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  1. Now, I admit that I adore yaoi. But, I also enjoy a well written het story and even yuri on my odd days. A strong story is a strong story, no matter what genre it falls under. And, while bad writing happens, it can happen to anyone and the point of a free-to-publish forum like this is to allow people to write what they want and get feedback from it. I woudl rather have one review that says - this is poorly done because... than a dozen - oh this is great! when it sucks. Research is the key! To everything of course, but especially to protraying a relationship that, as a woman, I simply can not experience. The fact that it's a great excuse to watch porn has nothing to do with it. Really. Very plainly, I do my best every day to write strong stories and whether they are or not is what I take from the feedback I receive. I enjoy writing yaoi, so I do so, as well as het pairings. I don't really have an opinion as to whether it is good or not, I can only say I enjoy it. I do wish authors would take the time to place their stories in the correct category and would choose the appropriate tags, it would make choosing stories to read much easier. It is never offensive to portray an opinion whenit is not harmful to anyone else's feelings. I'm quite glad I decided to read this post as it is interesting to know where other people stand in the yaoi debate.
  2. How did I start? Oh man, um, Ranma 1/2 if you can believe it. I read everything I could get my hands on for months. Branching out to Fullmetal Alchemist seemed a natural move as many of the people I met online were into it, pairings or no. I stayed there for a long time then wandered a bit. Now, I mostly write Bleach and I'm working on Weiss and Kyo Kara Maoh. I've seen a lot of anime, so I'll read pretty much anything on the rare occassion I have the time. Though, I'll admit to doing searches on Schuldig from Weiss before I run around looking for something new. He's my baby, almost as adored as Kira adn Gin of Bleach (but not together!) Does that count as my two cents worth? *Oh, and I've always read yaoi and almost always write it. Because I prefer it.* As to actual yaoi series, I get my hands on anything available in english, books or dvds. Hell, I work an extra job for the express purpose of paying for my manga collection.
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