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  1. Which is the master?
  2. That wouldn't be bad, but it does need to be long term however. thanks though, if you have any others ::wink wink:: ::claps:: Ohh, that might work really well... ::thinks - ponders:: I really like that, actually. ::nods:: And it would mean not having to get around putting Harry at St. Mungo's. You offically rock!
  3. I don't know about Marry Sue-ish, but it bothers me a great deal on how easily you have cut the character apart into game stats. I mean, how is her gate? How does she smile, is it a side-kick? What's her favorite joke? I think those things would be more important in discussing how the character relates to you. :nod: And hates all humans? If she is human but essentially with mechanic parts, isn't that a bit rude and whiney? When considering how many people there are who have mechanical limbs, automatic wheelchairs, pacemakers, etc - and then to be considered a "mechanic freak"... seems a bit off the mark. Yeah?
  4. Warnings! Fandom: Harry Potter Couple: Severus Snape x Harry Potter ------------- Hey ya'll, I'm planning a story and need some of your creative genius. I'm doing a slash story between Severus Snape and Harry Potter. What I'm trying to do is get Harry into Snape's quaters/rooms to SLEEP. Sex will come later. But I need a strong reason for this, and hopefully you can offer some ideas. You'll get full credit if I use your idea. Some ideas I had included: - Attempted suicide and Snape is put onto watch duty. - Nightmares and Snape's Occumancy helps block Voldermont by being near him. There are a few things you might want to take into consideration: - The story will start at the beginning of fifth year (but them in bed together can happen whenever, but perferably in the fall). - It's essentially following cannon until the fifth book. - No one is secretly in love with each other. -
  5. Birddi

    Bad Titles

    Agreed with the following comments: Untitles suck. Bad titles are plentiful. As for the Harry Potter and the ....., can we please not. Misspellers for titles and summaries should die. No remorse. People who likewise don't capitalize or suncuate their summaries and titles should die. This is a Random Title of Love -vs- this is a random title of love!!!! That said, I have not great titles. I'm a bit stuck on one that I'm writing now. But my lord. There are some humdingers out there. For SUMMARIES - WHY IN HELL'S NAME WOULD YOU SAY YOUR STORY ISN'T GOOD? I'M GOING TO AGREE WITH YOU, you angsty emo! If your supposed humbleness is sincere, which I gag on, it reads not as humility but as a whiney self-centered ploy for attention and cuddles. It's damned annoying, and your story doesn't get read. Please stop. .... I feel better.
  6. Actually I hate euphanisms. Give me words like cock, fucking, tight ass, etc. I like well done smut, be it more pronogrpahic or romantic. However, softening the blow for me is relatively useless. "Her love juice?" I truly think of needing a straw or something, and then it's more comically saccharine than anything else. I'm going to state my biggest grievences with writers. They focus on the whole how it's done aspect, but absolutely none of the thoughts, and emotions that come with sex. It reads as two robotic dolls most of the times, and honestly, I do a Mayday Will Robinson the moment it gets trite.
  7. How about Cheerios with Yogurt on top - does it mean that I need to buy milk?
  8. YES!!! I think I am holding for a real life gambit. ::nods and giggles:: Well... not really. But I remember watching X-men and loving how he'd say "cher". There aren't many male characters with that type of charm. Although. I ADORE Severus Snape from Harry Potter. He is such a versitile character. But... everyone knows how well he plays certain scenes. :nod: There was an icon someone had once that went: "My reason for reading Harry Potter just bleed out on the ground of the Shrieking Shack." It was most appropriate. ....and really, who can resist Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII?
