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Posts posted by YuriChampion

  1. I cant write word one of a story if I've had sex any time in the previous 48 hours. Even if there is no sex in said story. I think frustration might be the source of my 'talent', such as it is.

    That more weird than dirty I suppose. How about this: I currently have 3gigs of lolicon on my computer. No videos. All images.

  2. The story behind my screen/pen name is kina mundane, but apt. I stumbled across AFFN one day after getting bored with its little cousin, FFN. I started looking up my favorite fandoms and realized something: This site is full to the gills with Yaoi, but you have to fight tooth and nail to find any Yuri. Even the ads predominately link to yaoi comics/writing communities. After some time and searching, I came to realize that this didn't really seem to be changing. So, I figured if I want to see some more yuri, I'd better write it myself.

    So here I am! Championing the cause of lesbian love and yuri justice in a yaoi-dominated world! I was either going call myself Sailor Yuri or YuriChampion, and the latter seemed less dated.

    Hmmm... Sailor Yuri... has that been done yet? DIBS!

  3. I'm counting anime in here obviously

    10. Kim (Kim Possible)

    9. Seras Victoria (Hellsing)

    8. Starfire (Teen Titans)

    7. Twilight Suzuka (Outlaw Star)

    6. Hinata (Naruto)

    5. Yori (Kim Possible)

    4. Raven (Teen Titans)

    3. Shego (Kim Possible)

    2. Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo)

    1. Arshes Nei (Bastard!!)

    You get 500 points for having three Kim Possible characters. But you loose a million for listing Kim at the bottom.

    Fortunately those points don't mean anything. :rolleyes:

    I would have added some Teen Titans myself, but having Zia on the list was as far into lolicon territory as I was willing to go ( I believe she was 12 at the start of The Mysterious Cites of Gold).

  4. At least four times a week. If my hubby did it more than once a week I'd be greatly surprised.

    We're like the total opposite of the stereotype. He has like no sex drive; if he had sex once a month, he'd be satisfied. I need to get off daily, less all the kinky thoughts I seem to have all the time without trying starts manifesting itself in other, more unhealthy ways.

    Weird thing is: when we first got married, we had sex damn near daily, and he instigated it more. When I got pregnant (and after I got over morning sickness) I couldn’t stay off of him. But since we became parents I’m lucky if we have sex twice a month. Hence all the 'solo' time. Trust me, a sexually frustrated me is not a pleasant me to be around.

    The other day one of my g/f was complaining that she caught her husband masturbating. She was so mad, like he wasn’t allowed to do that any more because they were married now (did I mention they're newlyweds?). I don’t understand that mind set. Sometimes you just want to get off. It's your need, your desire. Dragging someone else in the picture just so you can get your jollies and to hell with their needs just strikes me as kind of selfish.

    Really, masturbation s the nicest thing a couple can do for each other. Wets the appetite for the real lovemaking without going insane in the meantime. :rolleyes:

  5. When I sat down to type this reply, I thought it would be pretty long. Turns out I'm much more perverted than I thought, cause there's very little I wont write about.

    Here's the list:

    M/M - due to complete lack of interest. I may try it some day, for the mental exercise if nothing else, but its doubtful.

    Necrophilia - Unless one or more of the participants are zombies. You read that right. Zombies. Blame Resident Evil 2.

    Snuff - Death is not sexy. Undeath -yes. Real death, no.

    Yeah, that's really about it.

  6. I can't speak for everyone, but I really don't mind it when people point out things like that when they review my stories. Please do. I want you to. I can't show the sort of thing I would post on AFFN to my usual beta reader, (you try explaining to your spouse why you like tentacle sex), and though I proofread what I upload repeatedly before I submit, I inevitably miss something. Usually several somethings. My biggest problem seems to be the proper use of to, too, and two as well as they're and their. Its particularly maddening because I know the difference, damn it.

