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Everything posted by DarkInuLord

  1. Is that STALKER I see on your desktop? Fuck yeah high five!
  2. Like this? Sorry I'm not into guys.
  3. FF7 is probably the most overrated pile of garbage in existence. :|
  4. I had another weird dream last night... In this dream, I was part of an army that was forced to fight a battle over and over again until they died. The survivors at the end of the battle were just given more authority in the next battle, the ones who died, I don't know, maybe they just went to hell or something. After the battle was over, if you were still alive the same battle would begin again, you'd have a new army, but face the same enemies in the same places. This means that the more times you fought and survived, the more information you had about your enemies and the easier commanding the other men became, except you had no rest between each battle so you would eventually just succumb to exhaustion after a while. Toward the end of the dream, the battle got changed, and there was some big demon or monster that attacked the army that I was with, and we lost most of our old troops who knew had been there the longest, and we lost our commander, and I was the next in line, so the next time the battle started over I suddenly became the commander, and so instead of doing all the fighting I was commanding the troops, but there was a lot less than the time before and they were inexperienced and died really easily, and then the demon/monster/thing appeared again, and there was only a few of us left, and he killed the rest, and I picked up a spear and charged at him and stabbed him in the shoulder. Then I woke up. Man, that was a fucking manly dream. It was awesome as hell.
  5. :| No thank you.
  6. Lol, that won't happen. Even if it did, I don't think a skinny guy that looks like a girl, and 2 muscular women would make a good porn.
  7. Yeah the catch is she's the crazy-threesome-chick's aunt. :| Also I don't know how I'd get to Illinois, I hate heights, flying would give me a panic attack. D:
  8. I don't know. :3
  9. She could beat the hell out of me if she wanted. D: I wouldn't stand a chance. Also she's my friend's aunt, lol. But hey, money's money.
  10. Well. She's over twice my age. :3
  11. No offense. But your friend's probably on drugs. :3 I know somebody like that. She does cocaine and heroine.
  12. It's always dead in here.
  13. Would you do her? Yeah. That's the only question.
  14. Goddamn. So last night I fell asleep really early, 9PM, after watching Berserk and 5cm Per Second. A strange combination. Anyways.... So in my dream, I was browsing the site when my dad decided he wanted to go to the store, so I said I'd go because I wanted to buy some cookies. So we got there and I stuffed some cookies in my clothes because I'unno, I guess in my dream I was a klepto. Anyways. We go to pay, and the dumb girl at the register is talking to some conspiracy theorist behind me instead of letting me pay, and he was saying that sugar pills make people comit suicide. So I say "Can I just pay now?" and she gives me a really dirty look and says "Yes" and rolls her eyes. So I give her the money (Even though I previously stole the stuff?) and walk out. On the way back to my dad's truck, I decided to stop by the pet store, and this is where it gets messed up. When I got inside, I recognized a bunch of people I went to school with, all guys, in the front room. So I went to the back room that said "Dogs" but when I got inside there wasn't any dogs, instead, a bunch of girls I went to school with were tied up in bondage clothes and naked, but they were all smiling. So I turned around to leave but got lost and ended up in another room, this one was the same as before but bigger, and it was really noisy and there was people all over. And once again all of the girls I went to highschool with, and more guys, and some people I don't even remember I think they were just generic background characters. So, for some reason I started trying to yell over the people, asking if anybody had a polaroid camera, I guess because I wanted proof of what was going on, so, finally, a guy I've known since elementary school was like "Yeah" and pulled this light down from above one of the girls' cells, since, they were all in like jail cell things. But no doors were on them. So after he pulls the light down he grabbed this digital camera from behind a pole, and hands it to me. I go "Thanks" and then start walking back to get a better picture, but I tripped, and fell on my hand and was like "Oh gross I can't believe I touched the ground in here that's disgusting." So I got up and tried to take a picture, but it was really crowded and I got knocked down. So I stood back up and wiped myself off and tried to take a picture again but as soon as I had a clear shot, everybody was dressed again, but I took a picture anyways and it printed out of the camera. I gave the camera back to the guy and looked at the picture and it wasn't just one picture,but it changed between a whole scene of pictures like the camera had been going off for a while, so I actually had proof of what was going on. So I pushed my way through the crowd and made it back outside, and then when I saw my dad's truck I woke up. Yeah. :3 That was my dream.
