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Creeping Kate

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Posts posted by Creeping Kate

  1. Inspired by the "zoofic" genre on LJ, I started writing a story on my deviantart journal a couple months ago. This one posits the idea there is more than one alternate world to the alchemic one. On this one particular world, Edward Elric's alter is not a person, but an entire species of neko called a Tora-Neko.

    The tora neko looks like Edward, but with a few differences: slitted eyes, ears (properly sized and placed), slightly larger than normal eyeteeth (fangs), a rougher tongue, and they vocalize like cats (mew,scream, growl, purr,etc).

    Because they have opposable thumbs, tora nekos can handle tools, so they can make fire, skin their prey with knives,etc.

    Right now, I call it[/u]Tora-Neko Adventure for lack of a better title. Chapters featuring the neko alternate with chapters about Ed and Al on a mission to the western Amestrian city of Arkham in search of an alchemist named Le Fanu. This alchemist once wrote a book about his life with alchemists in Xing, and Izanami (the name I use for alchemic Japan) and Edward wants to ask him questions about certain matters. Matters which include a way to make a Philosopher's Stone without using human souls.

    I'd better quit before this gets too long. If you are interested in reading this story and giving me advice on grammar (I have many, many bad writing habits), it can be found at http://www.pan-zareta.deviantart.com

    You will need to click the "journal" tab at the top of the profile page and scroll down to the journal which says "Now with added beta!" for chapter one.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  2. Hello again! This was the story I wanted to promote a couple of months ago, but I couldn't log into the Forum. It's not complete but I plan a lot of "slice of life", some laughter, some tears, some drama, some -um,sex.

    Title: Poor Little Fool

    Author: Miss Woodford

    Summary: post movie. Edward and Alphonse make new lives for themselves in our world and try to forget their alchemic home. Both find love, although their courses don't run very smoothly.

    Rating: A to A+

    Pairing: Alphonse x OC, Edward and OCs

    Spoilers: none, post series and movie

    URL: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021275

    Thank you for reading! cool.gif

  3. Hi everyone! I haven't been here for a while because I had trouble logging in to the forum. But now I'm back and I have a little story you might like to read:

    Title: Naughty Bits

    Author: Miss Woodford

    Summary: After a long cold day of testing rockets, Edward Elric relaxes in the tub and fantasizes about a certain girl

    Rating: A++

    Pairing: Hints at EdxWinry

    Spoilers: "Conquerors of Shambala" movie

    Feedback: Desired

    URL: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021719

    Thank you for reading! spit.gif

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