I still prefer my filled noodles, monkey bread, ham roll-ups, and grape balls, though!
I swear I was built backwards. Too much Dew and I'm out cold for the night, which is really unusal, since I'm used to running on 2 - 4 hours a night...when that happens (usually when I'm not carful or at family parties), I always feel tired for the rest of the day after my coma. LOL
My favs...hmm...there aren't many but a vast variety. LOL Mexican...I love Mexican, the more spice the better! Italian...hubby's Italian, and he's the one who cooks. I'm only good for Mac & Cheese or a meatloaf...and spaghetti (though I can nuke almost anything). LOL Ham Roll-Ups...if it wasn't for piggies, I could SO be a vegetarian! Monkey Bread Grape Balls ohh....and Bologna Bowls. Plus something hubby invented we have loving came to call "Snape's Special" Oh, and almost any fresh fruits/veggies...I even like raw potatoes...we have a garden and tomatoes never make it into the house bewteen me and my 4 yr. old...and the dog. LOL And I'm allergic to chocolate and the carmel coloring used in most cola's so chocolate and cola are out for me...but I make do with...well...Dew to wash it all down. LOL Preferrably Code Red, but I'll take regular, Pitch Black at Halloween, loved that limited edition Game Fuel, and I go to Taco Bell regularly JUST go get the Baha Blast...but I still hate Livewire.
Ditto that. It's driving my hubby insane because right now because for some odd reason, I'm hooked on Ashley Tisdale (the kids loved the "High School Musical" moves). She toured recently on a cheesy mall tour, I knew it wasn't going to be much (I figured 3 songs max...which is what she did), but I told hubby if he didn't take the kids and I to go see her (3 hours away) that he wouldn't get sex for a year (hey, I got my toys). LOL I also have an obsession about beads. I love to bead, and it wouldn't be so bad if I was actually selling what I've been making...but I've probably collected around $5,000 worth of beads/beading supplies...and only make around $100 a year - when hubby takes stuff to work around Christmas and the men there go "Oh shit! I forgot to get <fill in female's name> a present!"
I started reading/writing FemSlash because...though married to a man...I tend to like women slightly more. I've been thinking about it since I was around 9 or 10 (yes, I was an odd child)...and with the advent of computers, well... I seem to be the only one around here, but my fav. pairings: Suite Life of Zack & Cody: Maddie and London High School Musical: Sharpay and Kelsi Charmed: Prue and Piper Celebrity...there's quite a list, but here's a short version: Ashley Tisdale/Olesya Rulin (or Vanesssa Hudgens, Brenda Song, and a few others) Shannen Doherty/Holly Marie Combs Lauren Graham/Rosa Blasi (did do a crossover between Gilmore Girls and Strong Medicine with their characters in each) Lisa Vidal/any of the above mentioned celebs. I tend to write about who I like...in almost any combination. Some are posted here (in the celebrity section, movies, television) but most are only thoughts going through my head that I'm trying to pin down so I can write about them. I try to stay as close to character as possible, but sometimes, it just doesn't work...or I'll add an OC just to "shake things up" a little...or for the story to make more sense.
Hello all, I'm CGSMWriter...otherwise known as Mystique/Mysti/Myst. 35 yr. old married mom of 5 (boy who's 12, girls who are 9, 6, 4, and 3)...and I love to read/write...not just here at AFF. Our home has more books than anything and I think I should probably buy stock in Mead with as much paper as I go through. LOL My penname comes from the fact that a few years ago, I was totally into Charmed, Gilmore Girls, and Strong Medicine and decided to write mainly about those shows (characters as well as celebrity stories with the actors involved)...but I've since branched out. I'm currently addicted to Ashley Tisdale for some really odd reason (I normally don't go for blonde females) so I've been doing a lot of stories involving her and characters she's played. I'm usually in the celebrity, television or movies section and I guess I'm rare (from the looks of most of the stories) in prefering FemSlash...which is mostly all I read and write, though I did try my hand at ONE M/F pairing posted here. Guess that's enough of an intro for now. Any questions, don't be shy! LOL
Dang, I thought I was the only one that kinky. LOL Other places: Graveyard Behind a big rock at the public park...during hours that the swimming pool was open. Private pool...NOT ours. LOL Public pool...in the pool, on one of the picnic tables, and in the women's bathroom (with a guy). Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Bathtub Jacuzzi (see the water theme here?? LOL) Bowling Alley - ON the ball return....OUCH!!! Not bad, if you're on top, though. LOL Thankfully it was after hours, his daddy owned the place, we were supposed to be helping with the cleaning but his dad went out to pick up some beer and ciggy's...he had "after hours poker parties" and left us there alone. Church (I'm Pagan, didn't matter to me) FRONT seat of a car...once while the car was moving, once in park behind a local club. IN the club...the ONLY time I ever wore a skirt (worn dresses twice in my life, but a skirt only once), and nothing to cover us with, in a booth. In the same club, in the game room (there was a large section of game room that was used as storage, we weren't the only couple to make use of that area before or after LOL) Umm....that's all I can think of at the moment....
Any physical contact that's...well...I don't know how to explain it properly. LOL To me, dancing is just that. I've been dancing since I was 6 mos. old (well, if you count my mom putting headphones on me and me swaying to the music as "dancing")...LOL To me, even if there is contact, dancing is just that...dancing. In dance classes, you're sometimes paired with a member of the opposite gender, and in most of those cases, there is contact. A male lifting a female in ballet...how CAN that be cheating?? LOL But generally, grabbing any part of the body, kissing, etc. I'm a HUGE flirt, and so is my husband, but I don't look at that as cheating. We're both products of divorce and we also both know that cheating would mean automatic divorce. It's one thing to wink at someone or make comments or whatever...it's the actual acting on it that's wrong. Thinking of someone else while with your partner isn't cheating either...I mean, if you don't say anything, how would they even know you're doing it? Fantazing about someone else while you're intimate with your lover is actually natural and perfectly normal. Just because you think of someone else doesn't mean you don't love your SO or that you'd act on it (if it's even someone you know...mostly that happens with women thinking about male celebs, but it goes the opposite way, too).