  15. I meet people on the internet. :3 And yeah. As long as I agree with them everything is all hunky dory, but if I disagree I get the "Who cares what you think? You hate everything." talk that they're so fond of. Man, anybody notice how racist this smiley is?
  16. I have a feeling like this is a gag and you're wanting us to say "Yes" to the ones we should say "No" to. :| But then again, that last question makes me really think you're serious here. Hope the search goes well!
  17. I'm so tired of people calling me a troll because I have an opinion differing from their own. I told this teenager that being bisexual is a fad, and suddenly everybody in the IRC channel started calling me a troll. Trolling: Stating an opinion differing from your own just to get a reaction and piss people off. Opinion: Stating something you believe. I forgot that channels with religious people or people who pretend they're gay/bi are shitstorms if you mention either. He said I insulted all bisexual people by calling it a fad. That's like if I had gone back into the 80's and called spandex and big hairstyles a fad, and it had offended everybody with big hair. Or if I called hippies a fad. Look how those turned out. Do people still do it? Yeah, there's some hippies still, there's people who still walk around in spandex and giant hair. Is it popular like it was back then? No. It was a fad. In 5-10 years do you think Emo will still be as popular as it is nowadays? Do you think every school will have a bunch of supposedly bisexual people? No. Will there still be emoes? Yeah sure. Will there still be bi people? Of course. It's still a fad. Hell, I bet this guy who freaked out at me (He called me an immature, close minded idiot.) has never dated a guy outside of his highschool. He just says he's bi because he thinks it makes him cool. Just... FUCK. I seem to be the only person there without a stick up my ass. Everybody's way too fucking serious about EVERYTHING. ASDJ:LKSDFJL:SKJDF:LKSDJF:LSKDJDKLAJSDHLKASJDHLJKSBGFOIWEUNCVPRUVNPWERUGN:SDN{OI AJDC{OIX{IOVG{Q(WE{Q#(* Okay, I needed that. :|
  18. It keeps me entertained.
  19. I don't know how many offices you've been to. But their security guards normally aren't allowed to carry weapons. They get pepper spray, if that. Also the guy might not've had a weapon on him at the moment, but both husband and wife have concealed carry licenses. :| They've always got a gun on them. The rest of your post was just calling me gullible. I don't see how nodding along at the interesting story makes me gullible. I have no proof they did or didn't do anything. Until I hear one way or another from a third party, it doesn't really matter to me. It makes for an interesting mental image.
  20. Without reading anything in the original post. Ya'know. Just putting this out there. You could always just opt to not read Harry Potter fanfiction. I think every other fandom I can understand. But the Harry Potter fandom baffles me.
  21. I just watched it for the first time, and I have to say it was the best movie I've seen in years. I'm probably a little slow on this though, assume everybody here's already watched it. If you haven't though, I recommend you rent it or something.
  22. His wife's really into the whole roleplaying thing... She wore a business suit and said they needed the right place... Lol... She's a nympho goddamn. :C Kinda creeps me out sometimes.
  23. I've never seen a vending machine with bars... Refrigerated vending machines are pretty common, I've seen them a lot in hospitals and other large buildings where people work for long periods of time... Her husband's a bit of a jackass. And yeah, I don't think forensic scientists come in to work on the case of the stolen sandwiches and unconscious security guard.... :| This isn't TV. It was three stolen sandwiches and an office security guard who probably had a flashlight, radio, and keys. Also her husband was walking around naked because... He's a jack ass? Seriously the guy's been pissing me off lately. He also teaches self defense so I'm sure the overweight security guard went down easy. Seriously you give security guards too much credit. And watch too many police TV shows too.
  24. About which part?
  25. Second richest member overall. :3 How I did it: Go to the casino and find a game that gets you a lot of points fast. Store those points in the bank (Keep doing so) Once you get a million or so saved up your interest just keeps getting higher and higher. Keep doing this over the course of a month or two (It takes time. ) Your bank account should be maxed out after a couple months, from just interest. Take 140,000,000 from the bank Wait a day, you'll get all of that back from interest (Or maybe it's two days) Take the 140,000,000 again. Repeat.
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