  9. Betas: I work as a beta and while I respect my beta-peers, I believe many of them are too lienent or not able to give the critical feedback authors need. I'm always weary when I use a beta who says "That's perfect, don't change anything." In fact, I usually run from the hills. Review: As for the critic you've been given in the review, I'd actually ask that individual if they would like to do some beta work. Anyone who can give me that much information on what could be done to improve things, is definitly someone to keep in mind. As for any review or 'rant', I'd be thankful. It means they've taken the time to respond about what they liked and disliked. Also, when I give more 'critical reviews' either as a beta or as a reader and I get a defensive reply from an author - I get ticked. If you can't take well meant feedback, don't ask for any in the first place. Authors notes: Depends on how it's done. When someone has the balls to interrupt the story with an "John Lockensfield(a/n: I thought the last name was way cool! Toodles~)" I stop reading. It's offensive and poor showmanship. There is no need for an authors note to be anywhere in the actual story text. When bracketed before or after the story, A quick little jaunt about whatever is awesome. Key word being little. When the authors note is bigger than the story text, someone has ego issues. The elongated one line roleplays between characters is also a bit of a menace. Unless the author has something important to say, or is someone who I've enjoyed, I usually scroll past. Lyrics, Letters, and Poems: Annoying! Seriously unneeded. If you must include a lyric or poem, I request you do it in the beginning. As for letters or author-made poems, a recap of the content is sufficent and much better for the flow of a story.
  10. Green Dreams Cloud has suffered and asked for forgiveness, but Aeris knows she alone cannot give him it. He must find that forgiveness and so peace where it began, back at SOLDIER. Green Dreams - Filthy Mushi Final Fantasy VII: Green Dreams – Cloud Strife returns back to his youthful cadet days to right the wrongs, to save his friends, to seek forgiveness, and to stop a disaster from happening. But wait- is that an old unrequited love brewing for our hero? Unexpected changes in the world have reacquainted young Cloud and friends with enemies of the past, and a new destiny to embrace. And what will these different choices taken mean for the fate of Cloud, and everyone else on the planet? Read and find out! Adult: Anal, BDSM, D/s, M/M, WIP Popular Feedback: Turbo chocobo... *snicker* - Atrophy Fandom: Final Fantasy VII URL: http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081120 For all those spectacular readers and reviews, thank you so much. – Filthy Mushi
  11. Greetings, I'm doing a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story. Involves the following: Minor Possible Toys Bondage Slash Spank Mild MC/Mind-Game Anal I would like someone who is going to tell me where it's bad and where it can be fixed. I want someone who will tell me how and where I can improve it. If you can't tell me anything but 'It's good and you like it,' I thank you for your time, but I'd rather find a more critical beta. I'd love to hear from you! Thank you. Cheers, -B.
  12. Hello, I am under the impression that the definition of the word 'troll' is being revised. But I'm still a bit confused, and I apologize for this, but what is a 'troll' exactly? I'm assuming we aren't talking about something that lives under a mountain, right? So what is it? My thanks and cheers, -B.
  13. In a male x male slash work. Doing one with a short seme character, very tough attitude, typical attitude, leather boots, cigs, etc. With the minor change of his height. Instead of being the tall, dark, and evil lord of 'topness' he would be about a foot or so shorter than the 'uke' or 'bottom'. I think pairing him up with the traditional effeminite, and some what dizzy, man would be wonderfully amusing. So: SHORT SEME , TALL UKE
  14. You have gotten to the underlining answer I believe. Stories are about make-believe. It isn't about having a sex with an animal, a sibling, a child, etc. It's about exploring why the notion intrigues people, why it disturbs, and even why it arouses. It's the idea rather than the reality that I see expored so much on AFF. I think that for each individual their reasoning differes. I used to not be able to read anything without humans, bit the bullet one day and decided it wasn't a completely doomed situation. I like the idea of monogomy. Therefore when I read stories that have a 'mating' senerio, where two people are bonded together and only they can be with each other, I am especially more at ease. I giggle and enjoy the story more. Why? Because it takes away something I'm not comfortable with, the idea of being cheated on. It makes life easy, it keeps things simple - things that real life doesn't have. There are options in life on who you want for a partner (at least usually) and in those situations it's primarily out of the characters' hands. Why does the idea that people not having options on who they mate make me at ease? Simple. It is NOT reality. It is make-believe. It doesn't mean that I don't like some control over my life. It doesn't mean I dislike responsibilty. It doesn't have any personal reflection upon me as a person, or at least not in an important way. If the situation was in reality, you can bet I'd be throwing a fit. But that's the beauty of it. It's make-believe. I'm sure there are many reasons out there, I'm just giving my own odd quirk for the pile.
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