On men...eyes, neck, and, of course ass. On women...the above, plus hair (it's gotta be long, AT LEAST past shoulder length), thighs, breasts - but I'm not picky, for me, it's not about size, per say, it's about proportion...Dolly Parton clones need not apply, I don't do "top heavy", if it looks like the woman's gonna fall over from the weight of her chest, it's a turn off for me...and they gotta be real! Umm...and of course, once it gets to that point, groin area...not shaved (though I don't mind if they go for the bald eagle look), but I do prefer neatly trimmed at least...I like to see my target before attacking! hehe
They have those in the States, too....they're just "hidden". One about 20 minutes from my house is like that. "Massage Parlor & More" (with the name of the owner or something in front of it). Never been to it, but have looked it up online. They cater to all. LOL You just have to look a bit harder to find them since they're illegal here and to blatantly advertise would get 'em shut down faster than you could blink.
*timidly raises hand* Yeah, I'm living proof. Only happens in certain situations, though...any girl can, but they have to be EXTREMELY aroused, and preferably have at least a week in between...not even touching...to get recharged. What is that saying? "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"? Forget the heart, libido, too. LOL As for kinks... Bisexuality (only had two women in real life, but currently ALL my celeb. "crushes" are women. I can't name a single male star. But being married I have all the man I'll ever need and he doesn't see me being with another woman as cheating, so maybe that has a role in it?) Fisting (I think every straight/bi woman should try it at least once, just don't forget the lube. It stretches things out so it makes the g-spot MUCH easier to hit when followed by actual intercourse!!!!) Bondage - to a degree. Tongue rings - with other women, there's nothing like it if she's pierced, I'm too chicken to do it, though. LOL Virgins - well, sorta? I like being with a woman who's never been with another woman before. Masturbation - usually 4 times a week...hubby works third shift, a girl gets lonely on cold winter nights. Toys - the bigger the better. Hmm....that's all off the top of my head for now.
I love reading m/m fics...based on shows, movies, original characters, whatever. I'm female, and bi, and (as far as humans go) they typically say "write what you know"...I don't know what an orgasm feels like for a man, so I'd be useless at trying to write one, so I don't write any. I think I got my "whatever" attitude from the way I grew up. My grandfather was extremely racist (I was actually surprised we DIDN'T find any KKK material when we went through his shit)...and I was adopted. All the time growing up, I knew I wanted to find my birth parents and couldn't help thinking, if one of my parents/grandparents are anything but "white", is he going to hate me, too? Having him for a grandfather was actually a good thing, it opened my eyes a lot, at a very early age. Because of that...and having a boyfriend who lived with a gay friend...well...we'd all get together to watch movies, I'd be kissing my boyfriend, his roommate would be kissing his boyfriend, all on the same couch. I will say it was a little weird at first, since I'd never really had it 'in my face", but I never had that "ew" or "that's SO wrong" thought form. People are people...we grow up to love who we love whether it's someone of the opposite gender or someone of the same. We can't just turn off our feelings. With as much prejudice that's still out there today, I want sometimes just want to shout "Do you think someone would CHOOSE to be this way, knowing people like you are going to hate him/her JUST because they love someone of the same gender??" We can't help how we're born. Gay, straight or lesbian, it's about finding that one person who makes you feel secure, who takes your breath away, who you know will be there for you and with you no matter what...and knowing you effect them the same way. All that said........Count me in on the invasion!!!!!! hehe You men can handle the male homophobes, I'll handle the females. There are female homophobes out there, too! Just not nearly as many. Now...to bring a strap on or not? Naaahhh...we want 'em to KNOW they're with a woman! LMAO :::goes off to look for a dental dam:::
Female...so says the parts...and part of the mind...but I am more guy than girl otherwise. LOL Married (to a male) mom of 5 little ones here...but yeah, I'm more "tomboy"...of course, being bi (not that I'd admit that anywhere else online unless I already know them) helps. LOL I'm a baseball fanatic, so on certain baseball boards, I never tell my gender unless directly asked. Many men are shocked by my knowledge of the game. Even at the local minor league games, I've had guys comment when I'D be the one explaining plays to my kids. "Wow, you know a lot about the game." I swear one of these days I WILL ask "Are you surprised because I'm female or becaues you never knew that fact yourself?" LOL 35 and haven't worn a dress in....9 years. Bridesmaid at my best friend's wedding, didn't really have a choice...and before that, the last time I wore a dress I was 4. Jeans/jean shorts and t-shirts is it for me. "Dress Down" means my fav. baseball themed t-shirt (picture of home late with "Step Into My Office" on it)..."Dress Up" to me means pulling out one of my Red Sox shirts/jersey's. LOL As for the reading/writing...I love to write. Even as a younger teen, I was writing stories like this. I've just always been a very sexual being. Anyway, that said, I just like well written stories...especially when it involved my fav. actors/musicians...whether it's PWP or something else. I'm just not big on the romantic stories since romance isn't in my vocabulary. LOL To me...romantic is hubby bringing me home a black silk rose, a bag of rootbeer barrel candies, and the newest baseball shirt/Red Sox item of any sort.