    The prolog for Metroid: Rebirth was riddled with typos and flat out misspellings, and all I got were glowing reviews. I like glowing reviews, don't get me wrong. They keep me writing, but they don't help me get any better. As long as you aren't being a jerk about it, I don't see anything wrong with pointing out grammatical errors, typos, and the like. If saying things like "watch your subject verb agreement" or "be mindful of your use of its vs. it's" hurts the writer's feelings, the internet might not be the right place for them. It is, after all, Serious Business. ;)

  7. Um, check the screen/penname. Have ya met me? :think:

    I've been told I'm something of an anomaly, a woman who writes Yuri/Shoujo-ai. I'm further told that that women my age (28) shouldn't be writing Yuri/Shoujo-ai fanfics about video games and Disney cartoons, and that married mothers of one really shouldn't be writing Yuri/Shoujo-ai fanfics about video games and Disney cartoons that require a "Minor" warning tag (be on the look out for .hentai//FRAGMENT, coming soon [/shameless plug]). I'm told a lot of things. Thankfully, I listen to very little of it.

    I write shoujo-ai/yuri because I find it the most romantic, and sexiest, of all the options. This causes my some frustration though, since there is so very little of it in fanfiction circles. Good ones are ever harder to find. For every Revelations of Destiny or Kim Possilbe: Mind, Body, and Soul, there are about a ba-jillion fics that, well aren’t. That right. Ba-jillion. With a 'B'.

    So what's a girl to do? Write her own, and try to make them good ones. When I can pull off a Terra/Celes story with that makes me cry as well as makes me hot, I'll know I've arrived.

    Hi, I'm YuriChampion, and I write femslash. :huh:

  8. 10) Meg Griffin (Family Guy) - Because I'm attracted to emotionally damaged girls -- not healthy, I know. 'Sides, she's cute when she tries to be.

    9) Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo) - The only thing I like more than emotionally damaged girls are brainy girls with full figures.

    8) Daria Morgendorffer (Daria) - see above, though I wish the poor girl would eat something.

    7) Zia (Mysterois Cities of Gold) - Probably my first animated love. Side note: the age of ten is not a good time to find out you might be gay.

    8) Lisa Hayes. (Robotech, US Version) Strong will, great military mind, and legs that are physically incapable of stopping. And have you see her in uniform??? Mommy like.

    7) Darien/Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon) - he's just androgynous enough to make the cut. :think:

    6) One word: Smurfette. (I think you know…)

    5) Marge Simpson. (The Simpsons) I mean, look at her. Loose the beehive, girl. Its holding you back.

    4) Tie: Steel Angel Kurumi and her sister Saki (Steel Angel Kurumi) (Please note, the linked pic, while tastefull, is not work-safe).

    3) Jessica Rabbit. (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) Is her very figure an insult to all women? Yes. But its such a damn sexy insult that she gets a pass. I think I spent my entire 7th grade year with my hair combed over one eye just so I could look like her. Side note: It didn't work. :huh:

    2) Cheetata (Thundercats) - She was furry before furies were cool.

    1) Kimberley Anne Possible. (Kim Possible) FTW.

  9. You know what I've been dying to see? A Peach/Samus pairing. Dont ask me why, the two women could not possibly be more different. It would end very, very badly. But damn, it could be a hell of a ride. FF.Net is chock full of Zelda/Samus stories, some of them are pretty good, but not a single Peach/Samus.

    Here’s one that next to no one even cares about, but I'm dying to see: Reba/Barbara Jean from the now-canceled sitcom Reba. By the end of the series I swear they were headed that way anyhow, someone should really go ahead and seal the deal.

    I also have yet to see a Samus/Metroid story that isn’t just Xeno-rape, but I'm in the process of fixing that little oversight.

  10. I'd vote "no" simply because my overall opinion towards fanfiction and its authors (I haven't found a single enjoyable, well-written fanfic anywhere where there are fanfics ever).

    You need to head over to FF.Net and read Kim Possible: Mind, Body, and Soul. It renewed my faith in FF.Net specifically and in fan fiction as whole.

  11. I'm not a Yaoi fan. I don’t get the attraction. Yuri on the other hand? I'm your girl. <_<

    But rather than bash or flame, I just avoid Yaoi all together; it flat out does not interest me. The people who see the M/M codes in a story, then reads them anyway just to bash it, I'm fairly sure are closet homosexuals themselves, and lash out just because they're angry at themselves for living a lie.

    But what do I know? I failed Physc 101 a decade ago.

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