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Everything posted by Obsolescence

  1. I'm not on any meds, but I'm in the same boat as you. I can think of things to write but I can't be bothered to do it. so instead I'm working on character templates and other things, to hopefully motivate me. So far no luck.:/
  2. I knew one guy who wrote slash if that counts at all, but in my experience, most of the gay men I knew, thought anime in any form was too dorky for them, I don't think they've even watched one. But I do know a lot of Lesbians who write yaoi/slash. Me being one of them. I find it much easier to write than het. And I don't want to write yuri, because that just reminds me of living.
  3. Oh wow this is hard, I listen to a lot of "sad" music. I think if I were to do this it would be a 2 page list, but I'll put a few up that top my list. Deadsy - Better Than You Know (sadly only 30 seconds. . .) Emilie Autumn - 306 A Perfect Circle - The Noose Skold - Void Tori Amos - The Beekeeper Zeromancer - Germany Though the winners have to be: Nine Inch Nails - And All That Could Have Been Skold - All Dies Short list? Ugh, sorry for the length, I tried to limit it
  4. Obsolescence

    Title Share

    you, me, and the devil makes three (song)
  5. 17 in my pants
  6. Stall
  7. Neither have I. I have never built anything.
  8. Anwsers
  9. KMFDM- Headcase
  10. I usually use music to make me get in the feeling of a chapter. I wrote a story called Playgirl which was to Ladytron's song (Which is really essential to the story, if you listen to the Zombie Nation remix. . . Though I don't force my readers into certain music.). of course since it turned out to have more chapters the mood changes, so I had to find other songs, while some of them are more apparent than others, sometimes I get cool names. Through if I use a song title, I sometimes switch it up or add another word so it's not a direct rip off. Nothing I have posted though. A long time ago, I took song fic to an entirely new level and wrote a story based on an album, each chapter having to match up with a song from one album, and still convey the story. It was difficult, but i really liked the idea and would love to do it again. I have a pet peeve for really normal one word titles ex. 'Love' (I shouldn't complain I have a story called Blue). Sometimes it's the only thing that fits. But I'd rather have a 'And. . .' or really random word, that I have to open the dictionary for. If it's going to be one word I want it to pop out.
  11. Obsolescence


    Out of the three stories I've ever posted, I've never received one flame. Though I play devils advocate with myself and pick apart my story. . . I want a flame from someone else. (this is not asking you to flame me. only do it if you really mean it.)
  12. One of my biggest pet peeves with reviews is when it's obviously a one chapter story and they ask you to 'add moar'. No it was a one shot, if I was going to write chapters I would mention it. But constructive reviews are what I live for, sadly, mostly I don't get those. But that's what I have an inner flamer for.
  13. My user name comes form the meaning, when I decided to sign up it was for a cause! And it still is. Figuring all the newbie authors who don't take concrit well, are trying to reinvent the wheel. The wheel is still good! Urg. But I really like the ring in the word too. It's also one of the random word addictions I get. . .like inexorable
  14. I used to play D&D, but sadly anyone who was interested was like 6-15 years older than me, and they really didn't like me tagging along. Now, I RP online rarely, but more often than not I roleplay something similar to sceneing in BDSM. Only less . . . BDSM.
  15. Torpid
  16. Original Sinsuality in my pants
  17. 7027
  18. Tim Skold
  19. Mild bump! When I was young, (like 11) I used to read DBZ ff. though it was mostly Het, and all terrible, but at 11 I didn't know the difference, as time went on i started looking at Digimon ff (now I'm like 12!) And since I didn't like any of the pairings in the anime. I did write for myself a OC, but to read and get ideas I read Daiken. Then the slash spiral started. I got into harry Potter at 11, but never wrote until I noticed Draco and his father's relationship (I've always been a warped child.) That's what I started to write as far as slash, finding that I had like 3 people who share simliar ideas I lost a lot of interest in HP and then got seriously into music later in my 12 years. and started writing RPS and RPH. It's just slowly turned into RPS, and has continued into my 20's. I'm attempting het once more, seeing as some of my "OTP's" (they would be considered cannon seeing as they are married) are hetrosexual. After so many years writing slash. It's hard to get into writing het, but I want to for the fact of 3 couples that I adore. I always feel so alone in these things as a RPS writer, I'm expecting to get guff, so sorry I'm not more descriptive. Why couldn't I have an acceptable love of FPS? *sigh*
  20. No, how a character (or person in my case) is totally up to them. I might not always agree with their choices and other times I might be disgusted at the pairing, but I have an ability to click back or not read on. If they were my own created characters. I’d be slightly amazed by my fan-bases imagination. How a character is perceived is up to the reader. How the reader identifies with a character or a set is up to them leaving a lot of cushion. Ironically, I've written an original novel, it's not published and I don't expect it to be. I love it, but I'm not going to share it. I don't think I I'm talented enough to even make it close. But I prefer fan fiction as a creative outlet. Like prompts, I don't have to waste time figuring out characters and such when I just want to relax some writing. That may seem like a cop out. But it’s the truth. Nothing is original. Everything has been written. One person is always plagiarizing the others thoughts. But, what separates it from being exact copies is how the author chooses to show and reveal the info to the reader. So nothing but the author is original. The first step to being a great writer is learning to look at someone's idea and say "I can do that too! Possibly better!". Even as a child writer you are influenced by media. This is terribly apparent in Hollywood right now, almost everything is a remake, a sequel, or taken from something already written. (Even before the writers stike.) I hardly read fanfics, all the fanfics in my fandom have been read or I'm not too fond of the authors style or pairing. Why do I write? For the thrill I get by playing god. No. Because and that's about the best answer I can give you without rambling on saying nothing. I just enjoy it, and I don’t need any other reason. I have a story I want to tell, and I will tell it however I see fit. Original authors are generally the same in that anwser. I'm stricken from this question. If you're asking about the person I am writing about, I've had an opportunity to not get consent but find out the person doesn't care. So, in my case no, there is nothing wrong with what I do. In any case with proper disclaimers and the title of fan-FICTION. I think I’m pretty safe anyway. Yes and No. No we aren't coming up with characters. But in my case they just share a name and a physical appearance. The personality is totally up to me basically. I think story lines are subjective depending on the fic. After all, if you wrote about the book/movie/anime/etc. No one would read what they already knew. So in essence you have to come up with your own story line. So people will read it. As for your second question, you have to ask where original authors get their ideas. I've read book and seen movies that are strikingly similar to other media.
  21. Female, but I would rather be male.
  22. Obsolescence


    I have a terrible think for the doamnace of Nazi's. . . I don't agree with their politics at all. But honestly if some one walked up to me in a SS-Scharführer outfit, I'd have a hard time containing myself. I love to role-play, but not like doctor/nurse type stuff. I love those role-plays to be extreme like rape/abuse/disgusting. I love sadtistic-ness but only in a controlled envrioment.
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