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  1. The Silence of Silence by LadyBelz - As the end of 6th year wound down, it saw the swift and final end of Voldemort. But because of stray Death Eaters, Harry is sent back to his mother's sister for the summer. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3137674/2/The-Silence-of-Silence
  2. This is for a user on a Facebook page I'm a part of... here's their description: The best thing I can remember is that Harry comes into his inheritance and Draco 'wins' him with a letter. I want to say that its in the same piece that they have the twins trying to become his mate.I think Dumbledore wants to be 'in charge' but Harry has other ideas about that. I wish I could be more help, but I'm grateful for anyone who can piece this together. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks!
  3. We're looking for a Harry/Draco fic. We can't remember what it's called, but Harry and Tom were brothers, Dumbledore goes back in time, takes Harry away and brings him to current times. Anyone have any clues?
  4. OMG THAT'S IT!!!! Thank you SO MUCH!! I just couldn't think of that stinkin' title!
  5. myamalfoy

    B-mod fics

    Malfoy Flavor by Vorbiza http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=2199- one of my all-time favorite Drarrys! Harry/Draco - Harry decides that his Gryffindor Golden Boy has to go and decides to make several changes - even a tattoo! Warning, though: Harry isn't the son of James, he's the son of Severus.
  6. Could it be Abandon by Batsutousai? http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=5286 There's no forced marriage in it, though... although they are together. And Petunia is still in Harry's life and Bella does give Tom a potion (at the end of the sequel, Reclaim http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=5462) that makes Tom forget that he's in love with Harry, until Tom sees a pic of Harry and it breaks the hold of the potion on him... Does this sound about right?
  7. I can't remember the name of the story, but Draco came into a creature inheritance as an angel-like creature called an Amoral and hid it until 7th year when Harry hears his mating call and turns into the same creature! Dom!Harry Sub!Draco
  8. A Change In Perspective by Roozette http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=24074 Summary: Once there was a potions accident... Ha! Harry turn five, much to the distress of the "I Don't Want to Be A Death Eater" brigade. Eventual Harry/Draco, Severitus (Severus as parent/guardian/mentor) I'm pretty sure this is the one you're talking about....
  9. I wouldn't necessarily call him "submissive" in these stories, but he's definitely always the bottom! Harry/Tom fics w/ Dark!Harry, Dark!Weasleys (except for Ron),Asshole!Ron, and Evil!Dumbledore. Yes, everyone is out of character, but mostly because these go in the complete opposite direction than the canon story goes and they have to respond to different circumstances. Otherwise, they stay within their personalities (except for Voldie and Dumbles - those change a bit, too). I'd say more, but I don't want to ruin them for you! Abandon by Batsutousai http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=5286 and Reclaim by Batsutousai (sequel to Abandon) http://www.hpfandom.net/eff/viewstory.php?sid=5462
  10. Looking for a Veela story where Draco marks Blaise, if I remember correctly, with some kind of Veela mark to show that he tried to hurt his mate (Harry). I can't remember anything else about the fic, except Draco saying something like "Now you bare that mark of a Veela that shows you've tried to come between a Veela and its mate". Help, please?
  11. Okay... well, I checked with Google and what needs to happen to make this stop is you need to go request a malware review. Request a malware review:On the Webmaster Tools Home page, select the site you want. Click Health, and then click Malware. Click Request a review. This will alert Google that they need to check your website and see if there really is malware or not. Once it's cleared, users will stop getting the malware warning.
  12. Okay, I can accept that. But what about the Firefox user that got the Malware notice? It's not owned or controlled by Google.
  13. Okay, not only did the hp,adultfanfiction,net site come up as Malware, so did the Forums when I tried to come here at first. I took screen shots. I don't think it's my browser - Google Chrome - because it's only the AFF sites that are affected. This has been a problem for a couple of weeks now. It stopped for a few days, now it's back. What is going on? But... Firefox isn't owned or run by Google, so it can't be Google. Are you sure it's not something attached to an advertisement somewhere?
  14. Rise of The Drackens - http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094352 - Not complete WIP Harry/Draco Creature Fic list - http://foryourpleasure.dreamwidth.org/2205.html Erotes - http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096883 - Not complete WIP Creature Feature - http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096374 - Not complete WIP Hope you like the fics I named! Although in Rise of The Drackens (not sure if you read it, so I'm gonna warn you anyway), Harry has more than one mate, but Draco is the 2nd mate he takes. There's also Blaise, Max (OC) and Nasta (OC).
  15. I'm looking for a fic based on the list "Things I'm Not Allowed To Do At Hogwarts". At one point, Harry draws a Dark Mark on Ron's arm while he's asleep in class (I believe it's HoM) and before he wakes up, Harry kneels in front of Draco's feet, then tells Ron that he (Ron) joined Voldemort and that he turned him (Harry) over to Draco as his slave. PLEASE.... if anyone knows the fic I'm talking about, please help me! It's been forever since I read it! Thanks!
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